Cara Flashing Firmware Android Asus Menggunakan AsusFlashTool

How to Flashing Firmware Asus Android Devices Using AsusFlashTool

Pada umumnya semua orang tidak ingin memiliki masalah pada perangkat Smartphone Android mereka, walaupun begitu semua ciptaan manusia pada suatu hari pasti akan rusak, termasuk perangkat Smartphone Android ini. Jika sudah mengalami kerusakan pada Smartphone Android anda, apa yang akan anda lakukan? Ya tentu kenali dulu masalah yang terjadi kemudian bertindak sesuai dengan cara penyelesaian masalah tersebut.

Seperti yang kita ketahui pada Smartphone Android banyak sekali masalah-masalah yang terjadi didalamnya, seperti Bootloop atau Stuck on Logo, Only Vibration  dan lain sebagainya. Kita sering mengenal dengan sebutan "Hang".

Apabila sudah terjadi Hang seperti tersebut diatas pada perangkat Android anda maka jangan panik dan tergesa-gesa pergi ke tempat perbaikan ponsel. Misalkan perangkat Android anda sedang mengalami Bootloop, maka anda cukup mencari solusinya di internet, disana anda akan menemukan berbagai solusi yang ditawarkan kepada anda oleh pengguna Smartphone Android yang sudah berpengalaman memperbaiki perangkat Android yang tergantung dengan masalah apa yang sedang terjadi pada perangkat Android anda.

Saya mengambil kasus pada perangkat Android Asus ZenFone. Pada Asus ZenFone sering terjadi masalah seperti Bootloop atau Stuck on Logo, tapi itu bisa diperbaiki sendiri dengan bermodalkan Komputer, kable USB, Firmware dan aplikasi AsusFlashTool.

Kebutuhan seperti diatas merupakan persayaratan untuk melakukan flashing Firmware pada perangkat Asus ZenFone anda, semua keputusan berada pada tangan anda, jika anda mengambil jalan dengan cara melakukan Flashing Firmware maka ikuti langkah demi langkah Flashing Asus ZenFone menggunakan AsusFlashTool pada postingan ini.

Untuk melakukan Flashing Firmware pada Asus ZenFone maupun perangkat Android Asus lainnya, anda bisa menggunakan Aplikasi AsusFlashTool, sebuah aplikasi yang dibuat khusus untuk melakukan Flashing Firmware pada perangkat Android Asus ZenFone dan perangkat Android Asus lainnya dengan persyaratan mempunyai paket Firmware yang dimaksud.

Selanjutnya adalah langkah demi langkah untuk melakukan flashing Firmware pada Asus ZenFone menggunakan AsusFlashTool:

  • Download dan instal aplikasi AsusFlashTool pada komputer anda.
  • Download paket Firmware Asus ZenFone yang anda miliki pada postingan sebelumnya yaitu Download Raw Firmware Asus Zenfone. Pada saat ingin mengunduh document Firmware tersebut, anda harus berhati-hati dalam memilih paket firmware yang disediakan, apabila salah firmware maka akan berakibat deadly.
  • Setelah itu matikan perangkat Android Asus ZenFone anda, kemudian masuk kedalam Mode Bootloader atau Fastboot dengan cara menekan tombol "Volume Down" dan "Power" secara bersamaan sampai keluar logo Android.
  • Kemudian hubungkan perangkat Android Asus ZenFone kepada komputer menggunakan kabel USB.
How to Flashing Firmware Asus Android Devices Using AsusFlashTool

  • Sebelumnya anda perlu melakukan instalasi Android USB Driver pada komputer guna untuk mendeteksi perangkat Android Asus ZenFone yang anda hubungkan. Lakukan instalasi Android USB Driver sesuai dengan Chipset yang digunakan perangkat Android anda, misalkan Intel maka instal Intel Android USB Driver.
  • Jika anda sudah selesai melakukan instalasi Android USB Driver sesuai arahan maka sekarang pastikan perangkat Android anda sudah terdeteksi dengan cara menjalankan aplikasi AsusFlashTool di komputer anda.

