Log Info Konfigurasi eMMC/eMCP Advan S50F

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Log Info Konfigurasi eMMC/eMCP Advan S50F
Log emmc advan
Manufacturer ID: 0x70 (Kingston)
Product name: V10008 (0x563130303038), rev: 0x06, serial number: 0x03515D2E
Manufacturing date: Aug2019
CID: 70010056 31303030 38060351 5D2E82FE
CSD: D04F0132 0F5903FF FFFFFFEF 8A400060
EXT_CSD revision: 1.7 (MMC v5.0, v5.01)
Partition informasi:
Boot1: 4096 KiB
Boot2: 4096 KiB
RPMB: 4096 KiB
User area: 7.05 GiB(7,566,524,416 bytes)
Partition configuration: 0x08
No boot acknowledge is sent (default)
Boot partition 1 is enabled for boot
Partitioning support: 0x07
Device support partitioning feature
Device can have enhanced technological features
Device partitioning possible
Boot configuration protection: 0x00
Boot bus conditions: 0x00
Boot area write protection: 0x00
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: possible
Lock status: not locked

ANDROID ROM informasi:
platform: sc8830, cpu abi: armeabi-v7a
manufacturer: ADVAN
board: sp7731gea_hd, name: scx35_sp7731geaplus_hd_dt
brand: ADVAN, contoh: S50F
build id: KOT49H, version: 4.4.dua KitKat (S50F_TCS5022B_S100_B1_SP7731_V1.3_20150906)
build description: scx35_sp7731geaplus_hd_dt-user 4.4.dua KOT49H 14B_eng.rc-buildsrv8.20150906.170431 test-keys
Selected: [Kingston] eMMC EMMC08G-V100-C05/8GB  (FBGA153)
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Untuk support emmc lainya mampu menuju kemari Support ic emmc all brand arsip dump emmc advan s50f  sanggup di unduh pada sini,Koleksi file dump emmc advan

Log Info Konfigurasi eMMC/eMCP Advan I7D

Layanan service-isu service-tutorial pemugaran ic emmc dll.
Log Info Konfigurasi eMMC/eMCP Advan I7D
Manufacturer ID: 0x70 (Kingston)
Product name: EH8EE8 (0x454838454538), rev: 0x01, serial number: 0x081CF756
Manufacturing date: Aug2019
CID: 70010045 48384545 3801081C F75684E6
CSD: D04F0132 0F5903FF FFFFFFEF 8A400060
EXT_CSD revision: 1.7 (MMC v5.0, v5.01)
Partition gosip:
Boot1: 4096 KiB
Boot2: 4096 KiB
RPMB: 4096 KiB
User area: 7.13 GiB(7,650,410,496 bytes)
Cache size: 512 KiB
Partition configuration: 0x08
No boot acknowledge is sent (default)
Boot partition 1 is enabled for boot
Partitioning support: 0x07
Device support partitioning feature
Device can have enhanced technological features
Device partitioning possible
Boot configuration protection: 0x00
Boot bus conditions: 0x00
Boot area write protection: 0x00
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: possible
Lock status: not locked
Internal storage: 4.44 GiB
crypto state: unencrypted

platform: sc8830, cpu abi: armeabi-v7a
manufacturer: ADVAN
board: sp9832a_2h11_volte, name: I7D
brand: ADVAN, model: I7D
build id: MRA58K, version: 6.0 Marshmallow (I7D_SL716_V1.1_20170913)
build description: I7D-user 6.0 MRA58K 575 release-keys
  • Log ini kami ambil berdasarkan UFIBOX Dengan adanya ini gampang-mudahan mampu membantu kawan-mitra yang ingin melakukan pergantian ic emmc/emcp sanggup menjadi lebih gampang.bantu share bila artikel ini bermanfaat Terima Kasih.
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