Flash Unbrick Xiaomi Redmi 3


Kali ini admin akan membahas mengenai Xiaomi Redmi 3, Judul diatas mewakili artikel saya saat ini, Yaitu cara flash xiaomi redmi 3, Unbrick Xiaomi Redmi 3, Dan mengatasi Lupa Kode Pengaman Xiaomi Redmi 3.

Sebelum ke pembahasan aku akan cerita dulu biar lebih jelas.kemarin Saya ada garapan Xiaomi redmi 3 yg lupa kode pengaman, gak tau itu kode apa, yang terperinci ketika sesekali salah memasukan kode pengaman tadi timbul Tulisan telepon terkunci dan suruh menunggu beberapa menit buat mencoba lagi, Fikir admin itu hal mudah, lantaran biasanya cukup masuk recovery akan tetapi gak sanggup masuk recovery, atau reset melalui fastboot mode selesai, tapi gak tau kenapa pada waktu reset via fastboot ada peringatan Device Is Locked, Oke mungkin perintah nya salah dan berfikir lanjut flash aja biar gak ribet, Kemudian aku download firmware Fastboot dai miui, kemuddian saya flash via fastboot ternyata sama device is locked.disini aku mulai berfikir, "ko gak biasanya seperti ini, perkara Micloud aja gampang ko ini susah", lantaran saya orangnya Selalu bertanya-tanya suka dengan hal yang baru maka aku lanjut tanpa berfikir resiko.
Yang admin coba selanjutnya adalah Flash pada mode Download dan alhamdulillah hp pun jadi meninggal.mati aja tetap bersyukur, apalagi nyala :v , Saya cuma berfikir kalau tewas paling ganti, lantaran buat saya pengalaman adalah guru yg paling berharga..

Demikian Cerita admin hari ini, sekaang giliran agan membuat cerita mengenai pengalaman saat ini, lantaran beserta baca tulisan saya saat ini berarti kamu punya cerita sendiri dan pengalaman sendiri.
Pertama siapkan dulu bahan2 nya.1. Firmware Fastboot Xiaomi Redmi 3 Global2. Driver Qualcomm3. MiflashSemua Bahan Di atas telah satu paket Disini
NB: Kalau anda takut dengan resiko yg akan terjadi lebih baik jangan lanjutkan, kecuali siap menanggung resiko atau memang kondisi hp nya telah terlanjur meninggal. Usahakan memakai Windows 64bit jangan 32bit, karena pada saat aku coba bersama windows 32bit mengalami error saat flashing, kalau mau mencobanya silahkan Tapi resiko Ditanggung Sendiri, Tapi Insyaallah pasti ada jalan keluar.
Kalau Bahan telah siap silahkan extract serta install MiFlash, Kalau sudah saat ini matikan Xiaomi Redmi 3 nya, Kemudian Tekan Volume atas Dan Power secara bersamaan, Ketika Logo Xiaomi Muncul lepaskan tombol power tapi tetap menekan volume atas Hinggan Muncul Tulisan-catatan campur bahasa china, Pilih saja yang bertulisan Download, nanti hp akan reboot ke download mode, sekarang sambungkan Hp Menggunakan USB serta pastikan Pada Device Manajer Terdetek Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008.


Sekarang buka MiFlash Yang tersebut telah di install, bila Miflash nya gak terdapat di desktop bisa buka di C:Program Files (x86)XiaomiMiPhoneMiFlash.exe (ini tempat admin)
Setelah MiFlash Terbuka Klik Browse Pada MiFlash Kemudian Arahkan Ke Folder Firmware Xiaomi Redmi 3 Yang Tadi Sudah Di Download.


Kemudian Coba Klik Refresh Pada MiFlash dan pastikan COM Sudah Terbaca, Kalau Sudah Terbaca Sekarang Klik Flash Dan Tunggu sampai proses Flash Selesai.
Jjangan Ganggu dikala proses flashing sedang berjalan, serta ingat jangan cabut USB Sebelum terdapat tulisan The Operation Completed Succsessfully.

