Android service tool

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Bypass frp

Adb tool:
Reocvery mode
Download mode
Reboot edl serta masi poly lagi,bisa lihat screenshot  di bawah ini:
Android service tool
Huawei testpint 
Android service tool

Xiaomi testpoint
Android service tool

Bagi yang ingin mecobanya atau ingin melihat fitur lain yang ada dalam tool ini ,silahkan pada ambil pada bawah ini
Semoga sukses

Rekomendasi Windows Yang Cocok Buwat Service Hape Android

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Rekomendasi Windows Yang Cocok Buwat Service Hape Android
Windows buat service hape
Rekomendasi windows untuk teknisi hape android.sebenarnya buat pemilihan windows ini nir terdapat patokan maupun acuan spesifik,karena seluruh tergantung berdasarkan taraf kenyamanan dan norma kita pada menggunakan.pada sini kami hanya menaruh saran saja untuk versi windows yg paling nyaman di gunakan pada kegiatan service android sehari-hari,sekali lagi buat android bukan untuk blackberry maupun nokia bb5 ( Nokia  non Android ).
Seperti yang kita ketahui buat kegiatan service hape jadulan ( Non android ) paling nyaman biasanya memakai windows xp ke bawah  sp3 serta seterusnya,di karenakan dalam windows ini poly didukung driver juga tool jadulan dalam massanya.
Lalu bagaiamana untuk android dalam jaman now?
Bagi kami versi windows sangatlah krusial dalam kegiatan service,dimana ini selalu pada pergunakan setiap hari,coba bayangkan atau mungkin pernah mengalami??? Pada ketika kerjaan software sedang menumpuk mana windows sedang error entah lantaran kelebihan beban-virus-malware-crash dsb tentu menggunakan masalah-perkara yg sudah kami sebutkan tadi akan menambah kepusingan,telah pusing nyerpis ditambah pusing karena windows error,jadi jumbo pusingnya ya wkwkwkw...maka pada postingan ini kami akan membagikan beberapa saran dalam menentukan versi windows untuk kegiatan service hape khususnya android agar nantinya kita tidak lagi pada pusingkan dikarenakan windows yang selalu hang/ngelek dsb.
Baik kita pribadi dalam pembahasan.berikut beberapa versi windows yang kami rekomendasikan buat kegiatan service hape berdasarkan kebutuhan yang ada.
Windows  10 Professional 64 bit/8.1 Pro 64 bit
Sebelum memakai versi ini pastikan spesifikasi dalam personal komputer anda mendukung,agar kinerja windows ini mampu bekerja menggunakan maksimal .usahakan menggunakan processor core i3 ram 8 gb ke atas.bila ram yg anda miliki hanya 4 gb,silahkan memakai windows 8.1 pro 64bit saja.
Kenapa versi windows ini sebagai alasan yang kuat bagi kami untuk merekomendasikanya???
Sekarang begini,kasus yg poly terjadi pada smartphone android  ini kan paling umum pada  kasus perangkat lunak ( 80 %),tentu dalam menyikapi hal ini kita wajib memperbanyak tool,khususnya cr@ck, premium seluruh mana tahan iya nir ? Hehe...silahkan lanjut dalam Alat harus teknisi jaman now nah pada sinilah letak konflik yang tak jarang terjadi pada tool cr@ck,dimana rata-homogen cr@ck itu membawa m@lware/v1rus,maka buat mengatasi masalah ini kita membutuhkan windows yang sahih-sahih kuat buat mengantisipasi kasus tersebut.
Windows 7 Professioanl 64 bit
Lagi lagi 64 bit hehe..kenapa sih harus memakai 64 bit? Gampanganya begini pada pada windows 64 bit ini kan memiliki 2 Progam arsip system tentu secara kinerja niscaya lebih baik pada bandingkan dengan yg menggunakan 32bit baik dalam segi ke amanan serta kestabilan dalam pengoprasian,
Untuk lebih kentara anda bisa mencari refrensi lebih detail pada google dengan kata kunci perbandingan windows 64bit menggunakan windows 32bit.
Dari apa apa yang telah kami jelaskan pada atas tentulah kita bisa mengambil konklusi,bahwa windows terbaru lebihlah unggul di bandingkan menggunakan versi windows sebelumnya,bagi anda pencinta tool cr@ck sangat kami rekomendasikan menggunakan windows 8.1 pro bila speak personal komputer pas-pasan serta bila speak personal komputer yang kita meliliki lebih tinggi menurut yang telah kami jelaskan di atas silahkan memakai windows 10 64bit,pada dasarnya pointya merupakan windows modern tidak memerlukan anti v1rus tambahan serta sangat kuat terhadap serangan M@lware serta v1rus.
Semua balik ke pilihan anda sendiri,jika telah terlanjur jatuh cinta dalam versi sebelumnya yaitu windows 7 kami sarankan memakai yg 64 bit.
Sekian tips berdasarkan kami memilih versi windows buat keperluan service android jaman now.
Jika mengalami kesulitan juga penerangan kami yg kurang pada pahami,silahkan hubungi kami dengan cara meninggalkan pesan pada kolom komentar yg telah kami sediakan.
Selamat mencoba serta Semoga sukses.

