Cara Flash Firmware / Stock ROM OFP Menggunakan MSMDownloadTool / DownloadTool Latest Update

Cara Flash Firmware / Stock ROM OFP Oppo Menggunakan MsmDownloadTool / DownloadTool

MsmDwnloadTool (Untuk Qualcomm) atau DownloadTool (Untuk Mediatek) adalah aplikasi komputer yang khusus digunakan untuk melakukan Flashing Firmware yang memiliki format file .ofp, format ini sering ditemukan pada Firmware perangkat smartphone Oppo ataupun perangkat yang mendukung format Firmware .ofp, oleh karena itu biasanya MsmDownloadTool dan DownloadTool sering digunakan untuk melakukan Flashing Firmware pada perangkat phone Oppo.

Flashing Firmware biasanya dilakukan karena beberapa masalah yang terjadi pada perangkat Smartphone, seperti, Bootloop, Brick, Stuck in Logo, Stuck in FRP, Lupa Pola atau Kata Sandi, Mati Total dan lain sebagainya. Tapi perlu Anda ingat adalah Mati Total yang dimaksud merupakan masalah yang berasal dari sistem perangkat lunak bukan berasal dari masalah perangkat keras dari perangkat telephone itu sendiri.

Melakukan Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM untuk menyelesaikan masalah-masalah sistem yang terjadi pada perangkat smartphone Oppo dengan harapan semua masalah tersebut bisa diatasi dengan baik. MsmDownloadTool dan DownloadTool bukan satu-satunya Tool yang digunakan untuk melakukan Flashing Firmware, ada beberapa Tool lainnya yang juga bisa Anda gunakan untuk melakukan Flashing Firmware, seperti, SPFT (SmartPhone Flash Tool) untuk perangkat Oppo yang menggunakan Chipset Mediatek (MTK) dan QPST (Qualcomm Product Support Tool) untuk perangkat phone Oppo yang menggunakan Chipset Qualcomm.
Untuk Firmware Oppo yang menggunakan Chipset Qualcomm umumnya akan terdapat MSMDownloadTool didalam report Firmware OFP perangkat tersebut, tapi untuk perangkat Oppo yang menggunakan Chipset Mediatek biasanya tidak terdapat aplikasi DownloadTool didalam firmware perangkat tersebut sehingga harus menambahkan secara manual dengan cara menyalin file DownloadTool kemudian menempelkannya kedalam folder Firmware. Tapi, jika Anda tidak bisa menemukan MSMDownloadTool pada file Firmware perangkat Android yang menggunakan Chipset Qualcomm, Anda bisa mengunduhnya pada postingan ini, kemudian meletakkan secara manual didalam report Firmware tersebut.

Untuk mengenali jenis Firmware yang bisa di Flashing menggunakan SPFT dan QPST adalah jika Firmware untuk SPFT maka akan terdapat report "Scatter" (contoh: MT6582_Android_scatter.txt) di dalam report Firmware, sedangkan QPST maka akan terdapat report "Firehose" (contoh: prog_emmc_firehose_8916.mbn) di dalam file Firmware perangkat cellphone Oppo. Biasanya kedua jenis Firmware ini tidak menggunakan layout kompres seperti .ofp, .raw, .pac, .cpb dan lain sebagainya.

Tapi, walaupun ada beberapa Tool yang bisa digunakan untuk melakukan Flash Firmware Oppo, pada postingan ini khusus membahas Flash Firmware .ofp menggunakan MsmDownloadTool dan DownloadTool. Untuk melakukan Flash Firmware .ofp pada perangkat cellphone Oppo maka ikuti langkah demi langkah seperti dibawah ini:


  1. Pastikan perangkat phone Oppo Anda memiliki daya baterai 40% atau lebih agar perangkat tidak Mati saat sedang melakukan Flashing.
  2. Pastikan Anda memiliki Kabel USB yang baik, kalau bisa menggunakan Kabel USB bawaan dari perangkat telephone itu sendiri.
  3. Tentunya Anda harus memiliki komputer untuk melakukannya.
  4. Download dan Install Android USB Driver pada komputer Anda, MTK USB Driver untuk Chipset Meditek atau Qualcomm USB Driver untuk Chipset Qualcomm.
  5. Download dan ekstrak file DownloadTool_V1728.31 (untuk Chipset Mediatek) atau MSMDownloadTool_V3.0 (untuk Chipset Qualcomm).
  6. Download dam ekstrak file Firmware .ofp sesuai perangkat Oppo yang ingin Anda Flashing.