Sumber: www.zoneflasher.com
Sumber: firmware27.blogspot.com

Cara Flash Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro Bootloop

Rizal Flasher - Kali ini aku akan membahas cara mengatasi Bootlop pada redmi note 3pro dengan cara memflashing ulang Xiaomi Redmi 3pro tadi.

Persyaratan sebelum melakukan flashing
Pastikan baterai Redmi Note 3 Pro dalam keadaan full charged atau minimal 50-60%
Kabel USB Original atau yg berkualitas baik;
PC/Laptop bersama 32-64bit OS Windows 7 ke atas.

Bahan-Bahan Yang Dibutuhkan

1. Fastboot edl.7z Download Disini
2. MiFlashTool 2019 Suport windows 32-64bit Disini
3.driver HS-USB QD Loader EDL : Disini
4. Download Firmware Redmi Note 3 Pro Disini
5. Download Frimware Redmi Note 3 SE Disini

Setelah sudah mengunduh bahan-bahan di atas, ikuti langkah dibawah ini.

1. Install QDLoader HS-USB, klik Next hingga proses selesai.


2. Selanjutnya Install MiFlashTools, yang telah di download tadi.

3. Setelah selesai instalasi, sambungkan Redmi Note 3 Pro/SE ke PC/Laptop memakai kabel USB Original atau yang berkualitas baik, matikan smartphone, masuk ke mode fastboot beserta menekan tombol Vol Down + Power secara bersamaan beberapa detik hingga muncul logo fastboot.

Baca Juga: Cara Remove Akun Mi Cloud Xiaomi Redmi 5a Riva

4. Untuk memastikan bahwa Redmi Note 3 anda terkoneksi bersama mode fastboot, buka folder c:adb lalu tekan tombol SHIFT + Klik Kanan pada bagian kosong, pilih Open command window here.

5. Kemudian ketik perintah ketik Fastboot Devices Jika terdapat angka dan huruf beberapa digit, adalah Redmi Note 3 anda berhasil berada dalam mode fastboot.


6. Setelah berhasil masuk ke mode fastboot, jalankan MiFlash Tools bersama klik kanan Run as Administrator pada XiaoMiFlash.exe yang berada di folder C:XiaoMiXiaoMiFlash

Klik Refresh


7. Jika Redmi Note 3 Pro kamu terdeteksi, akan muncul kombinasi nomor serta huruf mirip dengan gambar berikut.


8. Selanjutnya letakkan berkas hasil ekstrak Fastboot Edl.7z pada folder c:adb kemudian jalankan (double klik) file edl.cmd.


9. Dalam sesaat, layar smartphone kamu akan tewas dan lampu notifikasi berwarna merah akan berkedap-kedip. Jangan khawatir, smartphone anda berada pada mode EDL

Sebelum lanjut ke langkah berikutnya, pastikan bahwa driver Qualcom HS-USB QDLoader telah benar -benar berhasil terinstal ditandai beserta tidak adanya pertanda pentung pada Port (COM & LPT) di Device Manager di pc mirip dengan gambar di bawah ini.


10. Jika telah berhasil, lanjut ke langkah selanjutnya. Kembali ke MiFlash Tools, klik Refresh. Maka kode device yang tadinya berupa angka serta huruf acak akan menjelma COMX, tergantung dari komputer/Laptop anda.


11.selanjutnya pilih select, serta arahkan ke folder dimana anda menyimpan hasil ekstrak dari ROM Kenzo tersebut.


12. Klik OK. Pada opsi di bagian bawah MiFlash, pilih Clean all untuk menghindari bug yang tak diinginkan.


Jika sudah, baca bismillah terlebih dahulu kemudian klik Flash.


Tunggu beberapa ketika hingga proses flashing selesai ditandai beserta status “flash done” dan result “success” yg memakan waktu sekitar 12 dtk.