How to Flashing Firmware Asus Android Devices Using AsusFlashTool

  • Jika sudah muncul jendela aplikasi AsusFlashTool maka sekarang pilih version sesuai dengan perangkat Asus ZenFone yang anda miliki.
How to Flashing Firmware Asus Android Devices Using AsusFlashTool

  • Disini saya mengambil kasus pada Asus ZenFone 4C (ZC451CG) atau lebih dikenal Asus ZenFone C.
How to Flashing Firmware Asus Android Devices Using AsusFlashTool

  • Jika suah terpasang dengan baik, maka perangkat Android anda akan terdeteksi ditandai dengan munculnya "Serial Number" pada aplikasi AsusFlashTool.
How to Flashing Firmware Asus Android Devices Using AsusFlashTool

  • Setelah itu, sekarang klik pada tombol "Download" yang berwarna coklat berbentuk kotak pada aplikasi AsusFlashTool, kemudian arahkan kepada report Firmware Raw Asus ZenFone yang sudah anda down load tadi.
How to Flashing Firmware Asus Android Devices Using AsusFlashTool

  • Setelah anda mendapatinya, kemudian klik pada "Serial Number" Asus ZenFone anda pada aplikasi AsusFlashTool.
How to Flashing Firmware Asus Android Devices Using AsusFlashTool

How to Flashing Firmware Asus Android Devices Using AsusFlashTool

  • Setelah itu akan terjadi proses Flashing, ditandai dengan adanya perubahan warna tombol biru menjadi kuning dan panel hijau berlalu-lalang  pada aplikasi AsusFlashTool.
How to Flashing Firmware Asus Android Devices Using AsusFlashTool

  • Sekarang anda tidak perlu melakukan apa-apa, anda hanya perlu menunggu sampai proses Flashing selesai ditandai dengan perubahan tombol kuning menjadi hijau dan panel hijau berhenti berlalu-lalang dan akan muncul notifikasi USB.
How to Flashing Firmware Asus Android Devices Using AsusFlashTool

  • Pada kondisi ini, anda hanya perlu menunggu kepastian pada perangkat Asus ZenFone anda, apakah perangkat tersebut akan kembali hidup ordinary atau masih pada kondisi yang sama. Tunggu 10 sampai 20 menit.

Semoga Asus ZenFone milik anda kembali hidup ordinary dan anda bisa mengoperasikannya lagi sebagai mana sebelumnya.

Sekian saja yang dapat saya tulis pada postingan ini, mudah-mudahan dengan ini bisa mempermudah anda untuk melakukan perbaikan atau flashing Firmware terhadap perangkat Asus ZenFone milik anda.

Masukan yang sifatnya membangun sangat saya harapkan guna sebagai motivasi untuk membuat postingan yang lebih baik lagi untuk kedepannya.

Download Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 3 ZE552KL All Versions

Download Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 3 ZE552KL All Versions

Download Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 3 (ZE552KL) All Versions

Firmware is a software that is attached to a mini media reminiscence on a hardware tool that incorporates the identity and purposeful hardware. On Smartphone or Tablet Android devices in general often experience problems in Firmware such as Bootloop, Brick, Stuck on Logo, Hang or maybe caught on Google FRP.

Usually customers who experience the problem have to do Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM to fix problems that are happening on their Smartphone or Tablet, in the hope after doing Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM is their Android Device will return to normal. Flashing the new Firmware does not rule out the possibility that your Android device will return to normal or even exacerbate the problem. Flashing Also done to update the Android system or upgrade from the Android system.

To perform Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 3 (ZE552KL) there are Four ways, based on the type of Firmware Format and Smartphone Chipset used, Flashing Firmware Asus Zenfone 3 (ZE552KL) is done with some Tool, Using ADB and Fastboot Tool, ASUS Flash Tool, QPST Flash Tool (Qualcomm Product Support Tool ) and SPFT (SmartPhone Flash Tool).

ADB and Fastboot Tool are used if you find the Asus Zenfone 3 (ZE552KL) Firmware in the form of .img documents like "boot.img, fastboot.img, recovery.img" and so forth which might be extracted from ZIP or RAW files, and also used for Flashing Firmware OTA update (example: acquired from Asus Official internet site //, ADB and Fastboot Tool are preferred, unconditional to Asus Zenfone Smartphone the use of Chipset sure. While the ASUS Flash Tool is used to perform Flashing Firmware to a special Asus Zenfone 3 (ZE552KL) that uses INTEL Chipset and usually with Format Firmware .raw or RAW layout that is compressed within the shape of .ZIP. QPST Flash Tool is used to Flashing Firmware to a special Asus Zenfone 3 (ZE552KL) that uses Qualcomm Chipset (mbn). SPFT Flash Tool is used to Flashing Firmware to a special Asus Zenfone 3 (ZE552KL) that uses Mediatek Chipset (MTK).