Cara Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM OFP Menggunakan DownloadTool (Untuk Chipset Mediatek)

  • Setelah semua alat dan bahan dipersiapkan, maka sekarang lakukan penyalinan report yang ada didalam folder DownloadTool_V1728.31 ke dalam folder Firmware .ofp Oppo.
  • Setelah itu, lakukan "klik-kanan" pada record "DownloadTool.exe" kemudian pilih "Run As Administrator". Note: jika Anda melihat pesan "CmDongle runtime gadget isn't always installed!" ataupun "The Directory Name is Invalid", "Check phe direction, after which attempt again" ataupun Anda ingin mengaktifkan mode "Format Download" dan tombol "Start All" tidak bisa di-klik maka Anda bisa mengatasinya dengan cara melakukan langkah demi langkah pada postingan "MsmDownloadTool And DownloadTool_Vxx: Problems And Solutions".
  • Jika jendela DownloadTool_V1728.31 berhasil muncul dan document Firmware di-load dengan baik, pastikan Anda memilih opsi "Upgrade Download" dan mencentang "Select All", maka sekarang Anda lakukan adalah klik tombol "Start All" pada jendela aplikasi tersebut.
Cara Flash Firmware / Stock ROM OFP Menggunakan MsmDownloadTool / DownloadTool

  • Setelah Anda klik tombol "Start All" maka DownloadTool akan bersiap untuk melakukan Flashing Firmware, hanya menunggu terhubungnya perangkat phone yang akan di flashing.
Cara Flash Firmware / Stock ROM OFP Menggunakan MsmDownloadTool / DownloadTool

  • Sekarang matikan perangkat Oppo Anda dan diamkan sebentar.
  • Sekarang hubungkan Kabel USB dari Komputer ke perangkat Oppo Anda, kemudian masuk ke Mode EDL dengan cara menekan dan menahan tombol Boot yaitu tombol "Volume Down" dan "Volume Up" secara bersamaan.
Cara Flash Firmware / Stock ROM OFP Menggunakan MsmDownloadTool / DownloadTool

  • Jika tidak ada kendala yang berarti maka sekarang Anda akan melihat proses Flashing berlangsung pada jendela aplikasi DownloadTool. Note: Jika perangkat Oppo Anda tidak terdeteksi di komputer, maka periksa MTK USB Driver terpasang dengan baik atau tidak ataupun Kabel USB yang Anda gunakan.
  • Setelah proses berjalan, sekarang Anda boleh melepas tombol "Volume Down dan Up" dan bersantai sejenak sambil menunggu proses Flashing selesai one hundred%.
Cara Flash Firmware / Stock ROM OFP Menggunakan MsmDownloadTool / DownloadTool

  • Setelah proses Flashing Firmware selesai dengan baik, maka sekarang nyalakan perangkat Oppo Anda kembali. Saya berharap perangkat Oppo Anda bisa berjalan dengan everyday kembali.

Cara Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM OFP Menggunakan MSMDownloadTool (Untuk Chipset Qualcomm)

  • Cara Flash Firmware .ofp menggunakan MSMDownloadTool tidak jauh berbeda dengan cara flash menggunakan DownloadTool diatas yaitu sama-sama membutuhkan firmware .ofp, hanya saja MSMDownloadTool di khususkan untuk firmware .ofp untuk perangkat Android yang menggunakan Chipset Qualcomm. Jika firmware OFP tidak sesuai dengan Chipset Qualcomm, maka MSMDownloadTool akan merespon dengan pesan "The Format of the flash package is wrong or the flash package deal dont fit the download tool" ketika Anda melakukan Klik pada aplikasi Flash Tool tersebut.

