Download dan Instal Android USB Driver Any Device

Download Install Android USB Driver Qualcomm, Mediatek, Intel Chipset

Postingan ini dikhususkan untuk pengguna Perangkat Android yang mengalami masalah USB Driver dan tidak bisa menemukan report installer (.exe/.msi) dalam paket USB Driver mereka sehingga sulit untuk melakukan instalasi. Tapi secara umumnya tutorial pada postingan ini bisa digunakan oleh siapa saja yang ingin melakukan instalasi Driver perangkat-perangkat komputer yang membutuhkan Driver untuk bisa bekerja dengan baik seperti Printer dan lain sebagainya.

Awal di reliease-nya sistem operasi Android oleh Google untuk SmartPhone membuat sistem operasi tersebut sangat populer karena disebabkan sifatnya yang OpenSource sehingga mudah dikembangkan oleh siapapun yang ingin mengembangkannya.

Tidak sedikit supplier-supplier SmartPhone atau bahkan hampir semua ikut serta dalam melakukan distribusi dan pengembangan terhadap Android, katakan saja Samsung yang mendistribusikan Android dengan nama TizenOS, Oppo dengan ColorsOS , Xiaomi dengan MIUI dan beberapa supplier SmartPhone lainnya yang juga menamai Android hasil kembangan mereka.

Walaupun hasil dari distribusi tersebut diatas memiliki nama-nama yang berbeda, tapi versi-versi Android masih Google yang mempunyai hak untuk me-reliase karena perusahaan raksasa teknologi tersebut masih mempunyai hak paten atas Android.

Dari beberapa vendor SmartPhone di berbagai belahan dunia, tidak sedikit diantara mereka yang masih menggunakan Chipset atau Prosessor dari pihak ketiga seperti Qualcomm, Mediatek dan Intel. Samsung, Asus, Oppo, Xiaomi dan seller SmartPhone lainnya juga masih menggunakan chipset dari produk Vendor Chipset tersebut. Tapi walaupun Samsung masih menggunakan Chipset Qualcomm, sekarang mereka aktif mengembangkan dan bertahap-tahap beralih kepada Chipset hasil buatan perusahaan mereka sendiri yang di beri nama Exynos.

Dari berbagai macam Chipset yang disebutkan diatas, masing-masing mempunyai kelebihan dan kelemahan tersendiri juga mempunyai program yang berbeda-beda sesuai dengan kebutuhan perangkat SmartPhone yang menggunakannya. Salah satu software berbeda yang nampak dari masing-masing Chipset adalah USB Driver, tidak ada yang kita temui bahwa USB Driver Mediatek bisa mendeteksi perangkat SmartPhone yang menggunakan Chipset Intel, itu mustahil sekali. Masing-masing vendor sudah memprogram Chipset mereka sesuai dengan prosedur mereka, sama hal-nya seperti produk Elektronik lainnya seperti Komputer ataupun Laptop.

USB Driver memang dibutuhkan oleh pengguna perangkat SmartPhone untuk keperluan tertentu, seperti Flashing Firmware atau Stock ROM, Custom ROM, Custom Recovery dan lain sebagainya menggunakan komputer. USB Driver ini memiliki fungsi untuk memasang program tertentu kedalam komputer sehingga perangkat SmartPhone dikenali oleh komputer tersebut jika mereka dihubungkan melalui Kabel USB. Dengan adanya berbagai macam USB Driver untuk perangkat SmartPhone Android membuat pengguna perangkat tersebut harus jeli untuk mengambil USB Driver mana yang cocok untuk perangkat Android mereka, sebab kalau salah-salah akan menimbulkan masalah yang diakibatkan oleh ketidak-cocokan USB Driver yang digunakan. Ditambah lagi beberapa USB Driver perangkat Android tidak menyertakan report Installer (.exe/.msi) untuk mempermudah melakukan pemasangan. Akibatnya tidak sedikit pengguna yang kebingungan untuk melakukan instalasi kedalam komputer mereka.