To be able to do Flashing Firmware Asus Zenfone 3 (ZE552KL), then you need Firmware / Stock ROM files that fit the device, if not suitable then most likely Android device will experience problems, so be careful in choosing Firmware / Stock ROM file you want Flash.

In this post we want to share to you who need Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 3 (ZE552KL) for the purposes of fixing the problem of Smartphone or Android Tablet device in the first paragraph.

If you need other RAW Firmware ASUS Android Devices, then you can get it on the Download Firmware RAW ASUS (All Models) and for ASUS Stock ROM, you may get it on the post of Download Stock ROM ASUS Zenfone (All Models).
Below is Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 3 (ZE552KL) which you can download and make sure Firmware / Stock ROM is in accordance with the Asus Zenfone 3 (ZE552KL) device you have. (Android 6.0.1) 1.8 GB (Android 7.0) 1.8 GB
WW_ZE552KL_14.2020.1711.83_M3.10.47.15_Phone-person.raw (Android 7.0) 1.8 GB
WW_ZE552KL_14.2020.1711.79_M3.10.47.15_Phone-person.raw (Android 7.0) 1.8 GB
WW_ZE552KL_14.2020.1711.75_M3.10.47.9_Phone-consumer.raw (Android 7.0) 1.8 GB
WW_ZE552KL_14.2020.1709.68_M3.10.47.3_Phone-consumer.raw (Android 7.0) 1.8 GB
WW_ZE552KL_14.2020.1708.56_M3.10.47.3_Phone-user.raw (Android 7.0) 1.8 GB
WW_ZE552KL_14.2020.1704.38_M3.10.47.3_Phone-person.raw (Android 7.0) 1.8 GB
WW_ZE552KL_14.2015.1701.13_M3.10.43_Phone-user.raw (Android 7.0) 1.8 GB
WW_ZE552KL_13.20.10.152_M3.10.42_Phone-person.raw (Android 6.0.1) 1.8 GB
TIM_ZE552KL_14.2020.1704.41_M3.10.47.3_Phone-user.raw (Android 7.0) 1.8 GB
JP_ZE552KL_14.2020.1711.79_M3.10.47.15_Phone-consumer.raw (Android 7.0) 1.8 GB
JP_ZE552KL_14.2020.1711.75_M3.10.47.9_Phone-person.raw (Android 7.0) 1.8 GB
JP_ZE552KL_14.2020.1708.56_M3.10.47.3_Phone-person.raw (Android 7.0) 1.8 GB
CN_ZE552KL_13.2010.1706.184_M3.10.47.3_Phone-person.raw (Android 6.0.1) 1.7 GB (Android 6.0) 681 MB (Android 6.0) 681 MB
Download Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 5 A500CG All Versions

Download Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 5 A500CG All Versions

Download Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 5 (A500CG) All Versions

Firmware is a software program this is attached to a mini media memory on a hardware tool that includes the identity and functional hardware. On Smartphone or Tablet Android devices in general often experience problems in Firmware such as Bootloop, Brick, Stuck on Logo, Hang or maybe stuck on Google FRP.

Usually customers who revel in the problem need to do Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM to fix problems that are happening on their Smartphone or Tablet, in the hope after doing Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM is their Android Device will return to normal. Flashing the new Firmware does not rule out the possibility that your Android device will return to normal or even exacerbate the problem. Flashing Also done to update the Android system or upgrade from the Android system.

To perform Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 5 (A500CG) there are Four ways, based on the type of Firmware Format and Smartphone Chipset used, Flashing Firmware Asus Zenfone 5 (A500CG) is done with some Tool, Using ADB and Fastboot Tool, ASUS Flash Tool, QPST Flash Tool (Qualcomm Product Support Tool ) and SPFT (SmartPhone Flash Tool).