Cara Flash Firmware / Stock ROM OFP Menggunakan MsmDownloadTool / DownloadTool

  • Ok, saya harap Anda sudah mengerti perbedaan antara DownloadTool dengan MSMDownloadTool, maka dengan begitu Anda sudah bisa melanjutkan langkah untuk Flashing Firmware OFP menggunakan MSMDownloadTool.
  • Setelah semua alat dan bahan dipersiapkan, maka sekarang lakukan penyalinan record yang ada didalam folder MSMDownloadTool_V3.0 ke dalam folder Firmware .ofp Oppo.
  • Sekarang matikan perangkat Smartphone Anda, diamkan sebentar, kemudian hubungkan menggunakan Kabel USB dari komputer ke perangkat Smartphone Anda, sambil masuk ke Mode EDL dengan cara menekan dan menahan tombol "Volume Up dan Volume Down" secara bersamaan. Note: Pastikan sebelumnya Anda sudah memasang Qualcomm USB Driver dengan baik dan benar, sehingga ketika Anda menghubungkan komputer dengan perangkat Smartphone maka akan muncul "Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader Driver" pada "Device Manager".
  • Jika perangkat phone Anda sudah benar-benar terhubung ke komputer, maka, setelah itu, lakukan "klik-kanan" pada record "MSMDownloadTool.exe" kemudian pilih "Run As Administrator". Note: jika Anda melihat pesan "CmDongle runtime gadget isn't always installed!" ataupun "The Directory Name is Invalid", "Check phe direction, after which attempt again" ataupun Anda ingin mengaktifkan mode "SMT Download Mode" dan tombol "Start" tidak bisa di-klik maka Anda bisa mengatasinya dengan cara melakukan langkah demi langkah pada postingan "MsmDownloadTool And DownloadTool_Vxx: Problems And Solutions".
  • Jika jendela MSMDownloadTool_V3.0 berhasil muncul dan file Firmware di-load dengan baik, pastikan Anda memilih opsi "After-income Upgrade Mode", setelah itu, sekarang Anda lakukan adalah klik tombol "Refresh" pada jendela aplikasi tersebut. Kemudian klik pada tombol "Verify".
Cara Flash Firmware / Stock ROM OFP Menggunakan MsmDownloadTool / DownloadTool

  • Setelah itu, maka sekarang Anda klik pada tombol "Start" untuk memulai Flashing Firmware OFP. Dan akan muncul notifikasi setelah anda men-klik tombol tersebut, sekarang klik pada tombol "Yes" untuk menyetujui isi pesan notifikasi tersebut.
Cara Flash Firmware / Stock ROM OFP Menggunakan MsmDownloadTool / DownloadTool

  • Tidak lama kemudian, proses flash firmware akan terjadi, dan Anda hanya menunggu proses tersebut selesai.
Cara Flash Firmware / Stock ROM OFP Menggunakan MsmDownloadTool / DownloadTool

Demikian saja yang dapat saya tulis pada postingan ini, mudah-mudahan bisa bermanfaat bagi Anda yang mengikuti academic Flashing Firmware .ofp Pada Perangkat Oppo ini. Jika ada masukan ataupun pertanyaan terkait postingan ini, silahkan tulis pada kolom komentar dibawah postingan. Terima kasih!.

Firmware Oppo F3 Plus CPH1613 / CPH1611

Official Firmware Oppo F3 Plus CPH1613
Free download official firmware Oppo F3 Plus CPH1613 / CPH1611 Untuk mengatasi Bootloop / Stuck on Logo, Brick Mati Total / dead after flash 9008, Screen Lock, pattern lock, Error system dll.

Tutorial / Cara Flash Oppo F3 Plus
Cara Flash Oppo F3 Plus terdapat beberapa cara tergantung dari jenis firmware yang digunakan Seperti OTA, ofp file dan QFIL Firmware, Untuk jenis OTA memakai SDCard, ofp file Menggunakan MsmDownloadTool, serta Untuk QFIL Firmware memakai QFIL, Miflash atau Qualcomm Tool sejenis nya.

OTA Firmware Oppo F3 Plus CPH1613 / CPH1611
Jika perangkat kamu masih mampu masuk ke mode recovery atau hanya ingin melakukan Update OS sangat di sarankan untuk melakukan flashing bersama cara OTA, karena menggunaian cara OTA lebih aman di gunakan di bandingkan dengan jenis flashing lainnya, Untuk yg ingin memakai jenis firmware ini silahkan kunjungi supoort download Oppo serta pilih sesuai perangkat yang anda pakai, atau sanggup mendownload nya melalui google drive di bawah ini.

Type: ROM Size: 1.7GB
Download via Google Drive

Ofp Firmware Oppo F3 Plus
Ofp file merupakan Official firmware yg biasa dijalankan oleh Service Center Oppo, Firmware ini usahakan digunakan apabila perangkat sudah tak bisa masuk ke recovery mode atau telah tak bisa melakukan flashing bersama cara OTA, pilih versi firmware sesuai beserta kebutuhan atau gunakan verai terbaru.Tutorial Flash

Type: ROM Size: 1.8GB

History Version

QFIL Firmware Oppo F3 Plus CPH1613 / CPH1611
Type: ROM Size: 1.9GB
Download via Google Drive

Download And Unpack Oppo F3 Plus FirmwareDownload and Install PdaNetConnect your InternetOpen MsmDownloadTool in Firmware FolderTurn off your phone, remove the battery (if the battery is removable)Press “Start” button to startPress and Hold Boot key and Connect your phone into the computer via USB data cable.
Tutorial Flash Ofp File

Firmware & Tool Oppo R11s CPH1719 Qualcomm

Free Download Official Firmware & Tool Oppo R11s CPH1719 ofp serta QFIL Firmware, Untuk Mengatasi brick dead after flash qdloader hs usb 9008, Repair Stuck on Logo, Screen Lock, Pattern Lock dll.

