Official Firmware NOKIA 7 Plus

Free Download Official Firmware NOKIA 7 Plus TA-1046, NOKIA 7 Plus TA-1062 QFIL File & nb0, Mengatasi kerusakan Software mirip dengan Bootloop / Stuck on Logo, Screen Lock, Pattern Lock, FRP, error System, mati total / dead after flash.

Tutorial / Cara Flash Nokia 7+

Ada beberapa cara untuk menggunakan flashing NOKIA 7 Plus, tergantung dari jenis firmware yang digunakan, Untuk jenis nb0 menggunakan OST (Online Service Tool), serta Untuk jenis QFIL file Menggunakan QFIL atau Qualcomm Tool sejenis nya.

Nb0 adalah Official firmware dari Nokia, dan buat QFIL file yang akan terjadi extract dari nb0, buat jenis QFIL file telah di sediakan password buat appsboot_service.mbn.

Firmware Nokia 7 Plus nb0
Type: ROM Size: 2.1GB
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 2.2GB
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Nokia 7 Plus QFIL
Type: ROM Size: 2.1GB
Password: fIrmwaRe27
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 2.2GB
Password: fIrmwaRe27
Download via Google Drive

Official Firmware NOKIA 5 QFIL & Nb0 File

Free Official Fitmware NOKIA 5 TA-1053 DS 2/16, NOKIA 5 TA-1024 SS 2/16, NOKIA 5 TA-1044 DS 2/16, NOKIA 5 TA-1027 SS 2/16, Mengatasi kerusakan Software mirip dengan Bootloop / Stuck on Logo, Screen Lock, Pattern Lock, FRP, tewas total / dead after flash dll.

Tutorial / Cara Flash NOKIA 5

Ada beberapa cara melakukan flashing Nokia 5 yaitu tergantung dari jenis firmware yg dijalankan, Untuk jenis nb0 memakai OST (Online Service Tool), serta untuk Qfil file menggunakan QFIL atau Tool sejenis lainnya.

Nb0 merupakan Official firmware dari NOKIA, sedangkan QFIL file merupakan akibat extract dari nb0 firmware, Untuk jenis QFIL file sudah aku sertakan Password buat appsboot_service, karena memang dari nb0 nya di protect beserta Password.

Firmware Nokia 5 nb0
Type: ROM Size: 1.8GB
via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 1.8GB
via Google Drive

Firmware Nokia 5 QFIL File
Type: ROM Size: 1.8GB
Password: fIrmwaRe27
via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 1.8GB
Password: fIrmwaRe27
via Google Drive

Firehose Onlyprog_emmc_firehose_8937_lite.zipDownload

Official Firmware Nokia 3 Scatter & Nb0

Free Download official Firmware NOKIA 3 TA-1032 DS, NOKIA 3 TA-1020 SS, NOKIA 3 TA-1028 SS, NOKIA 3 TA-1038 DS, mengatasi kerusakan dalam software mirip dengan Bootloop / Stuck on Logo, Screen Lock, Pattern Lock, Dead after flash, error system dll.

Cara Flash Nokia 3 TA-1032

Untu cara Flash Nokia 3 TA-1032 terdapat beberapa cara, tergantung dari jenis firmware yang dipakai, Untuk .nb0 memakai OST (Online Service Tool), serta Untuk scatter file bisa memakai SP-FlashTool atau MTK Tool lainnya.

Nb0 ada file Official Nokia, sedangkan Scatter file merupakan yang akan terjadi extract / Unpact dari nb0, buat kamu yang kesulitan Menemukan Password DA (Download Agent) & lk Service, telah aku sertakan Password di pada (Custom Password)

Firmware Nokia 3 nb0
Type: ROM Size: 1.6GB
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 1.5GB
Download via Google Drive

NE1-147C-UAE-0-00WW-B01.nb0.zipType: ROM Size: 1.5GB
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Nokia 3 Scatter
Type: ROM Size: 1.6GB
Password: fIrmwaRe27
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 1.5GB
Password: fIrmwaRe27
Download via Google Drive

NE1-147C-UAE-0-00WW-B01_Scatter.zipType: ROM Size: 1.5GB
Password: fIrmwaRe27
Download via Google Drive

Official Firmware Nokia 2 QFIL & Nb0 File

Firmware Nokia 2 TA-1029
Free Download Official Firmware NOKIA 2 TA-1029 Global & NOKIA 2 TA-1035, untuk mengatasi semua masalah software seperti Bootloop / Stuck on Logo, Brick Mati total / Dead after flash, Screen Lock, Pattern Lock dll.
Tutorial / Cara Flash Nokia TA-1029 / TA-1035 memakai OST, QFIL, Miflash atau qualcomm tool lainnya.