Cara memperbaiki kerusakan android terbaruKusus pemula yang belum paham dengan Android

Hai sobat, berjumpa lagi di artikel terbaru dari Tips blog Mfs atau dan selamat membaca.
Cara memperbaiki kerusakan android terbaru,Kusus pemula yang belum paham dengan Android
Tips android
Cara memperbaiki hp android.tutorial ini sengaja kami tulis buat kawan-mitra yg belum paham tentang android dan bagaimana cara mengatasinya waktu smartphone android ini mendadak mengalami perkara.
Pada umumnya saat android kesayangan kita mengalami kasus baik itu perkara ringan atau pun berat tentunya kita akan sangat kebingungan bagaimana langkah-langkah cara memperbaikinya mulai menurut mana dan harus bagaimana.
Mungkin ada sebagian orang yg nir mau ambil pusing maka mereka langsung membawanya ke tempat service terdekat..iya itu memang solusi yang tepat lantaran eksklusif pada serahkan ke ahlinya,lalu bagaimana bila Tempat service android jauh dari rumah agan??? Ataupun android yang sedang kita pake mengalami masalah secara tiba-datang misalnya bootloop bahkan mati total sedangkan ketika tidak berpihak..huhu
Misal begini' yg namanya barang elektro itu gak bisa kita pastikan kapan dia mau rusak serta jam berapa jua harus rusak iya tidak? Mungkin klo rusaknya di jam siang atau sore solusinya mudah saja,tinggal agan bawa ketukang service beres dah semuanya..lha apabila rusaknya tengah malam di mana terdapat loka service buka ??? Tentu kita akan kebingungan sendiri seperti yg admin rasakan dulu..mana smartphone satu-satunya lagi rusak jua,padahal besok pagi harus di pake buat menghubungi sana-sini tentunya kita akan sangat panik,dimana indera komunikasi yg pada pake sehari-hari mengalami masalah.
Baik lanjut ke pokok inti bagaimana cara memperbaiki android yg mendadak rusak dalam artian ada beberapa kategory yg paling umum kerusakan  yg acapkali terjadi.
1.Stuck pada logo
Cara memperbaiki kerusakan android terbaru,Kusus pemula yang belum paham dengan Android
Untuk perkara ini agan wajib jeli memperhatikan logo animasinya bila logo/gambar pada smartphone tersebut masi gerak mudah-mudahan menggunakan cara masuk mode Recovery lalu melakukan hard reset umumnya kasus akan teratasi (Semua data hilang ).serta jika lambang logo animasi diem maka kita akan melakukan pemugaran lebih lanjut denggan cara Flasing ulang.
Penanganan kasus ini caranya pula hampir sama menggunakan cara no1 lakukan hardreset terlebih dahulu apabila nir berhasil mampu langsung melakukan reload OS/flashing ulang tata caranya telah ada mulai menurut Tutorial-Tool Plus firmarenya sudah lengkap kami sediakan
3.Mendadak meninggal total
Langkah awal yang harus di perhatikan adalah mengecek batrenya,terkadang batre baru mau juga bermasalah ( Soak ) caba lakukan pengecasan terlebih dahulu tunggu sampe 30 menit apabila tidak ada pertanda-pertanda sama sekali mungkin batre telah drop total penyelesaiannya tinggal copot batre lalu cas lewat charger kodok/jepit terselesaikan.
4.Tiba-tiba hangdan smartphone menjadi tewas total
Cara penanganya coba colok ke pc/laptop kalo masi memungkinkan buat melakukan flasing ulang silahkan mencobanya caranya telah terdapat dalam point2.
Mungkin itu saja yg mampu admin bagikan buwat kawan-mitra-cara perbaikan android kusus pemula yang belum paham mengenai android,apabila terdapat pertanyaan silahkan tinggalkan komentar bila sakit berlanjut hubungi Suster
Selamat mencoba serta Semoga sukses

Download Firmware / Stock ROM Advan S35H All Version Latest Update

Download Firmware / Stock ROM Advan S35H All Version

Firmware adalah suatu sebutan untuk perangkat lunak pada sebuah media memory mini pada sebuah perangkat keras. Apabila Perangkat Anda mengalami masalah seperti Bootloop, Stuck in Logo, Brick, Mati Total ataupun masalah Software lainnya, maka anda membutuhkan instalasi Firmware yang baru untuk memperbaiki sistem yang rusak tersebut. 