Tutorial / Cara Flash Oppo R11s CPH1719
Untuk Cara flash Oppo R11s CPH1719 terdapat beberapa cara tergantung dari jenis firmware yg dipakai, Untuk jenis OTA Flash memakai SDCard di recovery mode, Untuk jenis ofp file memakai MsmDownloadTool Yang sudah disediakan di pada paket Firmware, Tetapi semenjak 2019 MsmDownloadTool memerlukan Username dan Password.

OTA Firmware Oppo R11s CPH1719
Jika perangkat kamu masih bisa masuk ke mode recovery atau hanya ingin melakukan Update OS Sebaiknya lakukan flashing dengan cara OTA, Flash bersama cara ota lebih kondusif dibandingkan dengan cara flashing jenis lainnya, Untuk kamu yang ingin melakukan flashing dengan cara OTA silahkan kunjungi situs web resmi Oppo.


Ofp Firmware Oppo R11s CPH1719
Type: STOCK ROM, Size:
Google Drive AndroidFileHost

Username & Password

History Version
CPH1719EX_11_A.16_180824_AU JP.rar
OPPO R11s_系列11_A.10_171112.tar.bz2 (China Version)

Flash ROM
1. Download and extract firmware Oppo
2. Download and Install Qualcomm USB Driver
3. Install PDANett
4. Connect your Internet
5. Open MsmDownloadTool in folder Firmware Oppo R11s and Click Start
6. Connect your phone in EDL Mode (emergency download) 9008 and wait in prosses flashing.
Read more Tutorial

[oppo] Firmware Oppo R7f All Version

Firmware Oppo R7f All Version
Free Download Official firmware Oppo R7f, R7g, R7gAustralia, R7k, R7Plus, R7s, R7SM Qualcomm msm8936 for unbrick tewas sesudah flash, repair stuck on Logo / Bootloop, Lupa Pola, Lupa Sandi layar Kunci ataupun ingin melakukan penggantian eMMC.

Firmware yang dibagikan oleh Firmware27 merupakan Official dari Oppo atau yang biasa dipakai oleh SC Oppo, Firmware27 tidak sanggup membedakan dari antara semua tipe R7 varian lantaran tak secara langsung melihat tipe nya satu per satu.


History Version
R7sfEX_11_A.14_170605.tar noly AU.bz2

Download Firmware / Stock ROM Oppo A59s Mediatek Chinese Version Latest Update

Download Firmware / Stock ROM Oppo A59s Mediatek (Chinese Version)

Firmware is a software that is connected to a mini media memory on a hardware device that incorporates the identification and practical hardware. On Smartphone or Tablet Android devices in general often experience problems in Firmware such as BootloopBrickStuck on LogoHang or perhaps stuck on Google FRP.

Usually customers who enjoy the problem ought to do Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM to fix problems that are happening on their Smartphone or Tablet, in the hope after doing Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM is their Android Device will return to normal. Flashing the new Firmware does not rule out the possibility that your Android device will return to normal or even exacerbate the problem. Flashing Also done to update the Android system or upgrade from the Android system.