ADB and Fastboot Tool are used if you find the Asus Zenfone 5 (A500CG) Firmware in the form of .img files like "boot.img, fastboot.img, recovery.img" and so on that are extracted from ZIP or RAW files, and also used for Flashing Firmware OTA update (example: acquired from Asus Official website //, ADB and Fastboot Tool are widespread, unconditional to Asus Zenfone Smartphone the use of Chipset sure. While the ASUS Flash Tool is used to perform Flashing Firmware to a special Asus Zenfone 5 (A500CG) that uses INTEL Chipset and usually with Format Firmware .raw or RAW layout this is compressed in the shape of .ZIP. QPST Flash Tool is used to Flashing Firmware to a special Asus Zenfone 5 (A500CG) that uses Qualcomm Chipset (mbn). SPFT Flash Tool is used to Flashing Firmware to a special Asus Zenfone 5 (A500CG) that uses Mediatek Chipset (MTK).

To be able to do Flashing Firmware Asus Zenfone 5 (A500CG), then you need Firmware / Stock ROM files that fit the device, if not suitable then most likely Android device will experience problems, so be careful in choosing Firmware / Stock ROM file you want Flash.

In this post we want to share to you who need Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 5 (A500CG) for the purposes of fixing the problem of Smartphone or Android Tablet device in the first paragraph.

If you need different RAW Firmware ASUS Android Devices, then you could get it on the Download Firmware RAW ASUS (All Models) and for ASUS Stock ROM, you could get it on the submit of Download Stock ROM ASUS Zenfone (All Models).
Below is Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 5 (A500CG) which you can download and make sure Firmware / Stock ROM is in accordance with the Asus Zenfone 5 (A500CG) device you have.

A500CG _1.17.40.16_20140811_0963-user-fastboot-consumer.raw 796 MB
WW_A500CG_2.22.40.54_20151120_16_user.raw 904 MB
WW_A500CG_3.23.40.60_20150630.raw 811 MB
WW_A500CG_20141219_4.3.2.963832_eng.raw (Android 4.3) 473 MB
WW_A500CG_1.18.40.10_20140903_9870-user-fastboot-user.raw (Android 4.3) 801 MB
WW_A500CG_3.24.40.78_20151001.raw (Android 5.0) 816 MB
WW_A500CG_3.23.40.60_20150630.raw (Android 5.0) 811 MB
Download Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 3 Max ZC553KL All Versions

Download Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 3 Max ZC553KL All Versions

Download Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 3 Max (ZC553KL) All Versions

Firmware is a software this is connected to a mini media memory on a hardware tool that carries the identity and practical hardware. On Smartphone or Tablet Android devices in general often experience problems in Firmware such as Bootloop, Brick, Stuck on Logo, Hang or perhaps stuck on Google FRP.

Usually users who revel in the problem must do Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM to fix problems that are happening on their Smartphone or Tablet, in the hope after doing Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM is their Android Device will return to normal. Flashing the new Firmware does not rule out the possibility that your Android device will return to normal or even exacerbate the problem. Flashing Also done to update the Android system or upgrade from the Android system.

To perform Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 3 Max (ZC553KL) there are Four ways, based on the type of Firmware Format and Smartphone Chipset used, Flashing Firmware Asus Zenfone 3 Max (ZC553KL) is done with some Tool, Using ADB and Fastboot Tool, ASUS Flash Tool, QPST Flash Tool (Qualcomm Product Support Tool ) and SPFT (SmartPhone Flash Tool).

ADB and Fastboot Tool are used if you find the Asus Zenfone 3 Max (ZC553KL) Firmware in the form of .img documents like "boot.img, fastboot.img, recovery.img" and so on which can be extracted from ZIP or RAW files, and also used for Flashing Firmware OTA update (example: received from Asus Official internet site //, ADB and Fastboot Tool are fashionable, unconditional to Asus Zenfone Smartphone using Chipset sure. While the ASUS Flash Tool is used to perform Flashing Firmware to a special Asus Zenfone 3 Max (ZC553KL) that uses INTEL Chipset and usually with Format Firmware .raw or RAW layout this is compressed within the form of .ZIP. QPST Flash Tool is used to Flashing Firmware to a special Asus Zenfone 3 Max (ZC553KL) that uses Qualcomm Chipset (mbn). SPFT Flash Tool is used to Flashing Firmware to a special Asus Zenfone 3 Max (ZC553KL) that uses Mediatek Chipset (MTK).

To be able to do Flashing Firmware Asus Zenfone 3 Max (ZC553KL), then you need Firmware / Stock ROM files that fit the device, if not suitable then most likely Android device will experience problems, so be careful in choosing Firmware / Stock ROM file you want Flash.

In this post we want to share to you who need Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 3 Max (ZC553KL) for the purposes of fixing the problem of Smartphone or Android Tablet device in the first paragraph.

