Log Info Konfigurasi eMMC/EMCP Samsung galaxy s4 SHVE330L

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Log Info Konfigurasi eMMC/EMCP Samsung galaxy s4 SHV-E330L
Product name: MBG4GC (0x4d4247344743), rev: 0x00, serial number: 0x8DCBC05E
Manufacturing date: Nov2019
CID: 1501004D 42473447 43008DCB C05EB0E0
CSD: D0270132 0F5903FF F6DBFFEF 8E40400C
EXT_CSD revision: 1.7 (MMC v5.0, v5.01)
Partition gosip:
Boot1: 4096 KiB
Boot2: 4096 KiB
RPMB: 512 KiB
User area: 29.12 GiB(31,268,536,320 bytes)
Cache size: 64 MiB
Partition configuration: 0x00
No boot acknowledge is sent (default)
Device is not boot-enabled (default)
Partitioning support: 0x07
Device support partitioning feature
Device can have enhanced technological features
Device partitioning possible
Boot configuration protection: 0x00
Boot bus conditions: 0x00
Boot area write protection: 0x00
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: possible
Lock status: not locked
User area write protection: 0x50
Password protection features: enabled
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: not possible
 Lock status: not locked

platform: msm8974, cpu abi: armeabi-v7a
manufacturer: samsung
board: MSM8974, name: ks01ltelgt
brand: samsung, contoh: SHV-E330L
build id: LRX22C, version: 5.0.1 Lollipop (LRX22C.E330LKLUDOL4)
build description: ks01ltelgt-user lima.0.1 LRX22C E330LKLUDOL4 release-keys
Internal storage: 27.50 G
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Log Info Konfigurasi EMMC/emcp Samsung ACE3 GTS7270

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Log Info Konfigurasi EMMC/emcp Samsung ACE3 GT-S7270
Product name: K5U00M (0x4b355530304d), rev: 0x0A, serial number: 0xA4568656
Manufacturing date: Dec2019
CID: 1501004B 35553030 4D0AA456 8656C000
CSD: D0270132 0F5903FF F6DBFFE1 8E404000
EXT_CSD revision: 1.5 (MMC v4.41)
Capacity: tiga.64 GiB(3,913,416,704 bytes)
Partition info:
Boot1: 2048 KiB
Boot2: 2048 KiB
RPMB: 128 KiB
User area: tiga.64 GiB(tiga,913,416,704 bytes)
Partition configuration: 0x00
No boot acknowledge is sent (default)
Device is not boot-enabled (default)
Partitioning support: 0x03
Device support partitioning feature
Device can have enhanced technological features
Device partitioning possible
Boot configuration protection: 0x00
Boot bus conditions: 0x01
Bus width: x4 (sdr/ddr), boot mode: sdr(default), reset bus width to x1 sdr(default)
Boot area write protection: 0x00
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: possible
Lock status: not locked

platform: hawaii, cpu abi: armeabi-v7a
manufacturer: samsung
hardware: hawaii_ss_logan
board: hawaii, name: loganxx
brand: samsung, model: GT-S7270
build id: JDQ39, version: 4.2.dua Jelly Bean (JDQ39.S7270XXUANA2)
build date: Thu Jan  9 20:30:34 KST2019
build description: loganxx-user 4.dua.2 JDQ39 S7270XXUANA2 release-keys
  • Log ini kami ambil menurut UFIBOX Dengan adanya ini mudah-mudahan sanggup membantu mitra-kawan yang ingin melakukan pergantian ic emmc/emcp sanggup sebagai lebih gampang.bantu share bila artikel ini bermanfaat Terima Kasih.

Log Info Konfigurasi Emmc/Emcp samsung S3 mini GTI8190

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Log Info Konfigurasi Emmc/Emcp samsung S3 mini GT-I8190
Product name: SEM08G (0x53454d303847), rev: 0x90, serial number: 0x0964C997
Manufacturing date: Nov2019
CID: 45010053 454D3038 47900964 C997B000
CSD: D00F0032 0F5903FF FFFFFFFF 92404010
EXT_CSD revision: 1.lima (MMC v4.41)
Capacity: 7.29 GiB(7,822,508,032 bytes)
Partition gosip:
Boot1: 2048 KiB
Boot2: 2048 KiB
RPMB: 128 KiB
User area: 7.28 GiB(7,818,182,656 bytes)
Partition configuration: 0x00
No boot acknowledge is sent (default)
Device is not boot-enabled (default)
Partitioning support: 0x03
Device support partitioning feature
Device can have enhanced technological features
Device partitioning possible
Boot configuration protection: 0x00
Boot bus conditions: 0x00
Boot area write protection: 0x00
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: possible
Lock status: not locked