To flash firmware into an Android tool Oppo A59s Mediatek (Chinese Version), you could do it the usage of a exclusive tool, according to the Chipset utilized by the Oppo A59s Mediatek (Chinese Version) device. And additionally decided by the firmware format you get. If your Oppo A59s Mediatek (Chinese Version) device uses Qualcomm Chipset, then you may flash the Oppo A59s Mediatek (Chinese Version) firmware the usage of QPST (Qualcomm Product Support Tool). But if your Oppo A59s Mediatek (Chinese Version) tool uses Chipset Mediatek (MTK) then you may flash the Oppo A59s Mediatek (Chinese Version) firmware using SPFT (SmartPhone Flash Tool). If based totally on the firmware layout, including the .ofp format, you may flash the firmware into the Oppo A59s Mediatek (Chinese Version) device the use of 2 Tools Downloader, additionally associated with the Chipset used by the Oppo A59s Mediatek (Chinese Version) device itself, if your Oppo A59s Mediatek (Chinese Version) tool makes use of Qualcomm chipset, the firmware kind layout .ofp may be flashed the usage of MSMDownloadTool, however if your Oppo A59s Mediatek (Chinese Version) device uses Chipset Mediatek (MTK), then you may flash using DownloadTool. So the belief is MSMDownloadTool to flash .ofp firmware into the Oppo A59s Mediatek (Chinese Version) tool that uses Qualcomm Chipset.and DownloadTool to flash the .ofp firmware into the Oppo A59s Mediatek (Chinese Version) tool that uses the Chipset Mediatek (MTK).
To find out the type of firmware file that may be flashed the usage of QPST or SPFT tools, you may distinguish it by means of searching at the report "Firehose" and "Scatter" within the firmware report Oppo A59s Mediatek (Chinese Version). If you discover the "Firehose" record (example: proc_emmc_firehose_8916.mbn) then you can flash the firmware the use of the QPST tool, but in case you see the file "Scatter" (example: MT6582_Android_Scatter.txt) within the firmware document Oppo A59s Mediatek (Chinese Version), then you could flash the firmware using the SPFT device.
If in trendy, flashing can use the "ADB And Fastboot" device, as an example Flash Stock ROM "OTA Update" or Flash Custom Recovery (TWRP, CWM etc.) into the Oppo A59s Mediatek (Chinese Version) tool, however "ADB And Fastboot" isn't precise for flashing the firmware in complete.
Important Note: Sometimes there are a few firmware documents that use the compress .tar.bz2 format and others that make it hard on the way to extract, then you definitely want to install the 7ZIP tool for your laptop and then open the file with the 7ZIP Tool.
To download the firmware document for the Oppo A59s Mediatek (Chinese Version), you can get it at the hyperlink provided in the download desk beneath.
If you wish to get another Oppo Firmware, then you can get it on the post "Download Firmware Oppo Android Devices (All Models)"

17.A59s_11_A.11_171212.ra OFP (Password: FirmwaRe27) 1.5 GB
17.A59s_11_A.11_171212_Scatter.tar.gz Scatter (Password: FirmwaRe27) 1.5 GB

Download Firmware / Stock ROM Oppo A37m Mediatek Chinese Version Latest Update

Download Firmware / Stock ROM Oppo A37m Mediatek (Chinese Version)

Firmware is a software that is attached to a mini media memory on a hardware device that contains the identity and functional hardware. On Smartphone or Tablet Android devices in general often experience problems in Firmware such as BootloopBrickStuck on LogoHang or perhaps caught on Google FRP.

Usually customers who enjoy the problem ought to do Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM to fix problems that are happening on their Smartphone or Tablet, in the hope after doing Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM is their Android Device will return to normal. Flashing the new Firmware does not rule out the possibility that your Android device will return to normal or even exacerbate the problem. Flashing Also done to update the Android system or upgrade from the Android system.

To flash firmware into an Android tool Oppo A37m Mediatek (Chinese Version), you may do it the use of a extraordinary device, according to the Chipset used by the Oppo A37m Mediatek (Chinese Version) device. And additionally decided with the aid of the firmware format you get. If your Oppo A37m Mediatek (Chinese Version) device uses Qualcomm Chipset, then you can flash the Oppo A37m Mediatek (Chinese Version) firmware the use of QPST (Qualcomm Product Support Tool). But in case your Oppo A37m Mediatek (Chinese Version) tool makes use of Chipset Mediatek (MTK) then you could flash the Oppo A37m Mediatek (Chinese Version) firmware the usage of SPFT (SmartPhone Flash Tool). If based on the firmware layout, inclusive of the .ofp format, you can flash the firmware into the Oppo A37m Mediatek (Chinese Version) tool using 2 Tools Downloader, also associated with the Chipset utilized by the Oppo A37m Mediatek (Chinese Version) tool itself, in case your Oppo A37m Mediatek (Chinese Version) device makes use of Qualcomm chipset, the firmware type format .ofp can be flashed the use of MSMDownloadTool, but in case your Oppo A37m Mediatek (Chinese Version) tool uses Chipset Mediatek (MTK), then you can flash using DownloadTool. So the conclusion is MSMDownloadTool to flash .ofp firmware into the Oppo A37m Mediatek (Chinese Version) device that makes use of Qualcomm Chipset.and DownloadTool to flash the .ofp firmware into the Oppo A37m Mediatek (Chinese Version) device that makes use of the Chipset Mediatek (MTK).
To find out the type of firmware file that can be flashed the use of QPST or SPFT equipment, you may distinguish it by way of searching at the document "Firehose" and "Scatter" in the firmware document Oppo A37m Mediatek (Chinese Version). If you find the "Firehose" record (instance: proc_emmc_firehose_8916.mbn) then you may flash the firmware the use of the QPST device, but in case you see the document "Scatter" (example: MT6582_Android_Scatter.txt) in the firmware document Oppo A37m Mediatek (Chinese Version), then you could flash the firmware the usage of the SPFT tool.
If in popular, flashing can use the "ADB And Fastboot" device, for instance Flash Stock ROM "OTA Update" or Flash Custom Recovery (TWRP, CWM and so on.) into the Oppo A37m Mediatek (Chinese Version) tool, however "ADB And Fastboot" is not precise for flashing the firmware in complete.
Important Note: Sometimes there are some firmware documents that use the compress .tar.bz2 format and others that make it hard to be able to extract, then you need to put in the 7ZIP tool for your laptop and then open the report with the 7ZIP Tool.
To download the firmware record for the Oppo A37m Mediatek (Chinese Version), you could get it on the hyperlink furnished inside the download table below.
If you wish to get another Oppo Firmware, then you can get it on the post "Download Firmware Oppo Android Devices (All Models)"