Ada firmware Official dan ada pula Firmware akibat Backup, meskipun hasil backup sudah admin test menggunakan Miflash, Tapi buat menjaga hal yang tidak di inginkan silahkan lakukan backup sebelum melakukan flashing.
Jika perangkat kamu mengalami Mati Total setelah melakukan Factory reset jangan dulu lakukan flashing, sebaiknya coba dulu buka serta pasang batre seperti yang pernah admin alami, tapi kamu harus buka baut buat melakukannya.
Untuk masuk ke Mode qdloader qualcomm hs-usb 9008 yang admin lakukan merupakan menekan Volume Up + Down + Power + Sambungkan USB edl, maka secara otomatis perangkat masuk ke mode 9008

Firmware Nokia 2 nb0

Type: ROM Size: 1.3GB
Download via Google Drive

Firmware NOKIA 2 QFIL
Type: ROM Size: 1.2GB
SoC: MSM8909
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 1.3GB
Download via Google Drive

Firmware NOKIA 2 TA-1029 Backup CM2
Type: ROM Size: 1.2GB
Download via Google Drive

Official Firmware Nokia 6 QFIL & Nb0 File

Free Download Official Firmware NOKIA 6 TA-1000, Untuk mengatasi semua masalah software mirip dengan Bootloop / Stuck on Logo, Screen Lock, Pattern Lock, FRP, Mati Total / Dead after Flash dll.

Cara Flash Nokia 6

Untuk cara Flash Nokia 6 ada beberapa cara tergantung dari jenis firmware yg Digunakan, Untuk jenis firmware nb0 memakai OST (Online Service Tool), sedangkan Untuk QFIL File menggunakan QFIL atau Qualcomm Tool sejenis nya.

Nb0 adalah Official Firmware dari Nokia, Sedangkan QFIL File adalah akibat extract dari nb0, admin juga sudah menyertakan Password buat appsboot sercvice (custom password) yang di protect oleh Nokia.

Firmware Nokia 6 nb0
Type: ROM Size: 1.9GB
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Nokia QFIL File
Type: ROM Size: 1.9GB
Download via Google Drive

Type: ROM Size 1.7GB
md5: 00598d4f2b4ae3ea035e4cdecbad8719

ANDROID ROM detected:
platform: msm8937, cpu abi: arm64-v8a
manufacturer: FIH
board: MSM8937, name: TA-1000_00WW
brand: Nokia, model: TA-1000
build id: NMF26F, version: 7.1.1 (00CN_3_17B)
build description: TA-1000_00WW-user 7.1.1 NMF26F 00CN_3_17B release-keys

[nokia] Firmware Unbrick Nokia X2 RM-1013 Via Qfil

Free Download firmware Nokia X2 RM-1013, Untuk mengatasi Mati / dead after qdloader qualcomm hs-usb 9008, atau ingin melakukan penggantian eMMC.
Cara flash Nokia X2 RM-1013 menggunakan QFIL, Miflash atau qualcomm tool lainnya.

Cara ini tak menjamin sanggup mengembalikan kondisi perangkat menjadi normal, karena tergantung dari kondisi eMMC, jika eMMC telah tidak layak pakai, maka kemungkinan besar cara ini tidak akan berhasil.

Jika perangkat kamu tak konek, maka anda wajib melakukan test point bersama cara sambungkan CMD ke Ground mirip dengan pada gambar


Sambungkan USB ke PC dan pastikan telah detek qdloader qualcomm hs-usb 9008, apabila sudah terhubung putuskan sambungan CMD ke ground tersebut.

Selanjutnya Download Firmware Nokia RM-1013 Kemudian extract dan lakukan Rename pada rm1013_2.1.0.12_059V787_001_rawprogram_unsparse_ui.xml jadi rawprogram_unsparse.xml
Dan ubah pula P12026702_label_layout.xml jadi patch0.xml.

Selanjutnya buka QFIL serta pilih Browse, arahkan ke folder firmware yang tersebut yang tersebut telah di download dan pilih firehose.