If you need different RAW Firmware ASUS Android Devices, then you could get it at the Download Firmware RAW ASUS (All Models) and for ASUS Stock ROM, you may get it on the put up of Download Stock ROM ASUS Zenfone (All Models).
Below is Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 3 Max (ZC553KL) which you can download and make sure Firmware / Stock ROM is in accordance with the Asus Zenfone 3 Max (ZC553KL) device you have. 1.1 GB 1.7 GB 1.1 GB (Android 6.0) 1.8 GB (Android 6.0) 1.8 GB (Android 7.0) 1.9 GB

Download Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone Live L1 ZA550KL All Versions Latest Update

Download Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone Live L1 (ZA550KL)

Firmware is a software that is connected to a mini media reminiscence on a hardware tool that carries the identification and useful hardware. On Smartphone or Tablet Android devices in general often experience problems in Firmware such as Bootloop, Brick, Stuck on Logo, Hang or maybe caught on Google FRP.
Usually customers who experience the problem should do Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM to fix problems that are happening on their Smartphone or Tablet, in the hope after doing Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM is their Android Device will return to normal. Flashing the new Firmware does not rule out the possibility that your Android device will return to normal or even exacerbate the problem. Flashing Also done to update the Android system or upgrade from the Android system.
To perform Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone Live L1 (ZA550KL) there are Four ways, based on the type of Firmware Format and Smartphone Chipset used, Flashing Firmware Asus Zenfone Live L1 (ZA550KL) is done with some Tool, Using ADB and Fastboot Tool, ASUS Flash Tool, QPST Flash Tool (Qualcomm Product Support Tool ) and SPFT (SmartPhone Flash Tool).
ADB and Fastboot Tool are used if you find the Asus Zenfone Live L1 (ZA550KL) Firmware in the form of .img documents like "boot.img, fastboot.img, recovery.img" and so on which can be extracted from ZIP or RAW files, and also used for Flashing Firmware OTA update (instance: received from Asus Official internet site //, ADB and Fastboot Tool are fashionable, unconditional to Asus Zenfone Smartphone the use of Chipset positive. While the ASUS Flash Tool is used to perform Flashing Firmware to a special Asus Zenfone Live L1 (ZA550KL) that uses INTEL Chipset and usually with Format Firmware. RAW or RAW format that is compressed inside the shape of .ZIP. QPST Flash Tool is used to Flashing Firmware to a special Asus Zenfone Live L1 (ZA550KL) that uses Qualcomm Chipset (mbn). SPFT Flash Tool is used to Flashing Firmware to a special Asus Zenfone Live L1 (ZA550KL) that uses Mediatek Chipset (MTK).
To be able to do Flashing Firmware Asus Zenfone Live L1 (ZA550KL), then you need Firmware / Stock ROM files that fit the device, if not suitable then most likely Android device will experience problems, so be careful in choosing Firmware / Stock ROM file you want Flash.
In this post we want to share to you who need Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone Live L1 (ZA550KL) for the purposes of fixing the problem of Smartphone or Android Tablet device in the first paragraph.
If you want different RAW Firmware ASUS Android Devices, then you may get it on the Download Firmware RAW ASUS (All Models) and for ASUS Stock ROM, you may get it on the post of Download Stock ROM ASUS Zenfone (All Models).
Below is Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone Live L1 (ZA550KL) which you can download and make sure Firmware / Stock ROM is in accordance with the Asus Zenfone Live L1 (ZA550KL) device you have. 1.8 GB
WW_ZA550KL(GO) 936 MB RAW 1.8 GB
CSC__ZA550KL(GO) (Android Go Version) CSC 980 MB CSC 1.4 GB Firehose Only 212 KB

Download Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 3 ZE520KL All Versions

Download Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 3 ZE520KL All Versions

Download Firmware ASUS Zenfone 3 (ZE520KL)

Firmware is a software program that is attached to a mini media reminiscence on a hardware tool that consists of the identity and practical hardware. On Smartphone or Tablet Android devices in general often experience problems in Firmware such as Bootloop, Brick, Stuck on Logo, Hang or maybe caught on Google FRP.

Usually customers who enjoy the problem need to do Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM to fix problems that are happening on their Smartphone or Tablet, in the hope after doing Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM is their Android Device will return to normal. Flashing the new Firmware does not rule out the possibility that your Android device will return to normal or even exacerbate the problem. Flashing Also done to update the Android system or upgrade from the Android system.