Jika telah, smartphone Xiaomi kamu akan restart otomatis. Jika tak, lepaskan kabel USB dan coba nyalakan smartphone bersama menekan tombol Power beberapa saat.

13. Sekarang Redmi Note 3 Pro/SE kamu telah kembali normal. Silahkan lakukan setup ulang sampai masuk ke Homescreen.

Cara Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Redmi 3, Redmi 3 Pro, And Flash TWRP Recovery MIUI 8, MIUI7, Cuma 5 Menit

Xiaomi redmi 3 2/16 dan redmi 3 pro 3/32 adalah produk xiaomi yg paling laku di indonesia buat kisaran harga IDR 1500K - IDR 2000k, cukup banyak garansi distributor non resmi yg memberikan harga murah namun jaminan garansi yg tidak mengecewakan sulit ketika kita akan mengurus klaim garansi jikalau terjadi sesuatu pada xiaomi yang kita beli. Nyatanya lemah nya jaminan garansi tidak menyurutkan pendaftar buat tetap membeli device seri redmi 3, justru permintaan di pasaran semakin semakin tinggi.

Dengan rom distributor bawaan MIUI 7 cukup stabil serta koneksi data 4G lancar buat di gunakan sayang nya beberapa aplikasi bloatware tetap masih menghiasi user interface dari rom distributor xiaomi redmi 3.

Namun bagi pengguna yg gemar bermain mod android serta aplikasi modifikasi yg membutuhkan recovery, sayang nya device ini terkunci bootloader nya pada artian tidak akan mampu kita memakai mode recovery sebelum unlock bootloader. Bisa saja kita unlock bootloader dengan petunjuk resmi dari xiaomi namun harus melalui beberapa tahap sampai menunggu sepuluh hari buat unlock bootloader nya.

Dengan tutorial ini pengguna xiaomi tak perlu lagi menunggu lama buat unlock bootloader sekaligus pasang TWRP recovery nya. Hanya lima mnt saja langsung sanggup menikmati device yang sudah terunlock bootloader dan sekaligus terinstal custom recovery TWRP.

Pastikan memakai windows versi 64bit, dan sudah menginstal driver Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008, untuk yang belum mampu instal QPST download DISINI

1. Download bahan-bahannya di bawah ini

TWRP r.E.C.O.V.E.R.Y by cofface : DISINI
2. Extrax Semua bahan yang sudah di download di atas di desktop saja harus!
3. Matikan Xiaomi redmi 3/pro serta masuk ke download mode, tekan folume up dan power, Akan muncul tampilan sajian seperti gambar di bawah ini dan pilih menu "download"
4. Redmi 3pro akan restart serta otomatis masuk download mode dengan tampilan layar semi biru serta derbaca sebagai Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008
5. Jalankan MIFlashtool, Pada Miflashtool Klik Browse arahkan ke folder yang akan terjadi extrax IDO-FLASH-TWRP- pada step 2, Pada menu bagian bawah pilih Flash all
6. Klik tombol Refresh pastikan di kolom device terbaca COM, yang berarti redmi 3/pro terbaca Miflashtool dengan mode download.

7. Klik flash serta tunggu hingga selesai.
8. Apabila telah selesai jangan nyalakan hp nya dulu, langsung masuk mode fastboot dengan cara tekan dan tahan Volume - (turun) + tombol Power sampai dalam mode fastboot bergambar logo MI BUNNY sedang ngelas (boneka sedang ngelas)
9. Biarkan xiaomi redmi 3 masih dalam letak fastboot mode, lalu buka folder yang akan terjadi extrax file TWRP r.E.C.O.V.E.R.Y by cofface.zip tadi
10, Jalankan file Recovery.bat pada folder hasil extrax di atas, akan timbul command promt mirip dengan gambar dibawah ini beserta bahasa alien,

tekan enter saja sampai selesai, sampai xiaomi otomatis restart ke TWRP recovery
11. Selesai, Selamat xiaomi anda kini telah unlock bootloader