Tahap sepanjutnya klik Load XML kemudian pilih Rawprogram_unsparse.xml dan patch0.xml
Jika sudah klik download buat memulai flashing, serta tunggu hingga proses flashing selesai

Official Firmware NOKIA 7 Plus

Free Download Official Firmware NOKIA 7 Plus TA-1046, NOKIA 7 Plus TA-1062 QFIL File & nb0, Mengatasi kerusakan Software mirip dengan Bootloop / Stuck on Logo, Screen Lock, Pattern Lock, FRP, error System, mati total / dead after flash.

Tutorial / Cara Flash Nokia 7+

Ada beberapa cara untuk menggunakan flashing NOKIA 7 Plus, tergantung dari jenis firmware yang dijalankan, Untuk jenis nb0 menggunakan OST (Online Service Tool), serta Untuk jenis QFIL file Menggunakan QFIL atau Qualcomm Tool sejenis nya.

Nb0 adalah Official firmware dari Nokia, serta buat QFIL file hasil extract dari nb0, buat jenis QFIL file telah di sediakan password buat appsboot_service.mbn.

Firmware Nokia 7 Plus nb0
Type: ROM Size: 2.1GB
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 2.2GB
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Nokia 7 Plus QFIL
Type: ROM Size: 2.1GB
Password: fIrmwaRe27
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 2.2GB
Password: fIrmwaRe27
Download via Google Drive

Official Firmware NOKIA 8

Free download Official firmware Nokia 8 QFIL & nb0, Mengatasi kerusakan dalam software mirip dengan Bootloop / Stuck on Logo, Screen Lock, Pattern Lock, FRP, error System, dead after flash dll.

Varian Nokia 8
Nokia 8 TA-1004 DS 4/64
NOKIA 8 TA-1012 SS 4/64
Nokia 8 TA-1004 DS 6/128
NOKIA 8 TA-1012 SS 6/128
NOKIA 8 TA-1052 DS 4/64

Tutorial / Cara Flash Nokia 8

Cara Flash NOKIA 8 ada beberapa cara, tergantung dari jenis firmware yg dipakai, buat jenis nb0 memakai OST (Online Service Tool), serta buat jenis QFIL File menggunakan QFIL atau Qualcomm Tool sejenis nya.

Nb0 adalah official firmware dari NOKIA, sedangkan QFIL File adalah hasil extract dari nb0, untuk jenis QFIL File sudah di sediakan Password appsboot_service.mbn.

Firmware Nokia 8 nb0
Type: ROM Size: 2GB
via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 2GB
via Google Drive

NB1-435J-0-00WW-B01.nb0.zipType: ROM Size: 2GB
via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 2.2GB
via Google Drive

Firmware NOKIA 8 QFIL File
Type: ROM Size: 2GB
Password: fIrmwaRe27
via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 2GB
Password: fIrmwaRe27
via Google Drive

NB1-435J-0-00WW-B01_QFIL.zipType: ROM Size: 2GB
Password: fIrmwaRe27
via Google Drive
NB1-309A-0-00WW-B01_QFIL.zipType: ROM Size: 2.2GB
Password: fIrmwaRe27
via Google Drive

Firehose Onlyprog_ufs_firehose_8998_ddr.zipDownload

Official Firmware NOKIA 5 QFIL & Nb0 File

Free Official Fitmware NOKIA 5 TA-1053 DS 2/16, NOKIA 5 TA-1024 SS 2/16, NOKIA 5 TA-1044 DS 2/16, NOKIA 5 TA-1027 SS 2/16, Mengatasi kerusakan Software mirip dengan Bootloop / Stuck on Logo, Screen Lock, Pattern Lock, FRP, meninggal total / dead after flash dll.

Tutorial / Cara Flash NOKIA 5

Ada beberapa cara melakukan flashing Nokia 5 yaitu tergantung dari jenis firmware yg dipakai, Untuk jenis nb0 memakai OST (Online Service Tool), dan buat Qfil file menggunakan QFIL atau Tool sejenis lainnya.

Nb0 merupakan Official firmware dari NOKIA, sedangkan QFIL file merupakan akibat extract dari nb0 firmware, Untuk jenis QFIL file sudah admin sertakan Password buat appsboot_service, karena memang dari nb0 nya di protect beserta Password.