Tapi jangan panik jika anda benar-benar tidak menemukan report Installer (.exe/.msi) didalam paket USB Driver yang anda down load dari Internet atau tidak bisa menemukan sama sekali record USB Driver yang anda butuhkan untuk melakukan beberapa hal terhadap perangkat SmartPhone menggunakan komputer. Disini saya memberikan solusi ataupun jalan alternatif untuk anda yang mengalami masalah tersebut.

Ikuti langkah-langkah seperti yang saja arahkan dibawah ini untuk melakukan instalasi USB Driver Android yang benar:

Pada umumnya Google sudah mengeluarkan standar untuk USB Driver Android yang diberi nama Android USB Driver (General), tapi beberapa vendor Chipset sudah melakukan beberapa pengembangan terhadap itu sesuai dengan software yang mereka butuhkan seperti Qualcomm Android USB Driver, Mediatek Android USB Driver, dan Intel Android USB Driver. Jadi unduh USB Driver Android yang susuai dengan Chipset yang digunakan perangkat SmartPhone anda.

Secara khususnya, anda juga bisa memilih Android USB Driver dari berbagai Vendor SmartPhone yang sudah disiapkan dibawah ini, tapi sangat disarankan mengunduh Android USB Driver sesuai dengan Chipset yang digunakan SmartPhone Android anda diatas. 


  1. Pada perangkat Android anda hubungkan Mode USB Debugging. (Opsional)
  2. Download dan Instal 15 Seconds ADB Installer untuk masuk kedalam Mode Bootloader atau Fastboot secara otomatis. (Opsional)
  3. Terhubung ke internet, ini akan digunakan pada cara alternatif jika metode pertama tidak terdapat paket Driver yang dimaksud.
  4. Hubungkan perangkat Android ke komputer anda menggunakan kabel USB.

  • Untuk memudahkan anda dalam melakukan instalasi Android USB Driver, ada baiknya terlebih dahulu anda melakukan instalasi ADB and Fastboot dan Android USB Driver dari Google.
  • Pada kasus tententu seperti pada saat ingin melakukan Flashing Firmware, pengguna sering menemukan masalah SmartPhone mereka tidak terdeteksi oleh komputer pada saat Mode Bootloader atau Mode Fastboot Aktif.
Baca: Cara Masuk Kedalam Mode Fastboot Xiaomi Secara Otomatis
  • Jika anda mengalami masalah yang seperti disebutkan diatas, coba lakukan pemeriksaan terhadap "Device Manager" komputer anda dan pastikan SmartPhone Android masih dalam Mode Bootloader atau Mode Fastboot terhubung ke komputer menggunakan Kabel USB Driver. Untuk memanggil "Device Manager" tekan tombol "Ctrl+R" untuk memanggil aplikasi RUN dan kemudian ketikkan perintah: devmgmt.msc
Download Install Android USB Driver Qualcomm, Mediatek, Intel Chipset

  • Jika sudah muncul jendela Device Manager, sekarang pastikan ada Driver yang bermasalah, biasanya ditandai dengan "Tanda Seru Segitiga Kuning" dan bernama "Unknown Device" seperti gambar dibawah ini.
Download Install Android USB Driver Qualcomm, Mediatek, Intel Chipset

  • Jika memang benar-benar ada seperti tanda-tanda seperti yang disebutkan diatas, maka sekarang lakukan "Klik Kanan" pada tanda tersebut kemudian pilih "Update Driver Software".
Download Install Android USB Driver Qualcomm, Mediatek, Intel Chipset

  • Sekarang akan muncul jendela "Update Driver Software - Unknown Device". Akan ada dua pilihan yang pertama "Search automatically for updated motive force software" dan yang kedua "Browse my computer for driver software". Pilihlah "Browse my computer for driver software" untuk melakukan instalasi USB Driver secara Offline.
Download Install Android USB Driver Qualcomm, Mediatek, Intel Chipset