Jika perangkat Android Anda mengalami masalah Sistem, saya sarankan jangan cepat-cepat membawanya ke tukang Service, tapi anda juga berpeluang untuk melakukan perbaikan dengan cara melakukan Flashing Firmware atau Stock ROM

Jika perangkat Android anda adalah Advan S35H dan sedang mengalami kerusakan sistem maka dipostingan saya mempunyai Firmware Advan S35H untuk anda unduh demi kepentingan perbaikan.

Jika anda ingin mendapatkan Firmware atau Stock ROM Android Advan pada model lainnya, maka anda bisa mendapatkannya pada postingan Download Firmware Android Advan Semua Model.
Setelah anda mendapatkan file Firmware Advan S35H pada postingan ini, maka saya juga telah membuat postingan untuk melakukan Flashing Firmware Advan S35H sesuai dengan format dari Firmware tersebut. Jika firmware Advan S35H anda adalah .cpb maka anda bisa melakukan Flashing menggunakan YGDP Tool, dan apabila Firmware Advan S35H anda .pac maka anda dapat melakukan Flashing menggunakan Spreadtrum Upgrade Tool.

Ada beberapa Firmware Advan harus di Flashing Menggunakan QPST Flash Tool untuk Chipset Qualcomm dan SPFT Flash Tool untuk Chipset Mediatek. Itupun sesuai dengan Firmware yang anda unduh.

Untuk mendownload Firmware Advan S35H, anda bisa mendapatinya pada hyperlink didalam tabel dibawah ini:

Firmware adalah suatu sebutan untuk perangkat lunak pada sebuah media memory mini pada sebuah perangkat keras. Apabila Perangkat Anda mengalami masalah seperti Bootloop, Stuck in Logo, Brick, Mati Total ataupun masalah Software lainnya, maka anda membutuhkan instalasi Firmware yang baru untuk memperbaiki sistem yang rusak tersebut. 

Jika perangkat Android Anda mengalami masalah Sistem, saya sarankan jangan cepat-cepat membawanya ke tukang Service, tapi anda juga berpeluang untuk melakukan perbaikan dengan cara melakukan Flashing Firmware atau Stock ROM

Jika perangkat Android anda adalah Advan S35H dan sedang mengalami kerusakan sistem maka dipostingan saya mempunyai Firmware Advan S35H untuk anda unduh demi kepentingan perbaikan.

Jika anda ingin mendapatkan Firmware atau Stock ROM Android Advan pada model lainnya, maka anda bisa mendapatkannya pada postingan Download Firmware Android Advan Semua Model.
Setelah anda mendapatkan file Firmware Advan S35H pada postingan ini, maka saya juga telah membuat postingan untuk melakukan Flashing Firmware Advan S35H sesuai dengan format dari Firmware tersebut. Jika firmware Advan S35H anda adalah .cpb maka anda bisa melakukan Flashing menggunakan YGDP Tool, dan apabila Firmware Advan S35H anda .pac maka anda dapat melakukan Flashing menggunakan Spreadtrum Upgrade Tool.

Ada beberapa Firmware Advan harus di Flashing Menggunakan QPST Flash Tool untuk Chipset Qualcomm dan SPFT Flash Tool untuk Chipset Mediatek. Itupun sesuai dengan Firmware yang anda unduh.

Untuk mendownload Firmware Advan S35H, anda bisa mendapatinya pada hyperlink didalam tabel dibawah ini:

WG3589 S35H SP7715 FLASH512 256 4.4.220190702.rar 415.19 MB
WG3589 S35H SP7715 FLASH512 256 4.4.220190713.rar 415.19 MB
WG3589 S35H SP7715 FLASH512 256 430.57 MB
WG3589 S35H SP7715 FLASH512 256 4.4.220190922-NEW LCD.pac 524.21 MB

How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 2 ZE500CL Using Unlock Tool Apps Latest Update

How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 2 ZE500CL Using Unlock Tool Apps