ANDROID ROM detected:
platform: montblanc, cpu abi: armeabi-v7a
manufacturer: samsung
board: DB8520H, name: goldendx
brand: samsung, model: GT-I8190
build id: JZO54K, version: 4.1.2 (JZO54K.I8190DXAMJ1)
build description: goldendx-user 4.1.2 JZO54K I8190DXAMJ1 release-keys

Selected: [SanDisk] iNAND SDIN8DE2-8G  (FBGA153)
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Log Info Konfigurasi Emmc/Emcp Samsung Galaxy on7 Duos SMG6000

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Log Info Konfigurasi Emmc/Emcp Samsung Galaxy on7 Duos SM-G6000
Product name: R31BAB (0x523331424142), rev: 0x00, serial number: 0x0BE2DA3C
Manufacturing date: Dec2019
CID: 15010052 33314241 42000BE2 DA3CC214
CSD: D0270132 0F5903FF F6DBFFEF 8E40400C
EXT_CSD revision: 1.7 (MMC v5.0, v5.01)
Partition info:
Boot1: 4096 KiB
Boot2: 4096 KiB
RPMB: 4096 KiB
User area: 14.68 GiB(15,758,000,128 bytes)
Cache size: 64 MiB
Hardware reset function: 1
Partition configuration: 0x00
No boot acknowledge is sent (default)
Device is not boot-enabled (default)
Partitioning support: 0x07
Device support partitioning feature
Device can have enhanced technological features
Device partitioning possible
Boot configuration protection: 0x00
Boot bus conditions: 0x00
Boot area write protection: 0x00
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: possible
Lock status: not locked
User area write protection: 0x50
Password protection features: enabled
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: not possible
Lock status: not locked

platform: msm8916, cpu abi: armeabi-v7a
manufacturer: samsung
board: MSM8916, name: on7ltezc
brand: samsung, model: SM-G6000
build id: LMY47X, version: 5.1.1 Lollipop (LMY47X.G6000ZCU1BOK5)
build description: on7ltezc-user lima.1.1 LMY47X G6000ZCU1BOK5 release-keys
  • Log ini kami ambil berdasarkan UFIBOX Dengan adanya ini gampang-mudahan sanggup membantu kawan-mitra yg ingin melakukan pergantian ic emmc/emcp mampu sebagai lebih mudah.bantu share apabila artikel ini berguna Terima Kasih.

Log Info Konfigurasi Emmc/Emcp Samsung Galaxy S3 SHVE210S

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Manufacturer ID: 0x15 (Samsung)
Product name: MAG4FB (0x4d4147344642), rev: 0xF7, serial number: 0xD6155DB7
Manufacturing date: Oct 2012
CID: 1501004D 41473446 42F7D615 5DB7AF4E
CSD: D0270132 0F5903FF F6DBFFFF 8E40406C
EXT_CSD revision: 1.6 (MMC v4.lima, v4.51)
Partition info:
Boot1: 2048 KiB
Boot2: 2048 KiB
RPMB: 128 KiB
User area: 14.68 GiB(15,758,000,128 bytes)
Cache size: 64 MiB
Partition configuration: 0x48
Boot acknowledge is sent during the boot operation
Boot partition 1 is enabled for boot
Partitioning support: 0x07
Device support partitioning feature
Device can have enhanced technological features
Device partitioning possible
Boot configuration protection: 0x00
Boot bus conditions: 0x01
Bus width: x4 (sdr/ddr), boot mode: sdr(default), reset bus width to x1 sdr(default)
Boot area write protection: 0x00
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: possible
Lock status: not locked

platform: exynos4, cpu abi: armeabi-v7a
manufacturer: samsung
board: smdk4x12, name: c1ktt
brand: samsung, model: SHV-E210S
build id: IMM76D, version: 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich (IMM76D.E210SKKALFD-高点国é™…)
build description: c1ktt-user 4.0.4 IMM76D E210KKKALFD release-keys

Selected: [SAMSUNG] moviNAND KLMAG4FE4B-B002/16GB  (FBGA169)
  • Log ini kami ambil dari UFIBOX Dengan adanya ini gampang-mudahan sanggup membantu mitra-kawan yg ingin melakukan pergantian ic emmc/emcp bisa menjadi lebih gampang.bantu share apabila artikel ini berguna Terima Kasih.