  • Setelah itu akan muncul jendela selanjutnya, kemudian klik tombol "Browse" untuk mencari folder USB Driver Android.
Download Install Android USB Driver Qualcomm, Mediatek, Intel Chipset

  • Sekarang arahkan kepada folder USB Driver Android sesuai dengan perangkat SmartPhone Android anda kemudian klik tombol "OK".
Download Install Android USB Driver Qualcomm, Mediatek, Intel Chipset

  • Setelah anda itu, sekarang klik tombol "Next" untuk melanjutkan ke tahap berikutnya.
  • Pada tahap ini komputer mencoba mencocokkan software USB Driver yang sesuai dengan perangkat SmartPhone Android anda dan ini akan membutuhkan waktu yang lumayan lama.
  • Jika kemudian perangkat Android anda cocok dengan Driver yang dipasang, maka akan mucul jendela yang mengatakan USB Driver yang dimaksud telah berhasil dilaksanakan.

  • Tapi jika sebaliknya, maka akan muncul jendela yang mengatakan Driver yang dimaksud tidak terdapat didalam paket USB Driver yang dituju.
Download Install Android USB Driver Qualcomm, Mediatek, Intel Chipset

  • Apabila anda benar mengalami masalah yang seperti diatas, maka terpaksa anda harus melakukan instalasi Driver melalui Internet, dengan cara "Klik Kanan" pada "Tanda Seru Segitiga Kuning" yang ada di jendela "Device Manager" kemudian pilih "Update Driver Software".
Download Install Android USB Driver Qualcomm, Mediatek, Intel Chipset

  • Pada jendela pilihan metode update, pilih "Search automatically for updated motive force software", pilihan metode ini akan mencari dan mencocokkan Driver yang dimaksud dari Driver Server Microsoft. Ini akan terasa lama kerena akan tergantung dari koneksi net yang ada, jika koneksi net anda cepat maka proses akan membutuhkan waktu sebentar, tapi jika sebaliknya maka ini akan begitu lama.
Download Install Android USB Driver Qualcomm, Mediatek, Intel Chipset

  • Apabila Driver yang dimaksud ada dalam Driver Server Microsoft dan cocok dengan perangkat Android anda maka akan terjadi proses pengunduhan dan instalasi Driver. Tapi apabila sebaliknya maka tidak ada proses tersebut. Metode instalasi Driver melalui internet memang tergolong efektif dan efesien karena langsung dari Server Microsoft langsung yang mencarikan Driver yang cocok dengan perangkat Android anda. Dengan menggunakan metode ini sangat jarang ditemukan kegagalan didalam menemukan Driver yang dimaksud dan metode ini cocok untuk melakukan instalasi Driver perangkat apapun, seperti Printer dan perangkat yang membutuhkan Driver lainnya agar bisa bekerja dengan baik. 
Download Install Android USB Driver Qualcomm, Mediatek, Intel Chipset

  • Semoga Driver yang dimaksud bisa ditemukan dan dipasang dengan baik secara otomatis oleh sistem "Device Manager" Windows agar mempermudah anda untuk melakukan koneksi perangkat Android dengan komputer anda.

Sekian saja yang bia saya tulis, semoga ini bermanfaat untuk orang banyak. Masukan dan sara yang membangun sangat dibutuhkan penulis untuk menulis postingan yang lebih bagus lagi kedepannya.

Download OnePlus Android Phone USB Driver All models


To whom this post?
  1. Android device users who need to do Flashing via laptop.
  2. Computer customers who manage their Android tool through USB cable, the usage of ADB and Fastboot command.

To install Android USB Driver is one of the necessities to do Flashing or rooting against your Android tool so as to be recognized by using the pc gadget. If you do now not carry out the installation of Android USB drivers usually Android device users who need to do Flashing Firmware, Recovery, or others could have a hassle on their Android device connects to the pc the usage of a USB cable.

Of route with these troubles are very worrying your activities in performing Flashing Android gadgets, it's far vital to put in the Android USB drivers properly to expedite the procedure Flashing Firmware and so on.