Bootloader is a application that hundreds when your ASUS Zenfone 2 ZE500CL boots and tests to make certain the whole thing is because it need to be. More mainly, the bootloader is looking for any unofficial software program that the producer or your service hasn’t signed off on.
Bootloader is a totally essential a part of your ASUS Zenfone 2 ZE500CL security. That's what stops unapproved and potentially dangerous 0.33-celebration software program from doing actual harm. This additionally stops you from doing all forms of fun matters, like rooting to put in advert blockers, or flash unique ROMs.
Obviously, unlock Bootloader is an attempt to risk the security of your ASUS Zenfone 2 ZE500CL, but, if you are ready to take all the risks that will occur, that is your right. I am here just telling you how to unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 2 ZE500CL using the official application from referred to as "Unlock Device Tool Apps".
Optional: If you need Stock ROM ASUS Zenfone (All Models), you can get it within the "Download Stock ROM ASUS Zenfone (All Models)" post and to get RAW Firmware for ASUS Zenfone, you may get it inside the put up "Download RAW ASUS Firmware (All Models) ". And additionally you may get ASUS Flash Tool for Flashing Firmware functions inside the publish "Download ASUS Flash Tool (All Versions)". Hope it can help you.
Well, I assume you understand what I said before, now you can follow step by step below to unlock Bootloader your ASUS Zenfone 2 ZE500CL.
  • Charge your ASUS Zenfone 2 ZE500CL, as a minimum 70% or greater.
  • Backup your data, unlocking Bootloader will delete your mobile data, so it is recommended to backup data.
  • Allow set up of programs from unknown assets, even though the legitimate "Unlock Device Tool Apps" utility comes from, but all Androids will block programs from other events who need to put in the APK application except from the Play Store. The answer is to open the "Unknown Sources" characteristic inside the "Settings" -> "Security" -> Device Administration.
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 2 ZE500CL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps
Unknown Sources

  • Download the APK record software in the publish "Download ASUS Zenfone 2 ZE500CL Unlock Device Tool Apps". Not all of these programs are with APK extensions, but there are also ZIP compresses. If you discover a ZIP file, make sure you do UNZIP.
  • After you get the APK report in question, now insert the record into your ASUS Zenfone 2 ZE500CL tool, with the aid of connecting your cellular phone with a pc the usage of a USB cable, positioned the APK document on your ASUS Zenfone 2 ZE500CL storage.
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 2 ZE500CL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps
ASUS Zenfone 2 ZE500CL Unlock Apps

  • Now is the time to put in the "Unlock Device Tool Apps" application on your ASUS Zenfone 2 ZE500CL device, by tapping it twice. After you tap it, you will see a warning message about unlocking Bootloader, check the approval box at the bottom.
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 2 ZE500CL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps

  • Now, press the unlock button "PRESS TO UNLOCK YOUR DEVICE".
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 2 ZE500CL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps

  • After you run the "ASUS Unlock Tool" application on your ASUS Zenfone 2 ZE500CL, your mobile will restart. This does now not take too long from the usual boot cycle. Your cellular telephone may not feel exclusive, but relaxation confident, it's now not the identical tool five mins ago. You will see a short caution whilst the cellphone boots so you recognise that it can't test the broken report due to the fact the bootloader is not locked. That method you are prepared to explore the crazy international of custom ROMs, kernels, and recovery!

Source: //

How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 3s Max ZC521TL Using Unlock Tool Apps Latest Update

How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 3s Max ZC521TL Using Unlock Tool Apps

Bootloader is a software that hundreds when your ASUS Zenfone 3s Max ZC521TL boots and tests to ensure the entirety is because it should be. More especially, the bootloader is looking for any unofficial software program that the manufacturer or your service hasn’t signed off on.
Bootloader is a very critical part of your ASUS Zenfone 3s Max ZC521TL protection. That's what stops unapproved and potentially dangerous 1/3-celebration software from doing actual harm. This additionally stops you from doing all varieties of amusing matters, like rooting to install ad blockers, or flash unique ROMs.
Obviously, unlock Bootloader is an attempt to risk the security of your ASUS Zenfone 3s Max ZC521TL, but, if you are ready to take all the risks that will occur, that is your right. I am here just telling you how to unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 3s Max ZC521TL using the official application from known as "Unlock Device Tool Apps".
Optional: If you need Stock ROM ASUS Zenfone (All Models), you may get it in the "Download Stock ROM ASUS Zenfone (All Models)" publish and to get RAW Firmware for ASUS Zenfone, you may get it within the publish "Download RAW ASUS Firmware (All Models) ". And additionally you can get ASUS Flash Tool for Flashing Firmware purposes in the publish "Download ASUS Flash Tool (All Versions)". Hope it permit you to.
Well, I assume you understand what I said before, now you can follow step by step below to unlock Bootloader your ASUS Zenfone 3s Max ZC521TL.
  • Charge your ASUS Zenfone 3s Max ZC521TL, at the least 70% or extra.
  • Backup your data, unlocking Bootloader will delete your mobile data, so it is recommended to backup data.
  • Allow set up of packages from unknown sources, even though the reputable "Unlock Device Tool Apps" utility comes from, however all Androids will block packages from different events who want to put in the APK utility besides from the Play Store. The solution is to open the "Unknown Sources" function in the "Settings" -> "Security" -> Device Administration.
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 3s Max ZC521TL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps
Unknown Sources