Global Rom Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 MTK Multilang MiRockStyle Stable 7.2.5 Solusi Multi Language

Pengguna Xiaomi redmi note 3 MTK versi china bahasa Indonesiatidak ada dalam settingan device xiaomi redmi note 3 mtk sekalipun sudahmelakukan update firmware/rom official. Mungkin ketika pertama kali beli redminote 3 mtk ini masih ada bahasa Indonesia karena bawaan dari rom distributornya.
Sudah download dan instal rom fastboot resminya di situsresmi download rom xiaomi juga tetap tidak masih ada settingan bahasa Indonesia nya,karena memang untuk seri redmi note 3 MTK ini belum masih ada rom global resmidari xiaomi.

Solusi agar redmi note 3 mtk mendapatkan setting bahasa Indonesiayaitu melakukan flash ulang bersama rom porting/custom rom yang tepat untukdevice tadi, sebelumnya jundroid telah memposting rom multilang untukxiaomi redmi note 3 mtk disini,

Tutorial langkah flasing nya masih mirip dengan postingansebelumnya namun menggunakan porting rom yg tidak selaras, berikut inilangkah-langkahnya :
1. Download bahan-bahan nya di bawah ini
Full Firmware/rom MiRockStyle Stable 7.2.5
SP_Flash_Tool_v5.1524.00.000 Klik Disini MTK USB VCOM drivers Klik Disini2. Extrax firmware yg telah kamu download
3. Extrax SP_Flash_Tool_v5.1524.00.000 Buka folder SP_Flash_Tool_v5.1524.00.000
Jalankan flash_tool.exe sebagai administrator
Pilih agen download dari "folder SP_Flash_Tool" (DA_SWSEC.bin)
4. Pilih file scater yg ada di "image folder" (MT6795_Android_scatter.txt)
dari firmware yang sudah anda download tadi. 5. Pastikan yg Tercentang hanya PRELOADER, BOOT, SYSTEM, USERDATA6. Klik Download button, Matikan ponsel
Tekan vol- serta conect ke pc dengan kabel asli
Ketika merah bar apear, tunggu 5 dtk dan vol- unpress (lihat kuning bar di 9-12 dtk)
Tunggu hingga 100% (kuning bar)7. Disconect/cabut Ponsel dari pc And Reboot, tunggu sebentar dan selamat room global multilang sudah terinstal


How to Root Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery Latest Update

How to Root Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery

The term Rooting is to get the highest execution permissions on Android (root) so you can regulate the software program code or deploy other software program that is not commonly accepted by the manufacturer. Getting privileged access rights on Android has its personal strengths and weaknesses. The strengths that you could get from Rooting are:
  • Full customization for nearly every topic / graph
  • Download any software, irrespective of the utility keep they installed
  • Extend battery existence and increase performance
  • An update to the latest model of Android if your tool expires and is not updated through the manufacturer

But if you do it incorrectly, it may create harm. And even achieved effectively, in case your cellular telephone doesn't have the proper antivirus safety for Android, rooting makes your tool open to all styles of malware.

With super electricity, it is a massive duty. There are a range of of factors which you would possibly need to don't forget if you want to do an Android Rooting of your Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro device:

  • You can turn your phone into a Brick. It's possible that your smartphone turns into a Brick after Rooting can appear, however! Not all smartphones are Brick after Rooting, only a few high-capability smartphones are Brick.
  • You have canceled the cellular phone warranty. Having a cellphone that is guaranteed is indeed a bonus that we've after buying a brand new cellphone device, however! If you make a decision to do Rooting, then you have canceled the warranty of your Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro device. You can do Rooting if you believe your cellphone hardware will no longer be broken all through the validity duration.
  • Rooting manner you have got weakened your Android's protection door to be infiltrated by way of malware.

Well! The above are the blessings and downsides of the privileges you get from the Rooting process. Now take the exceptional choice in your opinion, whether or not you continue to need to do Rooting or not.