To perform Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 3 (ZE520KL) there are Four ways, based on the type of Firmware Format and Smartphone Chipset used, Flashing Firmware Asus Zenfone 3 (ZE520KL) is done with some Tool, Using ADB and Fastboot Tool, ASUS Flash Tool, QPST Flash Tool (Qualcomm Product Support Tool ) and SPFT (SmartPhone Flash Tool).

ADB and Fastboot Tool are used if you find the Asus Zenfone 3 (ZE520KL) Firmware in the form of .img files like "boot.img, fastboot.img, recovery.img" and so forth which can be extracted from ZIP or RAW files, and also used for Flashing Firmware OTA update (example: acquired from Asus Official internet site //, ADB and Fastboot Tool are fashionable, unconditional to Asus Zenfone Smartphone using Chipset certain. While the ASUS Flash Tool is used to perform Flashing Firmware to a special Asus Zenfone 3 (ZE520KL) that uses INTEL Chipset and usually with Format Firmware .raw or RAW layout this is compressed in the shape of .ZIP. QPST Flash Tool is used to Flashing Firmware to a special Asus Zenfone 3 (ZE520KL) that uses Qualcomm Chipset (mbn). SPFT Flash Tool is used to Flashing Firmware to a special Asus Zenfone 3 (ZE520KL) that uses Mediatek Chipset (MTK).

To be able to do Flashing Firmware Asus Zenfone 3 (ZE520KL), then you need Firmware / Stock ROM files that fit the device, if not suitable then most likely Android device will experience problems, so be careful in choosing Firmware / Stock ROM file you want Flash.

In this post we want to share to you who need Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 3 (ZE520KL) for the purposes of fixing the problem of Smartphone or Android Tablet device in the first paragraph.

If you want different RAW Firmware ASUS Android Devices, then you could get it on the Download Firmware RAW ASUS (All Models) and for ASUS Stock ROM, you may get it on the post of Download Stock ROM ASUS Zenfone (All Models).
Below is Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 3 (ZE520KL) which you can download and make sure Firmware / Stock ROM is in accordance with the Asus Zenfone 3 (ZE520KL) device you have. 1.9 GB 1.8 GB 1.8 GB 1.8 GB 1.8 GB 1.8 GB 1.8 GB 1.8 GB 1.8 GB 1.8 GB (Android 6.0.1) 1.8 GB (Android 7.0) 1.8 GB 681 MB 680 MB 1.4 GB
Factory_PreBurn_Leo_8953_MP_V13.13.1.28_M2.6.7.P6_QCNv7_DEMOv3_8G.bin 1.4 GB
Download Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 2 Laser ZE600KL All Versions

Download Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 2 Laser ZE600KL All Versions

Download Firmware ASUS Zenfone 2 Laser (ZE600KL)

Firmware is a software that is attached to a mini media memory on a hardware device that consists of the identification and practical hardware. On Smartphone or Tablet Android devices in general often experience problems in Firmware such as Bootloop, Brick, Stuck on Logo, Hang or maybe caught on Google FRP.

Usually users who revel in the hassle have to do Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM to fix problems that are happening on their Smartphone or Tablet, in the hope after doing Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM is their Android Device will return to normal. Flashing the new Firmware does not rule out the possibility that your Android device will return to normal or even exacerbate the problem. Flashing Also done to update the Android system or upgrade from the Android system.

To perform Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 2 Laser (ZE600KL) there are Four ways, based on the type of Firmware Format and Smartphone Chipset used, Flashing Firmware Asus Zenfone 2 Laser (ZE600KL) is done with some Tool, Using ADB and Fastboot Tool, ASUS Flash Tool, QPST Flash Tool (Qualcomm Product Support Tool ) and SPFT (SmartPhone Flash Tool).

ADB and Fastboot Tool are used if you find the Asus Zenfone 2 Laser (ZE600KL) Firmware in the form of .img documents like "boot.img, fastboot.img, recovery.img" and so forth which might be extracted from ZIP or RAW files, and also used for Flashing Firmware OTA update (example: acquired from Asus Official website //, ADB and Fastboot Tool are standard, unconditional to Asus Zenfone Smartphone the use of Chipset positive. While the ASUS Flash Tool is used to perform Flashing Firmware to a special Asus Zenfone 2 Laser (ZE600KL) that uses INTEL Chipset and usually with Format Firmware .raw or RAW format this is compressed inside the shape of .ZIP. QPST Flash Tool is used to Flashing Firmware to a special Asus Zenfone 2 Laser (ZE600KL) that uses Qualcomm Chipset (mbn). SPFT Flash Tool is used to Flashing Firmware to a special Asus Zenfone 2 Laser (ZE600KL) that uses Mediatek Chipset (MTK).