  • Download the APK record application inside the submit "Download ASUS Zenfone 3s Max ZC521TL Unlock Device Tool Apps". Not all of those packages are with APK extensions, but there are also ZIP compresses. If you find a ZIP report, ensure you do UNZIP.
  • After you get the APK report in question, now insert the document into your ASUS Zenfone 3s Max ZC521TL tool, by means of connecting your cellphone with a pc the use of a USB cable, positioned the APK record to your ASUS Zenfone 3s Max ZC521TL garage.
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 3s Max ZC521TL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps
ASUS Zenfone 3s Max ZC521TL Unlock Apps

  • Now is the time to put in the "Unlock Device Tool Apps" utility on your ASUS Zenfone 3s Max ZC521TL device, by tapping it twice. After you tap it, you will see a warning message about unlocking Bootloader, check the approval box at the bottom.
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 3s Max ZC521TL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps

  • Now, press the release button "PRESS TO UNLOCK YOUR DEVICE".
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 3s Max ZC521TL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps

  • After you run the "ASUS Unlock Tool" utility on your ASUS Zenfone 3s Max ZC521TL, your mobile will restart. This does now not take too lengthy from the same old boot cycle. Your cellular telephone won't sense one-of-a-kind, however relaxation confident, it's no longer the equal tool five minutes in the past. You will see a brief warning when the telephone boots so that you realize that it can not check the damaged record due to the fact the bootloader isn't locked. That manner you're prepared to explore the crazy international of custom ROMs, kernels, and recovery!

Source: //

How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone Live L1 ZA550KL Using Unlock Tool Apps Latest Update

How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone Live (L1) ZA550KL Using Unlock Tool Apps

Bootloader is a software that loads whilst your ASUS Zenfone Live (L1) ZA550KL boots and tests to make sure the whole thing is as it have to be. More mainly, the bootloader is looking for any unofficial software that the producer or your service hasn’t signed off on.
Bootloader is a very important a part of your ASUS Zenfone Live (L1) ZA550KL protection. That's what stops unapproved and potentially dangerous third-birthday party software program from doing real damage. This additionally stops you from doing all forms of amusing matters, like rooting to put in advert blockers, or flash special ROMs.
Obviously, unlock Bootloader is an attempt to risk the security of your ASUS Zenfone Live (L1) ZA550KL, but, if you are ready to take all the risks that will occur, that is your right. I am here just telling you how to unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone Live (L1) ZA550KL using the official application from known as "Unlock Device Tool Apps".
Optional: If you need Stock ROM ASUS Zenfone (All Models), you could get it inside the "Download Stock ROM ASUS Zenfone (All Models)" put up and to get RAW Firmware for ASUS Zenfone, you can get it inside the put up "Download RAW ASUS Firmware (All Models) ". And also you may get ASUS Flash Tool for Flashing Firmware purposes in the post "Download ASUS Flash Tool (All Versions)". Hope it assist you to.
Well, I assume you understand what I said before, now you can follow step by step below to unlock Bootloader your ASUS Zenfone Live (L1) ZA550KL.
  • Charge your ASUS Zenfone Live (L1) ZA550KL, at the least 70% or more.
  • Backup your data, unlocking Bootloader will delete your mobile data, so it is recommended to backup data.
  • Allow set up of applications from unknown resources, despite the fact that the reliable "Unlock Device Tool Apps" application comes from, but all Androids will block packages from different parties who need to put in the APK application besides from the Play Store. The solution is to open the "Unknown Sources" characteristic within the "Settings" -> "Security" -> Device Administration.
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone Live (L1) ZA550KL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps
Unknown Sources

  • Download the APK document application inside the post "Download ASUS Zenfone Live (L1) ZA550KL Unlock Device Tool Apps". Not all of these programs are with APK extensions, however there are also ZIP compresses. If you find a ZIP file, ensure you do UNZIP.
  • After you get the APK record in question, now insert the record into your ASUS Zenfone Live (L1) ZA550KL tool, via connecting your cellular phone with a computer the use of a USB cable, placed the APK file for your ASUS Zenfone Live (L1) ZA550KL garage.
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone Live (L1) ZA550KL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps
ASUS Zenfone Live (L1) ZA550KL Unlock Apps

  • Now is the time to put in the "Unlock Device Tool Apps" software in your ASUS Zenfone Live (L1) ZA550KL device, by tapping it twice. After you tap it, you will see a warning message about unlocking Bootloader, check the approval box at the bottom.
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone Live (L1) ZA550KL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps

  • Now, press the unlock button "PRESS TO UNLOCK YOUR DEVICE".
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone Live (L1) ZA550KL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps

  • After you run the "ASUS Unlock Tool" software in your ASUS Zenfone Live (L1) ZA550KL, your cell will restart. This does no longer take too long from the same old boot cycle. Your cellular phone might not experience distinct, but rest confident, it is no longer the equal tool five mins ago. You will see a quick caution while the telephone boots so you understand that it can not test the damaged file due to the fact the bootloader isn't always locked. That approach you are ready to discover the crazy global of custom ROMs, kernels, and recovery!