If making a decision to do Rooting for your Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro tool, then here is the proper put up in order to observe. This publish incorporates an academic on how to rooting Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro tool the usage of SuperSU created with the aid of Chainfire or the use of Magisk made by using Topjohnwu. Rooting to your Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro device have to first install TWRP. Although you can do Rooting on Android, you need to realize the strengths and weaknesses of SuperSU and Magisk.

When SuperSU will root your tool it's going to do the changes in the System documents and also provides some documents inside the device partition. If you will deploy SuperSU you gained’t be getting any OTA updates or any financial utility gained’t paintings on your device. If you'll root your device with the assist of Magisk then the magisk won’t do any adjustments on your machine files. Magisk will trade the boot.img to magisk.img. Magisk won’t add any files for your system files.

After understanding the distinction among SuperSU and Magisk, now determine your desire, whether you pick SuperSU or Magisk, one in every of which you can use to reboot Android in your Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro device.

But if you want to do Rooting while not having to install TWRP, you may use PC packages like RootGeniusiRootKingRootMobileGoKingorootOne Click Root, and SRSRoot. Besides Rooting, you can also use the PC utility for Flash ROM, Flash Kernel, Remove Ads in Apps, Device Booster, Uninstall Preinstalled Apps, Remove Bloatware, Unlock Screen, Download ROM and extra.

And, if you do not have a PC to reboot Android to your Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro device, then there is a unique Rooting software that you may use WITHOUT a PC, the usage of the KingRoot Mobile360Root MobileiRoot MobileRootGenius MobileKey Master RootKingoroot MobileTowelRoot, and FramaRoot. All applications may be set up immediately for your Android with out using a PC.

Flashing TWRP Recovery Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro Device

  • Make positive you have a battery Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro device 30-50% to make the manner of flashing TWRP Recovery.
  • Prepare a USB Cable to connect your Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro tool to your laptop.
  • On your Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro tool, turn on USB Debugging Mode and OEM Unlock. How: on your Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro device, go to "Settings" -> "My Device" -> "All Specs" tap on "MIUI Version" till you get the message "Now You Are Already a Developer". 
How to Root Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery

  • Now, visit "Additional Settings" -> "Developer Options" permit "OEM Unlocking" and "USB Debugging".
How to Root Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery

  • Move the UPDATE-SuperSU.zip or Magisk-vXX.zip document to Internal Storage your Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro tool (placed outdoor the folder).
  • Now, call the document TWRP Recovery will become recovery.img and positioned into ADB and Fastboot folder (C:/adb).
How To Root Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery

  • Now, in the ADB folder (C: adb) press and preserve down the "Shift" key and right click, and pick "Open Command Window Here", then the Command Prompt window will pop up, or by way of entering the "cmd" command to Link Bar "Window Explore".
How To Root Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery
  • Now it might seem the Command Prompt window, after which type the command: adb devices
How To Root Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery
  • (The command is used to test the device, whether it is related or not)
  • If you spot your Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro device is attached, now, input Fastboot Mode by way of typing the command: adb reboot bootloader
Note: How to go into Fastboot Mode on Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro device also can be completed manually with out the need to attach it to a PC through pressing the "Volume Down + Power" button simultaneously until you spot a fastboot logo.

How To Root Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery

  • To take a look at whether or not your Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro device is in Fastboot Mode, type the command: fastboot devices
How To Root Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery

  • After that, your Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro device will boot into Fastboot Mode, now type the command: fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
Note: If you need to go into TWRP mode while not having to install it permanently, you could strive with the command: fastboot boot recovery.img

How To Root Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery

(The command will help you to put in TWRP Recovery for your device Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro )
  • Boot your device into restoration (3 feasible methods)
  1. By getting into terminal command in command line: fastboot boot recovery.img , or
  2. By protecting collectively "Volume Up + Power" until you see the MI logo, launch "Power" button however hold pressing "Volume Up" till you spot the healing, or
  3. By protecting collectively "Volume Up + Volume Down + Power" until you spot restoration.