Log Info Konfigurasi Emcp/Emmc Samsung GALAXY Note 10.1 tablet GTN8000

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Log Info Konfigurasi Emcp/Emmc Samsung GALAXY Note 10.1 tablet GT-N8000
Product name: V3W00M (0x56335730304d), rev: 0x00, serial number: 0x7E075FB0
Manufacturing date: May2019
CID: 15010056 33573030 4D007E07 5FB0503F
CSD: D0270132 0F5903FF F6DBFFEF 8E40400D
EXT_CSD revision: 1.7 (MMC v5.0, v5.01)
Capacity: 14.68 GiB(15,762,325,504 bytes)
Partition berita:
Boot1: 2048 KiB
Boot2: 2048 KiB
RPMB: 128 KiB
User area: 14.68 GiB(15,762,325,504 bytes)
Cache size: 64 MiB
Partition configuration: 0x48
Boot acknowledge is sent during the boot operation
Boot partition 1 is enabled for boot
Partitioning support: 0x07
Device support partitioning feature
Device can have enhanced technological features
Device partitioning possible
Boot configuration protection: 0x01
Change of boot configuration register bits relating boot mode operation is permanently disabled.
Boot bus conditions: 0x01
Bus width: x4 (sdr/ddr), boot mode: sdr(default), reset bus width to x1 sdr(default)
Boot area write protection: 0x10
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: not possible
Lock status: not locked
platform: exynos4, cpu abi: armeabi-v7a
manufacturer: samsung
hardware: smdk4x12
board: smdk4x12, name: p4noterfxx
brand: samsung, contoh: GT-N8000
build id: JZO54K, version: 4.1.dua Jelly Bean (JZO54K.N8000DXUCMB1)
build date: Fri Feb  1 22:46:31 KST2019
build description: p4noterfxx-user 4.1.2 JZO54K N8000DXUCMB1 release-keys
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Log Info Konfigurasi Emmc/Emcp Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 GTN5100

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Log Info Konfigurasi Emmc/Emcp Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 GT-N5100
Product name: MAG4FB (0x4d4147344642), rev: 0xF7, serial number: 0x37A0CB43
Manufacturing date: Jan 2025
CID: 1501004D 41473446 42F737A0 CB43DCB2
CSD: D0270132 0F5903FF F6DBFFFF 8E40406C
EXT_CSD revision: 1.6 (MMC v4.5, v4.51)
Partition informasi:
Boot1: 4096 KiB
Boot2: 4096 KiB
RPMB: 128 KiB
User area: 14.68 GiB(15,758,000,128 bytes)
Cache size: 64 MiB
Partition configuration: 0x48
Boot acknowledge is sent during the boot operation
Boot partition 1 is enabled for boot
Partitioning support: 0x07
Device support partitioning feature
Device can have enhanced technological features
Device partitioning possible
Boot configuration protection: 0x00
Boot bus conditions: 0x01
Bus width: x4 (sdr/ddr), boot mode: sdr(default), reset bus width to x1 sdr(default)
Boot area write protection: 0x10
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: not possible
Lock status: not locked
User area write protection: 0x50
Password protection features: enabled
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: not possible
Lock status: not locked
platform: exynos4, cpu abi: armeabi-v7a
manufacturer: samsung
board: smdk4x12, name: kona3gxx
brand: samsung, contoh: GT-N5100
build id: KOT49H, version: 4.4.dua KitKat (KOT49H.N5100XXDNH2)
build description: kona3gxx-user 4.4.dua KOT49H N5100XXDNH2 release-keys

Selected: [SAMSUNG] moviNAND KLMAG4FE4B-B002/16GB  (FBGA169)
  • Log ini kami ambil dari UFIBOX Dengan adanya ini gampang-mudahan bisa membantu mitra-kawan yang ingin melakukan pergantian ic emmc/emcp bisa menjadi lebih gampang.bantu share bila artikel ini berguna Terima Kasih.