To be able to do Flashing Firmware Asus Zenfone 2 Laser (ZE600KL), then you need Firmware / Stock ROM files that fit the device, if not suitable then most likely Android device will experience problems, so be careful in choosing Firmware / Stock ROM file you want Flash.

In this post we want to share to you who need Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 2 Laser (ZE600KL) for the purposes of fixing the problem of Smartphone or Android Tablet device in the first paragraph.

If you want other RAW Firmware ASUS Android Devices, then you may get it on the Download Firmware RAW ASUS (All Models) and for ASUS Stock ROM, you may get it on the submit of Download Stock ROM ASUS Zenfone (All Models).
Below is Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Zenfone 2 Laser (ZE600KL) which you can download and make sure Firmware / Stock ROM is in accordance with the Asus Zenfone 2 Laser (ZE600KL) device you have. 1.6 GB
Download Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Fonepad 7 FE171MG All Versions

Download Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Fonepad 7 FE171MG All Versions

Download Firmware ASUS Fonepad 7 (FE171MG)

Firmware is a software that is attached to a mini media reminiscence on a hardware device that contains the identification and functional hardware. On Smartphone or Tablet Android devices in general often experience problems in Firmware such as Bootloop, Brick, Stuck on Logo, Hang or perhaps stuck on Google FRP.

Usually users who experience the trouble need to do Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM to fix problems that are happening on their Smartphone or Tablet, in the hope after doing Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM is their Android Device will return to normal. Flashing the new Firmware does not rule out the possibility that your Android device will return to normal or even exacerbate the problem. Flashing Also done to update the Android system or upgrade from the Android system.

To perform Flashing Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Fonepad 7 (FE171MG) there are Four ways, based on the type of Firmware Format and Smartphone Chipset used, Flashing Firmware Asus Fonepad 7 (FE171MG) is done with some Tool, Using ADB and Fastboot Tool, ASUS Flash Tool, QPST Flash Tool (Qualcomm Product Support Tool ) and SPFT (SmartPhone Flash Tool).

ADB and Fastboot Tool are used if you find the Asus Fonepad 7 (FE171MG) Firmware in the form of .img files like "boot.img, fastboot.img, recovery.img" and so forth which are extracted from ZIP or RAW files, and also used for Flashing Firmware OTA update (instance: obtained from Asus Official website //, ADB and Fastboot Tool are widespread, unconditional to Asus Zenfone Smartphone the usage of Chipset positive. While the ASUS Flash Tool is used to perform Flashing Firmware to a special Asus Fonepad 7 (FE171MG) that uses INTEL Chipset and usually with Format Firmware .raw or RAW layout this is compressed in the shape of .ZIP. QPST Flash Tool is used to Flashing Firmware to a special Asus Fonepad 7 (FE171MG) that uses Qualcomm Chipset (mbn). SPFT Flash Tool is used to Flashing Firmware to a special Asus Fonepad 7 (FE171MG) that uses Mediatek Chipset (MTK).

To be able to do Flashing Firmware Asus Fonepad 7 (FE171MG), then you need Firmware / Stock ROM files that fit the device, if not suitable then most likely Android device will experience problems, so be careful in choosing Firmware / Stock ROM file you want Flash.

In this post we want to share to you who need Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Fonepad 7 (FE171MG) for the purposes of fixing the problem of Smartphone or Android Tablet device in the first paragraph.

If you need different RAW Firmware ASUS Android Devices, then you could get it at the Download Firmware RAW ASUS (All Models) and for ASUS Stock ROM, you may get it at the submit of Download Stock ROM ASUS Zenfone (All Models).
Below is Firmware / Stock ROM Asus Fonepad 7 (FE171MG) which you can download and make sure Firmware / Stock ROM is in accordance with the Asus Fonepad 7 (FE171MG) device you have.

CSC_FE171MG_T2_0_4_all_eng_1_17_34_0_0807_AFT.raw 408 MB
FE171MG_all_CN_user_V5.4.1.raw 793 MB