As we know Android tool are many and diverse brands, from Samsung, Sony, LG, HTC, Motorola, Huawei, Acer, Asus, Oppo, Lenovo, Xiaomi, OnePlus, ZTE and others. Not all of these gadgets have the Android USB drivers have the identical due to chipset or processor is one-of-a-kind, starting from product Chipset Qualcomm, Mediatek, Intel Chipset even Samsung has been growing its own Android device, named Exynos.

Android USB Driver relies upon at the chipset used by the product SmartPhone mentioned above, so install the Android USB Driver accordance with Chipset each Android device, do now not ever you concept that Android USB Driver Intel will work on Android gadgets the usage of the chipset Mediatek because it'll not work.

In this publish, I had an Android USB drivers OnePlus Android devices, so that you can download them under and perform the set up as in the post "How to Install Android USB Driver on Computers". Hopefully they can help you to complete the manner of Flash in your Android device.

Download USB Driver OnePlus One
Download USB Driver OnePlus Two
Download USB Driver OnePlus 3
Download USB Driver OnePlus 3T
Download USB Driver OnePlus 5
Download USB Driver OnePlus 5T
Download USB Driver OnePlus 6
Download USB Driver OnePlus 6T
Download USB Driver OnePlus 6T McLaren
Download USB Driver OnePlus X

How To Root Motorola Moto Maxx And Install TWRP Recovery

How To Root Motorola Moto Maxx And Install TWRP Recovery

    In this submit will use SuperSU made by using Chainfire to gain root get admission to on Android devices. Not only SuperSU can do Rooting against the Android Devices, however nonetheless plenty extra to do, consisting of RootGeniusiRootKingRootMobileGoKingorootOne Click Root, and SRSRoot, these tools are designed to carry out several functions including rooting, flash ROM, flash Kernel, Remove Ads in Apps, Booster Device, Uninstall Preinstalled Apps, Remove bloatware, Unlock Screen, Download ROM and others.
    Some Tools on the top would require a PC to an area they stroll, if you do now not have a PC, you can do Rooting on your Android tool without a PC, an software that you can use for rooting Without PC is KingRoot Mobile360Root MobileiRoot MobileRootGenius MobileKey Master RootKingoroot MobileTowelRoot, and FramaRoot.

All proper, move straight to the point, particularly Root Motorola Android Device the usage of SuperSU, follow the steps as under:

  • Your smartphone have to have at the least 30-50 percentage of the battery to make the method of rooting your tool Motorola Moto Maxx.
  • Follow the commands step-by using-step to Unlock Bootloader Motorola Moto Maxx.
  • Download and set up Motorola USB driver on your computer. (Ignore, if you have already completed so)
  • Download and pass to SDCard memory phone Motorola Moto X Pure Style XT1575 (place it out of doors any folder).
  • Download and set up 15 Seconds ADB Installer to your computer.
  • Download TWRP recovery Motorola Moto Maxx in your computer and rename it to "recovery". 
  • Enable USB Debugging Mode and OEM Unlock the Motorola Moto Maxx.

Flashing TWRP Recovery:
  • Now, move the files TWRP Recovery Motorola Moto Maxx to fifteen Second ADB Installer folder (C:adb).
How To Root Motorola Moto Maxx

  • Now, connect your device Motorola Moto Maxx on your laptop using a USB cable.
How To Root Motorola Moto Maxx

  • In 15 Seconds ADB Installer folder, press "Shift + proper click" and pick out "Open Command Window Here"
How To Root Motorola Moto Maxx

  • Once the Command Prompt window seems, then give the following command: adb devices
How To Root Motorola Moto Maxx

(The above command lets you determine the listing of gadgets attached to the computer)
  • If you spot a list of gadgets, now problem the command: adb reboot bootloader
How To Root Motorola Moto Maxx

(The above command permits you besides into Bootloader / Fastboot mode on the tool)
  • If you need to trouble the command: fastboot devices to test whether or not the device Motorola Moto Maxx mode is turned Bootloader / Fastboot
  • Once the tool Motorola Moto Maxx you get into the mode Bootloader / Fastboot, now issue the command: fastboot flash restoration restoration.img
How To Root Motorola Moto Maxx

(The above command enables you to put in TWRP recovery in your Motorola Moto Maxx)
  • You will see some process on the screen.