Source: //

How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 5Q ZC600KL Using Unlock Tool Apps Latest Update

How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 5Q ZC600KL Using Unlock Tool Apps

Bootloader is a application that loads whilst your ASUS Zenfone 5Q ZC600KL boots and exams to make certain everything is as it ought to be. More specially, the bootloader is seeking out any unofficial software program that the producer or your service hasn’t signed off on.
Bootloader is a totally vital part of your ASUS Zenfone 5Q ZC600KL protection. That's what stops unapproved and probably dangerous 1/3-party software from doing real damage. This additionally stops you from doing all kinds of a laugh things, like rooting to install advert blockers, or flash unique ROMs.
Obviously, unlock Bootloader is an attempt to risk the security of your ASUS Zenfone 5Q ZC600KL, but, if you are ready to take all the risks that will occur, that is your right. I am here just telling you how to unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 5Q ZC600KL using the official application from called "Unlock Device Tool Apps".
Optional: If you need Stock ROM ASUS Zenfone (All Models), you could get it in the "Download Stock ROM ASUS Zenfone (All Models)" submit and to get RAW Firmware for ASUS Zenfone, you may get it within the publish "Download RAW ASUS Firmware (All Models) ". And also you can get ASUS Flash Tool for Flashing Firmware functions in the submit "Download ASUS Flash Tool (All Versions)". Hope it will let you.
Well, I assume you understand what I said before, now you can follow step by step below to unlock Bootloader your ASUS Zenfone 5Q ZC600KL.
  • Charge your ASUS Zenfone 5Q ZC600KL, at the least 70% or greater.
  • Backup your data, unlocking Bootloader will delete your mobile data, so it is recommended to backup data.
  • Allow installation of packages from unknown sources, even though the reliable "Unlock Device Tool Apps" application comes from, but all Androids will block applications from different events who want to put in the APK utility besides from the Play Store. The solution is to open the "Unknown Sources" feature inside the "Settings" -> "Security" -> Device Administration.
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 5Q ZC600KL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps
Unknown Sources

  • Download the APK file application in the put up "Download ASUS Zenfone 5Q ZC600KL Unlock Device Tool Apps". Not all of those applications are with APK extensions, but there are also ZIP compresses. If you find a ZIP file, ensure you do UNZIP.
  • After you get the APK file in question, now insert the report into your ASUS Zenfone 5Q ZC600KL device, by way of connecting your mobile phone with a computer the use of a USB cable, placed the APK file to your ASUS Zenfone 5Q ZC600KL garage.
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 5Q ZC600KL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps
ASUS Zenfone 5Q ZC600KL Unlock Apps

  • Now is the time to put in the "Unlock Device Tool Apps" application to your ASUS Zenfone 5Q ZC600KL device, by tapping it twice. After you tap it, you will see a warning message about unlocking Bootloader, check the approval box at the bottom.
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 5Q ZC600KL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps

  • Now, press the unencumber button "PRESS TO UNLOCK YOUR DEVICE".
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 5Q ZC600KL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps

  • After you run the "ASUS Unlock Tool" application to your ASUS Zenfone 5Q ZC600KL, your mobile will restart. This does now not take too long from the usual boot cycle. Your mobile phone might not feel one of a kind, however rest assured, it's not the identical tool five minutes ago. You will see a quick warning when the phone boots so that you know that it can not test the damaged file because the bootloader isn't always locked. That method you are prepared to explore the loopy international of custom ROMs, kernels, and recovery!

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How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone Live ZB501KL Using Unlock Tool Apps Latest Update

How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone Live ZB501KL Using Unlock Tool Apps

Bootloader is a application that loads while your ASUS Zenfone Live ZB501KL boots and tests to make certain the whole lot is because it ought to be. More specifically, the bootloader is looking for any unofficial software program that the producer or your service hasn’t signed off on.
Bootloader is a very essential a part of your ASUS Zenfone Live ZB501KL protection. That's what stops unapproved and probably dangerous 1/3-party software program from doing actual damage. This additionally stops you from doing all varieties of a laugh things, like rooting to install advert blockers, or flash unique ROMs.
Obviously, unlock Bootloader is an attempt to risk the security of your ASUS Zenfone Live ZB501KL, but, if you are ready to take all the risks that will occur, that is your right. I am here just telling you how to unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone Live ZB501KL using the official application from referred to as "Unlock Device Tool Apps".
Optional: If you want Stock ROM ASUS Zenfone (All Models), you may get it in the "Download Stock ROM ASUS Zenfone (All Models)" put up and to get RAW Firmware for ASUS Zenfone, you may get it in the post "Download RAW ASUS Firmware (All Models) ". And also you may get ASUS Flash Tool for Flashing Firmware purposes inside the publish "Download ASUS Flash Tool (All Versions)". Hope it allow you to.
Well, I assume you understand what I said before, now you can follow step by step below to unlock Bootloader your ASUS Zenfone Live ZB501KL.
  • Charge your ASUS Zenfone Live ZB501KL, at least 70% or greater.
  • Backup your data, unlocking Bootloader will delete your mobile data, so it is recommended to backup data.
  • Allow installation of applications from unknown resources, even though the respectable "Unlock Device Tool Apps" application comes from, however all Androids will block applications from different parties who want to install the APK utility besides from the Play Store. The solution is to open the "Unknown Sources" function in the "Settings" -> "Security" -> Device Administration.
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone Live ZB501KL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps
Unknown Sources

