![]() |
File Nvram |
Log Backup Nvram Via UFI BOX
Connecting to Download port...
Make sure battery is fully charged before flashing !!!
Power off the phone, Disconnect and reconnect the battery(if possible), Hold the VOL DOWN or VOL UP+DOWN and connect USB cable
Scanning Download port... Done.
Detected SPRD U2S Diag (COM4)
Connection status: EHCI:HUB:HUB:USB dua.0 High-Speed
USB Driver: [DriverCoding Corporation] sprdvcom, version:, date: 6-27-2014
Boot id: SPRD3
Sending FDL ... Done.
Boot version: Spreadtrum Boot Block version 1.1
Change baudrate to 460800 ... Done.
Sending NAND_FDL ... Done.
Chip UID: 01b101009d83dc52
Storage type: eMMC
Card/BGA: BGA (Discrete embedded)
Manufacturer ID: 0x15 (Samsung)
Product name: FNX2MB (0x464e58324d42), rev: 0x01, serial number: 0x2458D4D7
Manufacturing date: Oct2019
CID: 15010046 4E58324D 42012458 D4D7A400
platform: sp9850ka, cpu abi: armeabi-v7a
manufacturer: EVERCOSS
board: sp9850ka_1h10, name: EVERCOSS_U6
brand: EVERCOSS, contoh: U6
build id: NRD90M, version: 7.0 Nougat (EVERCOSS_U6_V13_7.0_22032018)
build description: sp9850ka_1h10_oversea-user 7.0 NRD90M eng.releas.20180322.174149 release-keys
Backing up NV...
Reading prodnv, size: lima MiB... Done.
Reading l_fixnv1, size: 1 MiB... Done.
Reading l_fixnv2, size: 1 MiB... Done.
NV Backup saved to \backupsEVERCOSS_U6[sp9850ka_1h10_oversea-user%207.0%20NRD90M%20eng.releas.20180322.174149%20release-keys](20190130-115605)_nvm.zip
File NV Evercoss U6 EVERCOSS_U6[sp9850ka_1h10_oversea-user 7.0 NRD90M eng.releas.20180322.174149 release-keys](20190130-115605)_nvm
Jika ingin melakukan full flash buat kebutuhan lain? Silahkan diambil firmwarenya disini Firmware evercoss U6 Tested