Flashing the Root Package:
  • After you have got successfully established TWRP Recovery for your tool Motorola Moto Maxx. Now Power Off your tool Motorola Moto Maxx.
  • Now, you want in addition to the ADB mode. To boot into adb mode, the Motorola Moto Maxx you press and keep the Volume Down and Power button and launch the Power button but still keep the Volume Down button until the ADB mode seen on the display screen.
  • Once the tool Motorola Moto Maxx you boot to the ADB mode. Now pick out Recovery (use the Volume Down key to scroll and Volume Up to pick).
  • Once you boot into TWRP restoration mode, Press on Install and pick out the package deal who have moved to SDCard tool Motorola Moto Maxx.
How To Root Motorola Moto Maxx

How To Root Motorola Moto Maxx

  • Now, reboot your device from the TWRP restoration.
How To Root Motorola Moto Maxx

  • After restart your device, you will see an SuperSU icon in the application menu . Which confirms that you have successfully rooted your tool Motorola Moto Maxx.
Optional: You can also verify that the tool Motorola Moto Maxx You have efficiently rooted or now not using the Root Checker app.

How To Root Motorola Moto X Style/Pure And Install TWRP Recovery

How To Root Motorola Moto X Style/Pure And Install TWRP Recovery

    In this submit will use SuperSU made with the aid of Chainfire to advantage root get entry to on Android devices. Not only SuperSU can do Rooting against the Android Devices, but nonetheless a lot more to do, such as RootGeniusiRootKingRootMobileGoKingorootOne Click Root, and SRSRoot, these equipment are designed to perform several functions including rooting, flash ROM, flash Kernel, Remove Ads in Apps, Booster Device, Uninstall Preinstalled Apps, Remove bloatware, Unlock Screen, Download ROM and others.
    Some Tools at the pinnacle will require a PC to an area they stroll, in case you do not have a PC, you could do Rooting in your Android device without a PC, an software that you could use for rooting Without PC is KingRoot Mobile360Root MobileiRoot MobileRootGenius MobileKey Master RootKingoroot MobileTowelRoot, and FramaRoot.

All proper, cross straight to the factor, particularly Root Motorola Android Device using SuperSU, observe the stairs as below:

  • Your cellphone ought to have at the least 30-50 percentage of the battery to make the system of rooting your tool Motorola Moto X Style/Pure.
  • Follow the commands step-through-step to Unlock Bootloader Motorola Moto X Style/Pure.
  • Download and installation Motorola USB driver on your laptop. (Ignore, if you have already achieved so)
  • Download and flow to SDCard memory telephone Motorola Moto X Style/Pure (place it outside any folder).
  • Download and installation 15 Seconds ADB Installer in your computer.
  • Download TWRP recovery Motorola Moto X Style/Pure for your pc and rename it to "recovery". 
  • Enable USB Debugging Mode and OEM Unlock the Motorola Moto X Style/Pure.

Flashing TWRP Recovery:
  • Now, move the files TWRP Recovery Motorola Moto X Style/Pure to fifteen Second ADB Installer folder (C:adb).
How To Root Motorola Moto X Style/Pure

  • Now, connect your device Motorola Moto X Style/Pure to your pc using a USB cable.
How To Root Motorola Moto X Style/Pure

  • In 15 Seconds ADB Installer folder, press "Shift + right click" and pick out "Open Command Window Here"
How To Root Motorola Moto X Style/Pure

  • Once the Command Prompt window appears, then give the subsequent command: adb devices
How To Root Motorola Moto X Style/Pure

(The above command lets you decide the list of gadgets attached to the laptop)
  • If you spot a list of gadgets, now issue the command: adb reboot bootloader
How To Root Motorola Moto X Style/Pure

(The above command enables you besides into Bootloader / Fastboot mode on the device)
  • If you need to difficulty the command: fastboot devices to test whether the device Motorola Moto X Style/Pure mode is turned Bootloader / Fastboot
  • Once the device Motorola Moto X Style/Pure you get into the mode Bootloader / Fastboot, now issue the command: fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
How To Root Motorola Moto X Style/Pure

(The above command allows you to put in TWRP restoration in your Motorola Moto X Style/Pure)
  • You will see some manner on the display screen.