  • Download the APK report software in the post "Download ASUS Zenfone Live ZB501KL Unlock Device Tool Apps". Not all of these programs are with APK extensions, however there are also ZIP compresses. If you discover a ZIP file, make certain you do UNZIP.
  • After you get the APK file in question, now insert the file into your ASUS Zenfone Live ZB501KL device, by connecting your mobile phone with a laptop the usage of a USB cable, put the APK report on your ASUS Zenfone Live ZB501KL garage.
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone Live ZB501KL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps
ASUS Zenfone Live ZB501KL Unlock Apps

  • Now is the time to put in the "Unlock Device Tool Apps" software in your ASUS Zenfone Live ZB501KL device, by tapping it twice. After you tap it, you will see a warning message about unlocking Bootloader, check the approval box at the bottom.
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone Live ZB501KL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps

  • Now, press the liberate button "PRESS TO UNLOCK YOUR DEVICE".
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone Live ZB501KL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps

  • After you run the "ASUS Unlock Tool" software in your ASUS Zenfone Live ZB501KL, your cellular will restart. This does not take too long from the same old boot cycle. Your cellular phone might not feel specific, however relaxation confident, it's no longer the equal tool five mins in the past. You will see a quick warning while the smartphone boots so that you recognise that it can not test the damaged file due to the fact the bootloader isn't locked. That method you're prepared to discover the crazy international of custom ROMs, kernels, and recovery!

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How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 4 Selfie ZB553KL Using Unlock Tool Apps Latest Update

How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 4 Selfie ZB553KL Using Unlock Tool Apps

Bootloader is a application that masses when your ASUS Zenfone 4 Selfie ZB553KL boots and exams to make certain the entirety is as it should be. More particularly, the bootloader is searching out any unofficial software that the manufacturer or your service hasn’t signed off on.
Bootloader is a totally vital part of your ASUS Zenfone 4 Selfie ZB553KL security. That's what stops unapproved and doubtlessly dangerous third-party software from doing real damage. This additionally stops you from doing all sorts of a laugh matters, like rooting to put in ad blockers, or flash unique ROMs.
Obviously, unlock Bootloader is an attempt to risk the security of your ASUS Zenfone 4 Selfie ZB553KL, but, if you are ready to take all the risks that will occur, that is your right. I am here just telling you how to unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 4 Selfie ZB553KL using the official application from known as "Unlock Device Tool Apps".
Optional: If you need Stock ROM ASUS Zenfone (All Models), you may get it in the "Download Stock ROM ASUS Zenfone (All Models)" post and to get RAW Firmware for ASUS Zenfone, you may get it inside the publish "Download RAW ASUS Firmware (All Models) ". And also you can get ASUS Flash Tool for Flashing Firmware purposes inside the publish "Download ASUS Flash Tool (All Versions)". Hope it permit you to.
Well, I assume you understand what I said before, now you can follow step by step below to unlock Bootloader your ASUS Zenfone 4 Selfie ZB553KL.
  • Charge your ASUS Zenfone 4 Selfie ZB553KL, at least 70% or more.
  • Backup your data, unlocking Bootloader will delete your mobile data, so it is recommended to backup data.
  • Allow set up of packages from unknown resources, even though the reliable "Unlock Device Tool Apps" application comes from, but all Androids will block programs from other events who want to put in the APK utility besides from the Play Store. The solution is to open the "Unknown Sources" feature in the "Settings" -> "Security" -> Device Administration.
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 4 Selfie ZB553KL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps
Unknown Sources

  • Download the APK record utility in the publish "Download ASUS Zenfone 4 Selfie ZB553KL Unlock Device Tool Apps". Not all of these programs are with APK extensions, but there also are ZIP compresses. If you find a ZIP record, make sure you do UNZIP.
  • After you get the APK record in question, now insert the document into your ASUS Zenfone 4 Selfie ZB553KL device, by means of connecting your cellular telephone with a laptop the use of a USB cable, positioned the APK record on your ASUS Zenfone 4 Selfie ZB553KL garage.
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 4 Selfie ZB553KL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps
ASUS Zenfone 4 Selfie ZB553KL Unlock Apps