Rooting Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro Device Using SuperSU or Magisk

  • After TWRP Recovery installation is whole, now go into Recovery Mode:
  1. If your tool is still in Fastboot Mode, type the command: fastboot reboot recovery
  2. But, if your tool is rebooted, kind the command: adb reboot recovery
  • If you haven't entered into TWRP Recovery Mode, follow the step by step to get into Recovery Mode Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro device. But if the device Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro you're logged into TWRP Recovery Mode, now pick the Install button.
How To Root Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery

  • After that, now navigate to the file UPDATE-SuperSU.zip or Magisk-vXX.zip present on  Internal memory.
How To Root Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery

  • If you've got decided on the report UPDATE-SuperSU.zip or Magisk-vXX.zip,it's going to show a verification of whether you may do Flashing.
Caution: If you choose to do Flashing, then in a roundabout way you're already receiving a wide kind of risks a good way to occur on your Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro tool, which include Bootloop, Brick or different risks.if you pick out to do Flashing, then do Swipe from left to right.
How To Root Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery

  • Now you watch for how speedy the flashing method is completed. Hopefully you are the lucky ones.
How To Root Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery
  • Once the your Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro tool restart, you'll find the application SuperSU or Magisk on your Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro tool application menu as within the picture beneath.
How To Root Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery

Optional: You can also affirm if you want it, whether or not your device is actually already Rooted or no longer the use of the application Root Checker.

Cara Flash Advan E1C Pro Bootloop Via Flashtool Tested

Rizal Flasher - Kali ini aku akan menyebarkan tutorial Cara Flashing Advan E1C Pro bootloop via Flashtool. Advan E1C Pro anda mengalami bootloop, yaitu dalam di nyalakan hanya sampai di logo Advan saja dan tak sanggup mengakses hidangan utama atau layar awal, telah kamu lakukan hard reset di menu recovery tetapi masih juga mengalami kasus tadi. Untuk mengatasi perkara ini anda bisa mengatasi dengan melakukan flash ulang Advan E1C Pro via Sp flashtool.

Sedikit tentang flashtool, flashtool adalah software yang di untuk oleh mediatek.inc khusus buat smartphone berchipset Mediatek.

Software ini bermanfaat untuk melakukan flash fimware/stock rom, flash recovery, format smartphone serta lain-lain. Smartphone yg mengalami bootloop atau bahkan mati total, asalkan smarphone tadi masih terdeteksi pc, maka smartphone masih bisa diatasi dengan melakukan flash ulang.

Setelah melakukan flash ulang smartphone akan pulang normal seperti dalam dikala pertama membeli dari pabrik.

Untuk melakukan flash Advan E1C Pro, pastinya bukan software sp flashtool saja yang di butuhkan, melainkan beberapa bahan lainnya yaitu usb driver MT65xx dan fimware yg harus sesuai bersama merek Advan E1C Pro milik kamu, bahan-bahan tersebut telah aku siapakan di bawah ini yg bisa kamu download secara gratis. Silahkan kamu ikuti langkah-langkah flash Advan E1C Pro di bawah ini.

Langkah awal, download semua bahan-bahan yg telah saya siapkan dibawah ini :

1. Download USB Driver MT65xx Disini
2. Download SPFlashTool Disini
3. Download Fimware Advan E1C Pro Disini

Langkah akhir, proses flashing Advan E1C Pro.
Ekstrak USB Driver MT65xx lalu install di PC/laptop
Ekstrak pula SPflashtool Versi5 serta juga fimware Advan E1C Pro yang sudah di download

Selanjutnya buka folder hasil ekstrak SPFlashTool, kemudian jalankan flash_tool.exe klik kanan pilih Run as administrator.

Baca Juga: Cara Remove Akun Mi Cloud Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro Whyred

Setelah flashtool terbuka klik scatter-loading lalu cari file MT65xx_Android_scatter yang ada pada folder hasil ekstrak fimware, pilih file tadi kemudian klik open

Selanjutnya klik tombol Download yg ada di software sp flashtool, seperti gambar dibawah ini.