Flashing the Root Package:
  • After you have efficaciously installed TWRP Recovery on your device Motorola Moto X Style/Pure. Now Power Off your device Motorola Moto X Style/Pure.
  • Now, you want in addition to the ADB mode. To boot into adb mode, the Motorola Moto X Style/Pure you press and maintain the Volume Down and Power button and release the Power button however still preserve the Volume Down button until the ADB mode visible on the display.
  • Once the tool Motorola Moto X Style/Pure you boot to the ADB mode. Now choose Recovery (use the Volume Down key to scroll and Volume Up to pick out).
  • Once you boot into TWRP recuperation mode, Press on Install and choose the bundle who've moved to SDCard device Motorola Moto X Style/Pure.
How To Root Motorola Moto X Style/Pure

How To Root Motorola Moto X Style/Pure

  • Now, reboot your device from the TWRP recovery.
How To Root Motorola Moto X Style/Pure

  • After restart your device, you'll see an SuperSU icon within the application menu . Which confirms that you have efficaciously rooted your device Motorola Moto X Style/Pure.
Optional: You also can affirm that the device Motorola Moto X Style/Pure You have efficiently rooted or not the usage of the Root Checker app.

How To Root Motorola Moto X Play And Install TWRP Recovery


    In this submit will use SuperSU made through Chainfire to advantage root get right of entry to on Android devices. Not only SuperSU can do Rooting towards the Android Devices, but nonetheless a lot extra to do, together with RootGeniusiRootKingRootMobileGoKingorootOne Click Root, and SRSRoot, those gear are designed to carry out several features which includes rooting, flash ROM, flash Kernel, Remove Ads in Apps, Booster Device, Uninstall Preinstalled Apps, Remove bloatware, Unlock Screen, Download ROM and others.
    Some Tools on the pinnacle would require a PC to a place they stroll, in case you do not have a PC, you may do Rooting on your Android tool without a PC, an application that you may use for rooting Without PC is KingRoot Mobile360Root MobileiRoot MobileRootGenius MobileKey Master RootKingoroot MobileTowelRoot, and FramaRoot.

All proper, cross directly to the point, specifically Root Motorola Android Device the use of SuperSU, observe the stairs as below:

  • Your cellphone must have at the least 30-50 percentage of the battery to make the procedure of rooting your tool Motorola Moto X Play.
  • Follow the commands step-by way of-step to Unlock Bootloader Motorola Moto X Play.
  • Download and set up Motorola USB driver on your computer. (Ignore, if you have already completed so)
  • Download and circulate to SDCard memory cellphone Motorola Moto X Play (place it out of doors any folder).
  • Download and set up 15 Seconds ADB Installer for your computer.
  • Download TWRP recovery Motorola Moto X Play to your laptop and rename it to "recovery". 
  • Enable USB Debugging Mode and OEM Unlock the Motorola Moto X Play.