  • Now is the time to install the "Unlock Device Tool Apps" software to your ASUS Zenfone 4 Selfie ZB553KL device, by tapping it twice. After you tap it, you will see a warning message about unlocking Bootloader, check the approval box at the bottom.
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 4 Selfie ZB553KL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps

  • Now, press the free up button "PRESS TO UNLOCK YOUR DEVICE".
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 4 Selfie ZB553KL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps

  • After you run the "ASUS Unlock Tool" software to your ASUS Zenfone 4 Selfie ZB553KL, your cellular will restart. This does now not take too long from the usual boot cycle. Your cellphone may not experience distinctive, but rest confident, it's not the equal tool five mins in the past. You will see a short caution when the telephone boots so that you understand that it can not take a look at the broken record because the bootloader isn't locked. That manner you are prepared to discover the crazy global of custom ROMs, kernels, and recovery!

Source: //

How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 3 Max ZC520TL Using Unlock Tool Apps Latest Update

How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 3 Max ZC520TL Using Unlock Tool Apps

Bootloader is a program that hundreds whilst your ASUS Zenfone 3 Max ZC520TL boots and assessments to ensure everything is because it should be. More mainly, the bootloader is looking for any unofficial software that the manufacturer or your service hasn’t signed off on.
Bootloader is a completely crucial part of your ASUS Zenfone 3 Max ZC520TL safety. That's what stops unapproved and potentially dangerous third-birthday celebration software from doing actual damage. This also stops you from doing all sorts of fun things, like rooting to install advert blockers, or flash special ROMs.
Obviously, unlock Bootloader is an attempt to risk the security of your ASUS Zenfone 3 Max ZC520TL, but, if you are ready to take all the risks that will occur, that is your right. I am here just telling you how to unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 3 Max ZC520TL using the official application from known as "Unlock Device Tool Apps".
Optional: If you want Stock ROM ASUS Zenfone (All Models), you may get it within the "Download Stock ROM ASUS Zenfone (All Models)" submit and to get RAW Firmware for ASUS Zenfone, you could get it inside the put up "Download RAW ASUS Firmware (All Models) ". And also you can get ASUS Flash Tool for Flashing Firmware purposes within the post "Download ASUS Flash Tool (All Versions)". Hope it can help you.
Well, I assume you understand what I said before, now you can follow step by step below to unlock Bootloader your ASUS Zenfone 3 Max ZC520TL.
  • Charge your ASUS Zenfone 3 Max ZC520TL, as a minimum 70% or greater.
  • Backup your data, unlocking Bootloader will delete your mobile data, so it is recommended to backup data.
  • Allow installation of packages from unknown assets, even though the authentic "Unlock Device Tool Apps" application comes from, however all Androids will block applications from other events who want to put in the APK software besides from the Play Store. The answer is to open the "Unknown Sources" function inside the "Settings" -> "Security" -> Device Administration.
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 3 Max ZC520TL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps
Unknown Sources

  • Download the APK record utility within the submit "Download ASUS Zenfone 3 Max ZC520TL Unlock Device Tool Apps". Not all of those packages are with APK extensions, but there are also ZIP compresses. If you find a ZIP document, ensure you do UNZIP.
  • After you get the APK report in question, now insert the document into your ASUS Zenfone 3 Max ZC520TL device, with the aid of connecting your cellular phone with a pc using a USB cable, placed the APK file to your ASUS Zenfone 3 Max ZC520TL storage.
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 3 Max ZC520TL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps
ASUS Zenfone 3 Max ZC520TL Unlock Apps

  • Now is the time to install the "Unlock Device Tool Apps" application in your ASUS Zenfone 3 Max ZC520TL device, by tapping it twice. After you tap it, you will see a warning message about unlocking Bootloader, check the approval box at the bottom.
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 3 Max ZC520TL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps

  • Now, press the liberate button "PRESS TO UNLOCK YOUR DEVICE".
How to Unlock Bootloader ASUS Zenfone 3 Max ZC520TL Android Devices Using Unlock Device Tool Apps

  • After you run the "ASUS Unlock Tool" application in your ASUS Zenfone 3 Max ZC520TL, your mobile will restart. This does not take too lengthy from the standard boot cycle. Your cellphone might not sense different, however rest assured, it is now not the equal tool five minutes in the past. You will see a brief warning when the telephone boots so you realize that it can't check the damaged record due to the fact the bootloader isn't always locked. That means you are equipped to explore the loopy world of custom ROMs, kernels, and recovery!

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