Matikan Advan E1C Pro Untuk memastikan Advan E1C Pro dalam keadaan tewas, sisihkan dulu lebih kurang enam detik.

Kemudian hubungkan ke pc memakai Kabel USB dan otomatis proses flashing akan berjalan serta tunggu hingga selesai Jika proses flashing Advan E1C pro tak berjalan silahkan kamu hubungkan dengan port USB komputer yang tidak sinkron.

Apabila proses flashing Advan E1C Pro sudah selesai akan keluar ceklis lingkaran hijau mirip dengan pada gambar di bawah ini.

Sekarang lepaskan Advan E1C Pro dari PC dan nyalakan Ingat setelah melakukan flashing booting pertama emang agak lama.
Sampai disini proses flashing Advan E1C pro telah selesai.

How to Root Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery Latest Update

How to Root Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery

The term Rooting is to get the best execution permissions on Android (root) so you can adjust the software code or deploy other software that isn't commonly accredited by using the manufacturer. Getting privileged get right of entry to rights on Android has its own strengths and weaknesses. The strengths that you may get from Rooting are:
  • Full customization for almost every theme / graph
  • Download any application, irrespective of the application store they installed
  • Extend battery life and increase performance
  • An replace to the modern-day model of Android in case your tool expires and is no longer updated by the manufacturer

But if you do it incorrectly, it can create damage. And even executed efficaciously, if your cellular phone would not have the right antivirus protection for Android, rooting makes your tool open to all sorts of malware.

With excellent energy, it's far a massive responsibility. There are a number of of things which you might ought to recollect if you need to do an Android Rooting of your Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro tool:

  • You can flip your cellphone right into a Brick. It's feasible that your cellphone becomes a Brick after Rooting can take place, however! Not all smartphones are Brick after Rooting, just a few high-capacity smartphones are Brick.
  • You have canceled the cellphone warranty. Having a mobile phone this is assured is certainly an advantage that we've after buying a new cellphone device, however! If you make a decision to do Rooting, then you definitely have canceled the assurance of your Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro tool. You can do Rooting in case you believe your cellphone hardware will now not be broken at some point of the validity length.
  • Rooting way you have got weakened your Android's safety door to be infiltrated by means of malware.

Well! The above are the blessings and downsides of the privileges you get from the Rooting technique. Now take the first-class selection in your opinion, whether or not you still need to do Rooting or not.

If you make a decision to do Rooting on your Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro device, then right here is the right submit a good way to observe. This submit includes a tutorial on a way to rooting Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro device the usage of SuperSU created by Chainfire or using Magisk made by using Topjohnwu. Rooting to your Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro tool have to first installation TWRP. Although you may do Rooting on Android, you need to realize the strengths and weaknesses of SuperSU and Magisk.

When SuperSU will root your device it'll do the adjustments inside the System documents and also provides a few documents within the machine partition. If you'll set up SuperSU you received’t be getting any OTA updates or any financial software won’t work to your device. If you may root your device with the help of Magisk then the magisk received’t do any modifications in your system files. Magisk will change the boot.img to magisk.img. Magisk received’t add any files in your system documents.

After understanding the distinction among SuperSU and Magisk, now decide your preference, whether you pick out SuperSU or Magisk, certainly one of which you could use to reboot Android in your Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro tool.

But in case you need to do Rooting while not having to install TWRP, you may use PC applications like RootGeniusiRootKingRootMobileGoKingorootOne Click Root, and SRSRoot. Besides Rooting, you could also use the PC application for Flash ROM, Flash Kernel, Remove Ads in Apps, Device Booster, Uninstall Preinstalled Apps, Remove Bloatware, Unlock Screen, Download ROM and more.