25.A37m_11_A.25_180306.rar OFP (Password: fIrmWare27) 1.6 GB
25.A37m_11_A.25_180306_Scatter.rar Scatter (Password: fIrmWare27) 1.6 GB

Download Firmware / Stock ROM Oppo A59m Mediatek Chinese Version Latest Update

Download Firmware / Stock ROM Oppo A59m Mediatek (Chinese Version)

Firmware is a software this is connected to a mini media reminiscence on a hardware device that contains the identity and useful hardware. On Smartphone or Tablet Android devices in general often experience problems in Firmware such as BootloopBrickStuck on LogoHang or perhaps caught on Google FRP.

Usually users who experience the hassle ought to do Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM to fix problems that are happening on their Smartphone or Tablet, in the hope after doing Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM is their Android Device will return to normal. Flashing the new Firmware does not rule out the possibility that your Android device will return to normal or even exacerbate the problem. Flashing Also done to update the Android system or upgrade from the Android system.

To flash firmware into an Android device Oppo A59m Mediatek (Chinese Version), you may do it the use of a special tool, in keeping with the Chipset used by the Oppo A59m Mediatek (Chinese Version) device. And additionally decided by way of the firmware layout you get. If your Oppo A59m Mediatek (Chinese Version) device makes use of Qualcomm Chipset, then you may flash the Oppo A59m Mediatek (Chinese Version) firmware the usage of QPST (Qualcomm Product Support Tool). But if your Oppo A59m Mediatek (Chinese Version) tool uses Chipset Mediatek (MTK) then you may flash the Oppo A59m Mediatek (Chinese Version) firmware using SPFT (SmartPhone Flash Tool). If based totally at the firmware format, which include the .ofp layout, you may flash the firmware into the Oppo A59m Mediatek (Chinese Version) tool the use of 2 Tools Downloader, also associated with the Chipset used by the Oppo A59m Mediatek (Chinese Version) device itself, if your Oppo A59m Mediatek (Chinese Version) device uses Qualcomm chipset, the firmware kind layout .ofp may be flashed using MSMDownloadTool, but if your Oppo A59m Mediatek (Chinese Version) device makes use of Chipset Mediatek (MTK), then you may flash the usage of DownloadTool. So the belief is MSMDownloadTool to flash .ofp firmware into the Oppo A59m Mediatek (Chinese Version) tool that makes use of Qualcomm Chipset.and DownloadTool to flash the .ofp firmware into the Oppo A59m Mediatek (Chinese Version) tool that makes use of the Chipset Mediatek (MTK).
To find out the type of firmware file that may be flashed using QPST or SPFT tools, you can distinguish it through looking on the file "Firehose" and "Scatter" in the firmware file Oppo A59m Mediatek (Chinese Version). If you locate the "Firehose" report (instance: proc_emmc_firehose_8916.mbn) then you can flash the firmware the usage of the QPST device, however in case you see the report "Scatter" (example: MT6582_Android_Scatter.txt) in the firmware document Oppo A59m Mediatek (Chinese Version), then you can flash the firmware the use of the SPFT device.
If in general, flashing can use the "ADB And Fastboot" device, as an instance Flash Stock ROM "OTA Update" or Flash Custom Recovery (TWRP, CWM and so on.) into the Oppo A59m Mediatek (Chinese Version) device, but "ADB And Fastboot" isn't always certain for flashing the firmware in full.
Important Note: Sometimes there are a few firmware documents that use the compress .tar.bz2 format and others that make it hard so that you can extract, then you definately need to put in the 7ZIP tool in your laptop after which open the file with the 7ZIP Tool.
To download the firmware document for the Oppo A59m Mediatek (Chinese Version), you can get it at the link provided in the download desk under.
If you wish to get another Oppo Firmware, then you can get it on the post "Download Firmware Oppo Android Devices (All Models)"