Log Info Konfigurasi Emmc/Emcp Samsung galaxy Note 3 Neo SMN730

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Manufacturer ID: 0x11 (Toshiba)
Product name: 016GE2 (0x303136474532), rev: 0x04, serial number: 0x6425B01E
Manufacturing date: Dec2019
CID: 11010030 31364745 32046425 B01EC0F3
CSD: D05E0032 0F5903FF FFFFFFEF 924000D3
EXT_CSD revision: 1.7 (MMC v5.0, v5.01)
Capacity: 14.69 GiB(15,770,583,040 bytes)
Partition isu:
Boot1: 4096 KiB
Boot2: 4096 KiB
RPMB: 4096 KiB
User area: 14.68 GiB(15,770,583,040 bytes)
Cache size: 4 MiB
Partition configuration: 0x48
Boot acknowledge is sent during the boot operation
Boot partition 1 is enabled for boot
Partitioning support: 0x07
Device support partitioning feature
Device can have enhanced technological features
Device partitioning possible
Boot configuration protection: 0x00
Boot bus conditions: 0x01
Bus width: x4 (sdr/ddr), boot mode: sdr(default), reset bus width to x1 sdr(default)
Boot area write protection: 0x10
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: not possible
Lock status: not locked
platform: exynos5, cpu abi: armeabi-v7a
manufacturer: samsung
hardware: universal5260
board: universal5260, name: hl3gxx
brand: samsung, model: SM-N750
build id: KOT49H, version: 4.4.dua KitKat (KOT49H.N750XXUCNH1)
build date: Fri Aug  8 12:10:06 KST2019
build description: hl3gxx-user 4.4.dua KOT49H N750XXUCNH1 release-keys
  • Log ini kami ambil dari UFIBOX Dengan adanya ini mudah-mudahan mampu membantu kawan-kawan yg ingin melakukan pergantian ic emmc/emcp mampu sebagai lebih gampang.bantu share bila artikel ini bermanfaat Terima Kasih.

Log Info Konfigurasi emmc Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 GTI9200

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Log Info Konfigurasi emmc Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 GT-I9200
Product name: V3W00M (0x56335730304d), rev: 0x00, serial number: 0x968CB691
Manufacturing date: Sep2019
CID: 15010056 33573030 4D00968C B6919092
CSD: D0270132 0F5903FF F6DBFFEF 8E40400C
EXT_CSD revision: 1.7 (MMC v5.0, v5.01)
Capacity: 14.68 GiB(15,766,913,024 bytes)
Partition info:
Boot1: 4096 KiB
Boot2: 4096 KiB
RPMB: 512 KiB
User area: 14.68 GiB(15,766,913,024 bytes)
Cache size: 64 MiB
Partition configuration: 0x00
No boot acknowledge is sent (default)
Device is not boot-enabled (default)
Partitioning support: 0x07
Device support partitioning feature
Device can have enhanced technological features
Device partitioning possible
Boot configuration protection: 0x00
Boot bus conditions: 0x00
Boot area write protection: 0x00
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: possible
Lock status: not locked
User area write protection: 0x50
Password protection features: enabled
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: not possible
Lock status: not locked
platform: msm8960, cpu abi: armeabi-v7a
manufacturer: samsung
hardware: qcom
board: MSM8960, name: melius3gxx
brand: samsung, model: GT-I9200
build id: KOT49H, version: 4.4.2 (KOT49H.I9200XXUDNF3)
build description: melius3gxx-user 4.4.2 KOT49H I9200XXUDNF3 release-keys
  • Log ini kami ambil menurut UFIBOX Dengan adanya ini gampang-mudahan bisa membantu mitra-kawan yang ingin melakukan pergantian ic emmc/emcp mampu menjadi lebih mudah.bantu share bila artikel ini berguna Terima Kasih.

Log Info Konfigurasi Emmc Samsung GALAXY Tab 3 V SMT116NU

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CID: 11010033 30303037 3100CB64 BC6EA300
CSD: D07E0032 0F5903FF FFFFFFE7 8E400000
EXT_CSD revision: 1.7 (MMC v5.0, v5.01)
Capacity: 7.29 GiB(7,830,765,568 bytes)
Partition informasi:
Boot1: 4096 KiB
Boot2: 4096 KiB
RPMB: 4096 KiB
User area: 7.28 GiB(7,830,765,568 bytes)
Cache size: 4 MiB
Partition configuration: 0x08
No boot acknowledge is sent (default)
Boot partition 1 is enabled for boot
Partitioning support: 0x07
Device support partitioning feature
Device can have enhanced technological features
Device partitioning possible
Boot configuration protection: 0x00
Boot bus conditions: 0x00
Boot area write protection: 0x11
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: not possible
Lock status: locked until next power on
User area write protection: 0x10
Password protection features: enabled
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: not possible
Lock status: not locked
platform: sc8830, cpu abi: armeabi-v7a
manufacturer: samsung
hardware: sc8830
board: sc7730s, name: goyave3gdx
brand: samsung, contoh: SM-T116NU
build id: KTU84P, version: 4.4.4 (KTU84P.T116NUXXU0AQA1)
build description: goyave3gdx-user 4.4.4 KTU84P T116NUXXU0AQA1 release-keys
  • Log ini kami ambil dari UFIBOX Dengan adanya ini gampang-mudahan mampu membantu kawan-mitra yang ingin melakukan pergantian ic emmc/emcp mampu sebagai lebih mudah.bantu share apabila artikel ini berguna Terima Kasih.