And, if you don't have a PC to reboot Android for your Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro device, then there is a unique Rooting utility that you may use WITHOUT a PC, using the KingRoot Mobile360Root MobileiRoot MobileRootGenius MobileKey Master RootKingoroot MobileTowelRoot, and FramaRoot. All packages can be hooked up at once in your Android with out using a PC.

Flashing TWRP Recovery Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro Device

  • Make positive you've got a battery Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro tool 30-50% to make the process of flashing TWRP Recovery.
  • Prepare a USB Cable to attach your Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro tool on your pc.
  • On your Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro device, activate USB Debugging Mode and OEM Unlock. How: for your Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro device, go to "Settings" -> "My Device" -> "All Specs" faucet on "MIUI Version" till you get the message "Now You Are Already a Developer". 
How to Root Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery

  • Now, visit "Additional Settings" -> "Developer Options" allow "OEM Unlocking" and "USB Debugging".
How to Root Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery

  • Move the UPDATE-SuperSU.zip or Magisk-vXX.zip report to Internal Storage your Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro tool (put outside the folder).
  • Now, name the file TWRP Recovery becomes recovery.img and put into ADB and Fastboot folder (C:/adb).
How To Root Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery

  • Now, within the ADB folder (C: adb) press and hold down the "Shift" key and right click, and choose "Open Command Window Here", then the Command Prompt window will pop up, or through getting into the "cmd" command to Link Bar "Window Explore".
How To Root Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery
  • Now it'd appear the Command Prompt window, after which type the command: adb devices
How To Root Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery
  • (The command is used to test the tool, whether it is related or now not)
  • If you see your Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro tool is attached, now, enter Fastboot Mode via typing the command: adb reboot bootloader
Note: How to enter Fastboot Mode on Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro tool also can be accomplished manually without the want to attach it to a PC by means of urgent the "Volume Down + Power" button simultaneously until you notice a fastboot logo.

How To Root Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery

  • To take a look at whether your Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro tool is in Fastboot Mode, type the command: fastboot devices
How To Root Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery

  • After that, your Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro tool will boot into Fastboot Mode, now type the command: fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
Note: If you need to enter TWRP mode while not having to put in it permanently, you could try with the command: fastboot boot recovery.img

How To Root Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery

(The command will help you to install TWRP Recovery for your tool Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro )
  • Boot your tool into recovery (3 possible methods)
  1. By entering terminal command in command line: fastboot boot recovery.img , or
  2. By retaining collectively "Volume Up + Power" till you spot the MI logo, launch "Power" button however preserve urgent "Volume Up" until you notice the healing, or
  3. By retaining collectively "Volume Up + Volume Down + Power" till you spot restoration.

Rooting Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro Device Using SuperSU or Magisk

  • After TWRP Recovery installation is whole, now go into Recovery Mode:
  1. If your device is still in Fastboot Mode, type the command: fastboot reboot recovery
  2. But, if your device is rebooted, kind the command: adb reboot recovery
  • If you haven't entered into TWRP Recovery Mode, comply with the step by step to get into Recovery Mode Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro tool. But if the device Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro you're logged into TWRP Recovery Mode, now select the Install button.
How To Root Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery

  • After that, now navigate to the file UPDATE-SuperSU.zip or Magisk-vXX.zip current on  Internal memory.
How To Root Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery

  • If you've got decided on the document UPDATE-SuperSU.zip or Magisk-vXX.zip,it's going to display a verification of whether you'll do Flashing.
Caution: If you pick out to do Flashing, then circuitously you're already receiving a huge style of dangers so as to occur in your Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro device, along with Bootloop, Brick or different risks.if you choose to do Flashing, then do Swipe from left to right.
How To Root Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery

  • Now you watch for how speedy the flashing manner is finished. Hopefully you're the fortunate ones.
How To Root Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery
  • Once the your Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro device restart, you may find the application SuperSU or Magisk on your Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro tool application menu as within the picture beneath.
How To Root Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery

Optional: You also can affirm in case you want it, whether or not your tool is simply already Rooted or now not using the utility Root Checker.