Firmware Nokia 5 nb0
Type: ROM Size: 1.8GB
via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 1.8GB
via Google Drive

Firmware Nokia 5 QFIL File
Type: ROM Size: 1.8GB
Password: fIrmwaRe27
via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 1.8GB
Password: fIrmwaRe27
via Google Drive

Firehose Onlyprog_emmc_firehose_8937_lite.zipDownload

Official Firmware Nokia 3 Scatter & Nb0

Free Download official Firmware NOKIA 3 TA-1032 DS, NOKIA 3 TA-1020 SS, NOKIA 3 TA-1028 SS, NOKIA 3 TA-1038 DS, mengatasi kerusakan dalam software mirip dengan Bootloop / Stuck on Logo, Screen Lock, Pattern Lock, Dead after flash, error system dll.

Cara Flash Nokia 3 TA-1032

Untu cara Flash Nokia 3 TA-1032 ada beberapa cara, tergantung dari jenis firmware yang digunakan, Untuk .nb0 memakai OST (Online Service Tool), serta Untuk scatter file sanggup memakai SP-FlashTool atau MTK Tool lainnya.

Nb0 terdapat file Official Nokia, sedangkan Scatter file merupakan yang akan terjadi extract / Unpact dari nb0, buat anda yang kesulitan Menemukan Password DA (Download Agent) & lk Service, telah aku sertakan Password di dalam (Custom Password)

Firmware Nokia 3 nb0
Type: ROM Size: 1.6GB
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 1.5GB
Download via Google Drive

NE1-147C-UAE-0-00WW-B01.nb0.zipType: ROM Size: 1.5GB
Download via Google Drive

Firmware Nokia 3 Scatter
Type: ROM Size: 1.6GB
Password: fIrmwaRe27
Download via Google Drive
Type: ROM Size: 1.5GB
Password: fIrmwaRe27
Download via Google Drive

NE1-147C-UAE-0-00WW-B01_Scatter.zipType: ROM Size: 1.5GB
Password: fIrmwaRe27
Download via Google Drive

Nokia 6.1 Plus Firmware Download

Nokia 6.1 Plus Download

Nokia 6.1 Plus Download - Nokia 6.1 Plus seems like an apparent development over its predecessor. It has a tremendous configuration which can tackle any task and paintings easily. The first-rate of the display will also please users at the same time as looking movies and gambling video games. Just a higher battery potential may want to make it a flexible participant within the mid-variety.
Nokia 6.1 Plus is a thin device with display without a frame. IPS LCD display seems with 5.8 inches has a resolution of one,080 x 2,280 pixels and pixel density for sharp 435ppi with a view to provide you with the look that sharp. It has an element ratio of 19:9 so that you can maximize the display so it makes it look greater fantastic. Nokia 6.1 Plus Download - The screen has been blanketed by using Corning Gorilla Glass so that it will make certain unaffected by means of small scratches.
this tool is geared up with a processor octa-middle (1.8 GHz, quad-middle, Kryo 260 + 1.6 GHz, quad-core, Kryo 260) that were organized on Qualcomm's Snapdragon chipset 636. The procedure is dealt with by the 509 Adreno GPU blended, that can offer speedy performance. The presence of the 4 GB RAM will be enough to play the sport excessive-stop multitasking and preserve going for walks easily.
This tool has a pair of an outstanding rear camera has lens 16MP + 5MP with twin coloration LED Flash, to be able to click the photo is brilliant and riveting. In the front, there's a 16MP snapper can seize crystal clean quality images on the way to delight lovers of the selfie. For garage, it's miles prepared with a integrated 64 GB. It additionally has expandable memory slot as much as 400 GB thru a microSD card.
Nokia 6.1 Plus comes with a Li-ion battery 3, 060mAh. This might make a very good backup for a mild user. It is equipped with Quick Charging v3.0 to be able to recharge time without strength. For connectivity, the device has 4 g aid VoLTE. Other connectivity alternatives which includes Wi-Fi 802.11, Mobile Hotspot V5.0, A-GPS and so forth.

Nokia 6.1 Plus Download

This is the legit web page, from which you could down load Nokia 6.1 Plus Download (flash record) for your Computer. After Downloading the, observe the practise manual to flash the to your device.