Flashing TWRP Recovery:
  • Now, flow the documents TWRP Recovery Motorola Moto X Play to 15 Second ADB Installer folder (C:adb).
How To Root Motorola Moto X Play XT1562

  • Now, connect your device Motorola Moto X Play in your pc the usage of a USB cable.
How To Root Motorola Moto X Play XT1562

  • In 15 Seconds ADB Installer folder, press "Shift + proper click" and pick out "Open Command Window Here"
How To Root Motorola Moto X Play XT1562

  • Once the Command Prompt window seems, then give the subsequent command: adb devices
How To Root Motorola Moto X Play XT1562

(The above command helps you to decide the listing of devices attached to the computer)
  • If you spot a list of devices, now trouble the command: adb reboot bootloader
How To Root Motorola Moto X Play XT1562

(The above command enables you in addition into Bootloader / Fastboot mode at the device)
  • If you need to trouble the command: fastboot devices to test whether the device Motorola Moto X Play mode is became Bootloader / Fastboot
  • Once the device Motorola Moto X Play you get into the mode Bootloader / Fastboot, now difficulty the command: fastboot flash recovery healing.img
How To Root Motorola Moto X Play XT1562

(The above command allows you to put in TWRP recovery for your Motorola Moto X Play)
  • You will see some manner at the display screen.

Flashing the Root Package:
  • After you have got efficiently installed TWRP Recovery in your tool Motorola Moto X Play. Now Power Off your tool Motorola Moto X Play.
  • Now, you need in addition to the ADB mode. To boot into adb mode, the Motorola Moto X Play  you press and preserve the Volume Down and Power button and release the Power button however nonetheless maintain the Volume Down button till the ADB mode visible at the display.
  • Once the device Motorola Moto X Play you boot to the ADB mode. Now pick out Recovery (use the Volume Down key to scroll and Volume Up to pick out).
  • Once you boot into TWRP healing mode, Press on Install and pick out the package who have moved to SDCard tool Motorola Moto X Play.
How To Root Motorola Moto X Play XT1562

How To Root Motorola Moto X Play XT1562

  • Now, reboot your device from the TWRP recovery.
How To Root Motorola Moto X Play XT1562

  • After restart your tool, you'll see an SuperSU icon in the application menu . Which confirms that you have successfully rooted your tool Motorola Moto X Play.
Optional: You can also verify that the tool Motorola Moto X Play You have correctly rooted or now not using the Root Checker app.

Motorola MOTO E4 Plus XT1770 Firmware | Scatter Flash File

Motorola MOTO E4 Plus XT1770 Firmware
Firmware27 akan berbagi Official Firmware & Tool Motorola E4 Plus XT1770 scatter file Mediatek MT6737M untuk memperbaiki atau mem-program ulang Motorola E4 Plus XT1770 apabila terjadi kerusakan pada Software, firmware ini merupakan firmware official langsung dari server resmi motorola.
Tidak hanya firmware yang akan dibagikan akan tetapi sudah saya sertakan juga SP-Flashtool dan file FRP yg kapasitas nya sangat kecil, dimana didalamnya hanya terdapat scatter , preloader dan file frp.

Cara Flash Motorola E4 Plus XT1770
Sebelum melakukan flash usahakan teliti ketika menentukan firmware, karena salah dikala memilih firmware bisa menyebabkan perangkat mengalami mati total, blank pada layar Restart dll.
Untuk mem-flash Motorola E4 plus anda harus mempersiapkan bahan-bahan yg diperlukan seperti
  • PC / Laptop
  • MTK USB Driver
  • SP-FlashTool

Firmware Tool Motorola E4 Plus XT1770

Install ROM
  1. Ekstrak serta install semua yg diperlukan Seperti USB Driver
  2. Buka SP-FlashTool dan klik choos dalam Scatter-Loading file, Arahkan ke folder Firmware dan pilih MT6761_Android_scatter.txt
  3. Klik Download buat memulai
  4. Dalam keadaan Mati Sambungkan Perangkat Menggunakan USB
  5. Proses flashing akan berjalan secara Otomatis
  6. Tunggu hingga selesai yg disertai Popup PASS

History Version

History Article
Free Download Official Firmware Motorola Moto E4 XT1762 and E4 Plus XT1770 and XT1771 Scatter File Mediatek MT6737M for Unbrick and Repair Stuck on Logo.
Flash Moto E4 XT1762 and E4 Plus XT1770 and XT1771 using SP-FlashTool.
For Write pgpt (PrimaryGPT) edit in Scatter File using NotePad or NotePad++