21.A59m_11_A.21_171219.rar OFP (Password: FIrmware27) 1.5 GB
A59m_11_A.21_171219_scatter.tar.gz Scatter (Password: FIrmware27) 1.5 GB

Download Firmware / Stock ROM Oppo A79t Mediatek Chinese Version Latest Update

Download Firmware / Stock ROM Oppo A79t Mediatek (Chinese Version)

Firmware is a software program that is attached to a mini media memory on a hardware device that includes the identification and practical hardware. On Smartphone or Tablet Android devices in general often experience problems in Firmware such as BootloopBrickStuck on LogoHang or maybe stuck on Google FRP.

Usually users who revel in the trouble should do Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM to fix problems that are happening on their Smartphone or Tablet, in the hope after doing Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM is their Android Device will return to normal. Flashing the new Firmware does not rule out the possibility that your Android device will return to normal or even exacerbate the problem. Flashing Also done to update the Android system or upgrade from the Android system.

To flash firmware into an Android tool Oppo A79t Mediatek (Chinese Version), you could do it using a exclusive tool, according to the Chipset utilized by the Oppo A79t Mediatek (Chinese Version) tool. And additionally decided with the aid of the firmware layout you get. If your Oppo A79t Mediatek (Chinese Version) device makes use of Qualcomm Chipset, then you could flash the Oppo A79t Mediatek (Chinese Version) firmware using QPST (Qualcomm Product Support Tool). But in case your Oppo A79t Mediatek (Chinese Version) device uses Chipset Mediatek (MTK) then you may flash the Oppo A79t Mediatek (Chinese Version) firmware the usage of SPFT (SmartPhone Flash Tool). If based at the firmware format, such as the .ofp format, you can flash the firmware into the Oppo A79t Mediatek (Chinese Version) tool the use of 2 Tools Downloader, also related to the Chipset utilized by the Oppo A79t Mediatek (Chinese Version) tool itself, in case your Oppo A79t Mediatek (Chinese Version) device uses Qualcomm chipset, the firmware type layout .ofp may be flashed using MSMDownloadTool, however if your Oppo A79t Mediatek (Chinese Version) device makes use of Chipset Mediatek (MTK), then you can flash the use of DownloadTool. So the conclusion is MSMDownloadTool to flash .ofp firmware into the Oppo A79t Mediatek (Chinese Version) device that uses Qualcomm Chipset.and DownloadTool to flash the .ofp firmware into the Oppo A79t Mediatek (Chinese Version) tool that uses the Chipset Mediatek (MTK).
To find out the type of firmware file that may be flashed using QPST or SPFT gear, you may distinguish it by using searching at the document "Firehose" and "Scatter" in the firmware file Oppo A79t Mediatek (Chinese Version). If you find the "Firehose" document (example: proc_emmc_firehose_8916.mbn) then you could flash the firmware using the QPST device, however if you see the file "Scatter" (example: MT6582_Android_Scatter.txt) inside the firmware record Oppo A79t Mediatek (Chinese Version), then you could flash the firmware the use of the SPFT tool.
If in wellknown, flashing can use the "ADB And Fastboot" tool, for instance Flash Stock ROM "OTA Update" or Flash Custom Recovery (TWRP, CWM and many others.) into the Oppo A79t Mediatek (Chinese Version) device, however "ADB And Fastboot" is not designated for flashing the firmware in complete.
Important Note: Sometimes there are some firmware files that use the compress .tar.bz2 format and others that make it difficult with a view to extract, you then want to install the 7ZIP device in your pc and then open the document with the 7ZIP Tool.
To download the firmware file for the Oppo A79t Mediatek (Chinese Version), you may get it at the hyperlink furnished inside the download desk underneath.
If you wish to get another Oppo Firmware, then you can get it on the post "Download Firmware Oppo Android Devices (All Models)"

23.A79t_11_A.21_180204_814d77fe.rar OFP (Password: fIRmware27) 3.1 GB
23.A79t_11_A.21_180204_814d77fe_scatter.rar Scatter (Password: fIRmware27) 3.1 GB

Free Download Zu Official Repair Firmware All Version.