File Name: 
File Size: 2 GB
Link: Download

File Name: 
File Size: 2 GB
Link: Download

File Name: 
File Size: 2 GB
Link: Download

  • Backup: we suggest you to take a backup of your private statistics before posting flash Stock because flashing removes personal data from the device.
  • Original: we only serve the unique that turned into launched via the organisation and we experiment each our with Eset Internet Security before uploading online

How to Flash Nokia 6.1 Plus 

  1. Download and Install Qualcomm USB driver
  2. Download QFIL Tools then extracted documents.
  3. Turn off your phone.
  4. Now connect your phone to the PC the use of the EDL cable while maintaining the Volume button Up. 
  5. Next, run the  "QFIL ". 
  6. After the QFIL is open ensure your cellular phone has detected the PC displaying "Qualcomm HS USB-9008 QDLoader " in QFIL equipment, if it's far already such now click Browse and discover the document  "prog_emmc_firehose_8916mbn. " this is in the folder extract effects the, then click Open. 
  7. Now click "Load XML  " and could appear " rawprogram_unsparse " click on Open inside the record then it's going to display up again the record  "patch0.xml " click on open again. 
  8. Now click  "Download " on QFIL and the process of flashing will wait till it's miles finished walking.
  9. If the flashing procedure is finished, the cellular phone will boot automatically 

"Thanks a lot for visiting on our Blog. Let me recognize if the hyperlink is damaged or Nokia 6.1 Plus Download isn't operating thoroughly"

Nokia 5.1 Plus Firmware Download

Nokia 5.1 Plus Download

Nokia 5.1 Plus Download - Nokia 5.1 Plus is an amazing device according with the benchmark set with the aid of the company's Finland with the preceding model. It may have all of the functions in store. Right from the front of the processing to garage capacity, it has all of the bases blanketed. In addition, the digicam has an great pair of cameras that have a great overall performance in phrases of pictures and videography. The most effective factor that is missing is the backup battery, which is not pretty sufficient. Overall, if a battery isn't always a massive trouble-less, you may pick out a Nokia 5.1 Plus.
Nokia 5.1 Plus brings HD display screen + 5.86 inches display with a resolution of 720 x 1.520 pixels pixel density is followed by way of 287 PPI, which provides to the sharpness of the show. HD + resolution produces a very good visual look. Nokia 5.1 Plus Download - The aspect of the digital camera the tool comes with a 5MP digicam 13MP and sit inside the back and later assisted with LED flash. A placing camera able to supplying clean pix and clear. Front digicam 8MP is a delicacy for customers because it affords a very good selfie.
The tool's overall performance was led with the aid of a pair of quad-core 2 GHz processor (Cortex Cortex + A53 A73) plus with 3 GB of RAM is reasonably clean to deal with multitasking wishes. For games and different photographs necessities, furnished with the snap shots processor of the Mali-G72 MP3. The complete configuration is inside the Helio MediaTek chipset P60.
The person's storage wishes are met by internal 32 GB storage capacity which can be similarly accelerated right into a 128 GB and consequently with the ability of such storage, customers don't want to fear about walking out of garage space.   
The facet of the battery the device is equipped with a Li-ion battery 3, 060mAh, which presents battery backup on average. This handset comes with a certain popular of connectivity options like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS v4.2.

Nokia 5.1 Plus Download

This is the professional web page, from which you could download Nokia 5.1 Plus Download (flash report) on your Computer. After Downloading the, follow the training manual to flash the to your device.

File Name: 
File Size: 2 GB
Link: Download

File Name: 
File Size: 2 GB
Link: Download

File Name: 
File Size: 2 GB
Link: Download


  • Backup: we propose you to take a backup of your private statistics earlier than posting flash Stock because flashing removes personal records from the tool.
  • Original: we handiest serve the unique that became released by way of the enterprise and we test every our with Eset Internet Security earlier than importing online

How to Flash Nokia 5.1 Plus 

  1. Download SP Flash Tools
  2. Install USB drivers «VCOM
  3. Run application Sp flash device v5
  4. Once the software opens, click the Scaaterloading then search documents which are inside the goal folder (MT_Android_scatter), after which click open
  5. Switch off  the cellphone 
  6. Click Download
  7. Connect your cellular phone for your PC the use of the USB cable
  8. If requested driver navigate to the C Drive and pick Windows usb_driver >
  9. After the flash device can come across development then the down load will take a few minutes
  10. During the development, don't attempt a cell telephone disconnection from the PC decided
  11. Please wait till the development accomplished and are usually marked with Download Ok
  12. Completed. Read More: How to Flash Android Using SP Flash Tools

"Thanks plenty for traveling on our Blog. Let me know if the hyperlink is damaged or Nokia 5.1 Plus Download isn't always running very well"