Motorola Moto-M XT1663 Firmware & Tool

Motorola Moto-M XT1663 Firmware & Tool
Free Download Official Firmware Motorola Moto-M XT1663 Mediatek MT6755 for unbrick and repair stuck on logo, Firmware include MTK Driver and SPFlashTool
Flash Motorola XT1663 using SPFlashTool

Firmware27 akan berbagi Firmware Motorola MOTO M XT1663 buat memperbaiki semua masalah pada perangkat lunak mirip dengan bootloop, lupa pola, lupa sandi layar kunci, mati selesainya flash, layar blank karena salah firmware, FRP dll

Firmware MOTO M yang dibagikan merupakan Official Firmware dari server LENOVO, Flash file XT1663 memiliki banyak versi, namun buat versi lama otomatis akan admin hapus Lino nya serta diganti beserta versi yang terbaru, jika membutuhkan versi lama silahkan request di kolom komentar.

Cara Flash Motorola MOTO M XT1663
Memperbaiki kerusakan software salahsatunya bersama melajukan factory reset, tapi apabila tidak bisa beserta factory reset maka harus flash, cara flash MOTO M XT1663 menggunakan SP_Flash_Tool atau MTK Tool lainnya, ada beberapa bahan yang wajib disiapkan sebelum melakukan Flash
  • PC / Laptop
  • USB Driver
  • Sp-FlashTool

Firmware Motorola MOTO M XT1663
Type: Stock ROM, Size: 1.6GB
SoC: Mediatek MT6577
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Lenovo S660 Firmware Download

Lenovo S660 Download

Lenovo S660 Download - Although Lenovo S660 is present with an low-cost charge, it doesn't compromise on capabilities. Except for the the front digicam, the device is excellent ratings on all strains. This device will compete with Moto G Motorola.
Lenovo offers a capacitive display S660 4.7 inches with a resolution of 960 x 540 pixels. It's jogging Android 4. 2 Jelly Bean out of the field and gather the strength of quad-core processor 1.3 GHz MediaTek observed with 1 GB RAM.
Lenovo comes with rear gunner S660 8MP with LED flash can click on the image to three,264 x 2,448 max resolution Pixel. It's also packed in front of 0, 3MP shooters for video calls. Lenovo S660 Download - S660 comes with 8 GB of inner storage that may be increased up to 32 GB thru a microSD card slot.
Lenovo S660 comes with the same old connectivity options encompass 3 g, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and so on. This Smartphone has a 3,000 mAh battery with 10 hours of speak time.

Lenovo S660 Download

This is the legitimate page, from which you can down load Lenovo S660 Download (flash record) on your Computer. After Downloading the, observe the preparation guide to flash the for your device.

File Name:
File Size: 2 GB
Link: Download

File Name:
File Size: 2 GB
Link: Download

File Name:
File Size: 2 GB
Link: Download

File Name:
File Size: 2 GB
Link: Download

File Name:
File Size: 2 GB
Link: Download

If the hyperlink document is damaged or not working please contact here.


  • Backup: we advocate you to take a backup of your non-public statistics earlier than posting flash Stock because flashing removes personal data from the tool.
  • Original: we best serve the unique that become launched via the corporation and we test each our with Eset Internet Security earlier than importing online

How to Flash Lenovo S660 Download

  1. Download SP Flash Tools
  2. Install USB drivers «VCOM
  3. Run software Sp flash device v5
  4. Once the software opens, click on the Scaaterloading then search files which might be in the target folder (MT_Android_scatter), after which click open
  5. Switch off  the cellphone 
  6. Click Download
  7. Connect your mobile phone in your PC the use of the USB cable
  8. If requested driver navigate to the C Drive and pick out Windows usb_driver >
  9. After the flash tool can stumble on progress then the down load will take a few minutes
  10. During the progress, don't attempt a cellular phone disconnection from the PC decided
  11. Please wait until the development performed and are normally marked with Download Ok
  12. Completed. Read More: How to Flash Android Using SP Flash Tools

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