Meizu Repair Firmware Collection
Free Official Repair Firmware Meizu buat Mediatek, Qualcomm serta Exynos Untuk mengatasi Semua kerusakan pada software seperti Bootloop, Brick / Mati Total / Dead after Flash ataupun ingin melakukan penggantian eMMC.
Cara Flash Meizu terdapat beberapa cara tergantung dari jenis SoC (System on Chip) atau seringkali disebut Chipset atau CPU yg dijalankan, Untuk Mediatek Cara Flash nya menggunakan SP-FlashTool (bila didukung) MRT Dongle, UFI Box atau MTK Tool Lainnya yang Support Untuk Flashing Meizu.
Untuk Qualcomm Cara Flashing nya anda sanggup menggunakan QFIL ataupun sejenisnya, serta Untuk Exynos admin belum mencari tahu cara melakukan flashing nya.

Firmware Meizu U20
Type: ROM Size: 885MB
Download via Google Drive

20160907094759_intl_prd_stable_5.2.4.0.zipType: ROM Size: 923MB
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu U10
Type: ROM Size: 933MB
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 969MB
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu Pro 7-Plus (M1793)
Type: ROM Size: 1.1GB
SoC: Mediatek MT6799
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 953MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6799
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu Pro-7s (1792L)
Type: ROM Size: 1GB
SoC: Mediatek MT6757
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 953MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6757
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu Pro-7H (M1792)
Type: ROM Size: 1GB
SoC: Mediatek MT6757
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu Pro 6-Plus (M96)
Type: ROM Size: 905MB
SoC: Exynos
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 863MB
SoC: Exynos
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu Pro 6 (M80)
Type: ROM Size: 1.3GB
SoC: Mediatek MT6797
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 819MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6797
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu Pro 5 (M86)
Type: ROM Size: 813MB
SoC: Exynos
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 2.3GB
SoC: Exynos
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu MX6 (M95)
Type: ROM Size: 928MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6797
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 859MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6797
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu MX5 (M85)
Type: ROM Size: 806MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6795
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu MX4 Pro (M76)
Type: ROM Size: 579MB
SoC: Exynos
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu MX4 (M75)
Type: ROM Size: 670MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6595
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 448MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6595
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu M6 Note (M1721)
Type: ROM Size: 1.1GB
SoC: Qualcomm Msm8953
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 1.6GB
SoC: Qualcomm Msm8953
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu M6 (M1711)
Type: ROM Size: 960MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6750
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu M5s (M1612)
Type: ROM Size: 841MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6753
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu M5c (M1710)
Type: ROM Size: 838MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6737M
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 829MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6737M
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu M5 Note (M1621)

Flyme (NO Change MB).zip
Type: ROM Size: 983MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6755
Download via Google Drive

Flyme (Change MB).zip
Type: ROM Size: 983MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6755
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 982MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6755
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu M5 (M1611)
Type: ROM Size: 1.2GB
SoC: Mediatek MT6755
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 1GB
SoC: Mediatek MT6755
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu M3X (M92)
Type: ROM Size: 1.4GB
SoC: Mediatek MT6757
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu M3s (Y15)
Type: ROM Size: 979MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6750
Download via Google Drive

20161213192102_intl_prd_mp1_stable_5.1.5.4G (NO Change MB).zip
Type: ROM Size: 921MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6750
Download via Google Drive

20161213192102_intl_prd_mp1_stable_5.1.5.4G (Change MB).zip
Type: ROM Size: 921MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6750
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu M3 Note (M91)
Type: ROM Size: 800MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6755
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 895MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6755
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 1.2GB
SoC: Mediatek MT6755
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu M3 Max (S25)
Type: ROM Size: 991MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6755
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 936MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6755
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu M3 (M98)
Type: ROM Size: 1.3GB
SoC: Mediatek MT6750
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu M2 Note (M81)
Type: ROM Size: 1GB
SoC: Mediatek MT6753
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 923MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6753
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 1GB
SoC: Mediatek MT6753
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu M2 (M88)

Z160_factory_software for M88 (M2).zip
Type: ROM Size: 462MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6735
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 755MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6735
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 869MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6735
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu M1E / M3E (A02)
Type: ROM Size: 1.3GB
SoC: Mediatek MT6755
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 938MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6755
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu M1 Note (M71)
Type: ROM Size: 1GB
SoC: Mediatek MT6752
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 670MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6752
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Meizu M1 (M79)
Type: ROM Size: 882MB
SoC: Mediatek MT6752
Download via Google Drive

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